HomeA Matter of Design. Making Society through Science and Technology
A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science and Technology
5th Conference of Italian Society of Science
Published on Monday, February 03, 2014
The 5th STS Italia Conference will be held in Milan, Italy, June 12 through 14, 2014, by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano Doctoral School in Design. The conference is an opportunity to present empirical and theoretical work from a variety of disciplines and fields (sociology, anthropology, law, philosophy, design, psychology, semiotics, history, and economics, etc.). It focuses on diverse aspects of the social study of innovation processes, technology, science and design. The 5th STS Italia Conference theme is design processes.
The conference is an opportunity to present empirical and theoretical work from a variety of disciplines and fields (sociology, anthropology, law, philosophy, design, psychology, semiotics, history, and economics, etc.). It focuses on diverse aspects of the social study of innovation processes, technology, science and design.
The 5th STS Italia Conference theme is design processes. Design, on the one hand, is a process that gives rise both to artifacts and to their accompanying social networks, those that are brought about by the artifacts as well as those that make the artifacts possible. On the other hand, design processes cannot be explained as the result of independent, rational choices by isolated individuals, whether designers, producers or users. They are, rather, collective processes in which humans and nonhumans interact. When science and technology studies meet the latest design thinking, new scenarios and new perspectives arise for both these research communities. This occurs – as the many thematic sessions of the conference reveal – in studying communication tools, workplaces, robotics, innovation processes, smart fibers, medical products or even the human body.
We are delighted to announce that the confirmed keynote speakers will be:
- Kjetil Fallan (University of Oslo)
- Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard University)
- Elisabeth Shove (Lancaster University)
- Charis Thompson (London School of Economics)
- February 15, 2014: Deadline for abstract submission
- March 15, 2014: Authors notified of abstract acceptance or rejection
- April 30, 2014: Closing date for registrations
- May 10, 2014: Deadline for paper submission (to be included in the proceedings)
- May 15, 2014: Publication of final conference program
The conference is articulated in 24 autonomous thematic sessions (tracks), each one focussing on a different topic and organized in 6 main areas of interest.
Submission guidelines
Abstracts with a maximum length of 500 words, unless otherwise indicated in the specific track.
They must include title, author'™s name, affiliation, e-mail address and should be sent in the language of the track in which you wish to participate.
In the case of bilingual sessions, the abstract should be written in the language (Italian or English) in which you want to present your paper.
Abstracts must be submitted through the conference website form by February 15, 2014.
Communications of acceptance or rejection to authors will be sent by March 15, 2014.
In order to submit abstracts, author(s) need to have their own account at the conference website. If you do not have the account yet, please create it.
Open Track: Open track welcomes papers that respond to the main purpose of the conference, but do not fit within any of the thematic sessions.
The Scientific Committee will nominate session chairs for this track before the publication of final conference program.
PhD Student Poster Session: A poster session for PhD students is being organized as part of the conference. Instructions on how to participate to this session are available from the list of thematic sessions.
PhD students who wish to present their contribution as a paper can send it to one of the other thematic sessions.
Conference proceedings
Authors who have been scheduled for a presentation are eligible for inclusion in the conference proceedings by submitting the final version of their paper (excepting any changes requested by the editors) by May 10, 2014.
PhD students who are presenting in the poster session can also submit their contribution as a paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings by the same deadline.
Further information on the conference on: www.stsitalia.org/conferences/ocs/ and www.stsitalia.org | Twitter : @stsitalia
- Sociology (Main category)
- Society > History > Industrial history
- Society > Sociology > Sociology of consumption
- Periods > Modern
- Mind and language > Representation
- Milan, Italian Republic
- Saturday, February 15, 2014
Attached files
- sociologie des techniques, sociologie des sciences, sociologie du corps, design
- Marina Maestrutti
courriel : marina [dot] maestrutti [at] univ-paris1 [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Marina Maestrutti
courriel : marina [dot] maestrutti [at] univ-paris1 [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science and Technology », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, February 03, 2014, https://doi.org/10.58079/pca