Published on Thursday, March 13, 2014
Organized in conjunction with the 150° anniversary of the death of Giacomo Meyerbeer, this conference aims to celebrate this composer as well as the development of French Grand opéra after 1831 (the year of Robert le diable). Meyerbeer’s theatrical production system estabilished a Grand opéra model in France and abroad that promoted the reputationy of Parisian productions. The Meyerbeerian standard was assimilated particularly in Germany and Italy; but it also provoked severe criticism, sometimes related to extra-operatic issues such as the composer’s Jewish origin.
The Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini of Lucca, the Palazzetto Bru Zane – Centre de musique romantique française of Venice and the Association Amici di Groppoli are pleased to invite submissions of proposals for the symposium «Meyerbeer and French Grand opéra», to be held in Pistoia, Biblioteca Comunale Forteguerriana, from Friday 12 until Sunday 14 September 2014.
Organized in conjunction with the 150° anniversary of the death of Giacomo Meyerbeer, this conference aims to celebrate this composer as well as the development of French Grand opéra after 1831 (the year of Robert le diable).
Meyerbeer’s theatrical production system estabilished a Grand opéra model in France and abroad that promoted the reputationy of Parisian productions. The Meyerbeerian standard was assimilated particularly in Germany and Italy; but it also provoked severe criticism, sometimes related to extra-operatic issues such as the composer’s Jewish origin.
The conference is open to a range of paper proposals, but the scientific committee would particularly welcome studies of the following:
- Eugène Scribe and the Libretto of the Parisan Grand opéra
- Giacomo Meyerbeer: Philology, Drama and Musical Structure
- Véron, Duponchel, Cicéri and the Development of Parisian mise en scène
- Livrets de mise en scène and the Notation of the Staging at the Opéra
- Meyerbeer’s Singers and Their Relationship with His Operas
- Influence and Legacy of Meyerbeers’s Grand opera
- Meyerbeer – Berlioz – Wagner: Convergences and Mutual Influences
- Scenographies for Meyerbeer’s Operas
- The Twentieth-Century Revival of Meyerbeer’s Works
Programme Commitee
- Roberto Illiano, Lucca
- Étienne Jardin, Paris/Venice
- Jürgen Maehder, Berlin
- Fulvia Morabito, Lucca
- Michela Niccolai, Paris
- Massimiliano Sala, Bergamo
Keynote Speakers
- Mark Everist (University of Southampton)
- Jürgen Maehder (Freie Universität Berlin)
Submission guidelines
The official languages of the conference will be English, French, German and Italian. Papers selected for presentation at the conference will be published in a miscellaneous volume.
Papers are limited to twenty minutes in length, allowing time for questions and discussion.
Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words and one page of biography. All proposals should be emailed to: <mailto: > by no later than ***Sunday 16 March 2014***. With your proposal please include your name, contact details (postal address, e-mail and telephone number) and (if applicable) your affiliation.
The committee will make its final decisions on the abstracts by the end of April, and contributors will be informed immediately thereafter. Further information about the programme, registration, travel and accommodation will be announced after that date.
For any additional information, please contact:
See more at:
- Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini (Lucca)
- Palazzetto Bru Zane - Centre de musique romantique française (Venice)
- Associazione Amici di Groppoli, Pistoia
in collaboration with Pistoia all'Opera
12-14 September 2014
Pistoia, Biblioteca Comunale Forteguerriana
- Pistoia, Italian Republic
- Sunday, March 16, 2014
- Meyerbeer, Grand opéra, scribe, mise en scène
- Etienne Jardin
courriel : ej [at] bru-zane [dot] com
Reference Urls
Information source
- Etienne Jardin
courriel : ej [at] bru-zane [dot] com
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Meyerbeer and French Grand opéra », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, March 13, 2014,