Home25th Annual Conference : European Society for Social Drug Research

Home25th Annual Conference : European Society for Social Drug Research

25th Annual Conference : European Society for Social Drug Research

XXVe conférence de la European Society for Social Drug Research

*  *  *

Published on Thursday, May 22, 2014


L’ESSD (« European Society for Social Drug Research »), fondée en 1990, est une association européenne de chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales sur le phénomène des drogues. Son objectif principal est de promouvoir la recherche sur les addictions et les substances psychoactives en Europe. La société organise une conférence et publie un ouvrage scientifique de façon annuelle. Cette année, qui marque la XXVe édition du colloque s’intéressera au développement des « New Psychoactives Substances » (NPS), des méthodologies de recherche par internet, des enjeux éthiques et de l’importance des flux migratoires en Europe.



Main themes

The accepted abstracts will conform to one of the following themes:

1. NEW DRUGS Every year the arrival of dozens ‘new’ drugs are reported from across Europe. To what extent are these substances actually used? What are patterns of use? Who are the users? In which settings are these drugs being used? What are the reasons for use? How do users incorporate new substances in their existing drugusing repertoires? What role does the Internet play in the distribution of new substances?

2. DRUG MARKETS How are drug markets organized, maintained and managed? Do various drug markets differ between types of drugs? To what extent are drug markets dependent on established, legal markets and other societal functions? What is the role of the Internet in different drug markets? How do drugs ordered through the Internet reach people (individual users or low-level dealers)?

3. DRUGS OVER THE LIFE COURSE Life course theory distinguishes various trajectories in criminal behaviour. What can we learn from life course theory with regard to drug use? Most drug use is limited to adolescence and early adulthood, but some groups continue to use drugs over a long period of time. Which factors and circumstances (e.g. life events) play a role in the continuation and discontinuation of drug use? Is discontinuation a gradual process (‘maturing out’) rather than a clearly defined shift? Are specific drugs associated with specific stages in life?

4. METHODOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES IN DRUG RESEARCH What are recent and good methodological examples in drug research? What are the experiences with online interviewing, virtual ethnography, online focus groups, etc.? Are these methods really innovative or rather ‘old wine in new bottles’? Can they replace traditional methods such as participant observation, in-depth interviews or ethnographical fieldwork?

5. DRUG POLICY Drug policy is often studied at the national level. However, drug policy may develop in different ways when implemented at the local level. What is the relationship between local, national and/or European policies? What is the state of the art regarding decriminalisation efforts and initiatives to move beyond the international treaties and the traditional repressive models? What is the scientific support for alternative forms of regulating drug use? All themes: papers on qualitative studies are particularly welcome. 

Submission guidelines


  1. Theme (from the list on the previous page)
  2. Title of the paper
  3. Author(s): name(s), qualification(s), job title(s)
  4. Contact details: full postal address, telephone and fax numbers, email address
  5. Abstract (not more than 400 words), including objectives, methodology, significant results and conclusions
  6. Technical equipment required for the presentation

ESSD members and other researchers who wish to attend the 25th Annual Conference are invited to submit abstracts of their conference papers no later than

30th of April, 2014.

Abstracts should be sent to m.wouters1@uva.nl If you wish to attend the conference without presenting a paper please contact Didier Acier: didier.acier@univ-nantes.fr

For any other information regarding the conference, please do not hesitate to contact Didier Acier as well.Presentations should preferably include a European dimension (such as reporting on research or issues from more than one European country and comparisons between data from European studies), and theoretical reflections in the case of empirical studies. Presentations restricted to the description of interventions or (local) policies will not be accepted. Each presentation lasts for 15 minutes (time for discussion not included).

ABSTRACT REVIEW Abstracts will be reviewed using the following criteria: Relevance to the conference themes European dimension Theoretical reflections Added value with respect to earlier contributions at ESSD conferences In general, not more than two presentations from members of the same institute or affiliation will be accepted. Acceptance of papers and confirmation of attendance will be distributed by mid-June 2014. Participants are very welcome to bring copies of their full papers and other material for distribution at the conference.

Scientific committee


The annual ESSD conferences always take place in close collaboration with local organisers; this year’s local organiser will be Didier Acier at:

  • Laboratoire de Psychologie des Pays de la Loire

Faculty of Psychology, University of Nantes, France

Further information regarding accommodation etc. will be announced shortly at: www.essd-research.eu



  • Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Attached files


  • drogue, trajectoire, usage, méthodologie, substances psychoactives


  • Didier Acier
    courriel : rite44700 [at] gmail [dot] com

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Didier Acier
    courriel : rite44700 [at] gmail [dot] com


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« 25th Annual Conference : European Society for Social Drug Research », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, May 22, 2014, https://doi.org/10.58079/q12

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