HomeInnovative Teaching Methods and Practices in Digital Humanities
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Published on Wednesday, July 02, 2014


Despite numerous efforts to formally train students and researchers in the wide-ranging field of Digital Humanities, "scholarship in this area has tended to focus on research methods, theories and results rather than critical pedagogy and the actual practice of teaching" (Hirsch 2012). One of the most important questions facing our field today remains whether we can – in both theoretical and practical terms – pursue not only new ways of thinking about the humanities, but also new ways of teaching and interacting with students as part of our core professional activity.


Despite numerous efforts to formally train students and researchers in the wide-ranging field of Digital Humanities, "scholarship in this area has tended to focus on research methods, theories and results rather than critical pedagogy and the actual practice of teaching” (Hirsch 2012). One of the most important questions facing our field today remains whether we can — in both theoretical and practical terms — pursue not only new ways of thinking about the humanities, but also new ways of teaching and interacting with students as part of our core professional activity.

The Virtual Competency Centre 2: Research and Education Liaison of the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH-EU) hereby invites contributions showcasing innovative teaching methods and concepts to be presented and discussed at a full-day workshop on July 7, 2014, at the Digital Humanities Conference in Lausanne 2014.

With this workshop, we would like to encourage the participants - and, consequently, the DH community at large - to share their thoughts and ideas on how the development of a digital pedagogy for digital humanities should proceed. We would like to explore how DH processes and challenges that emerge out of building tools, developing projects and using computational methods to analyze data, influence ways in which we engage students, and whether this engagement can, should and does in fact lead to epistemological turns and pedagogical transformations.

The workshop will be divided into two sessions:

  • Showcasing best practices for teaching and learning DH

In the morning session, participants will have the opportunity to present their ideas and/or actual teaching methods and materials.

  • Challenges in DH pedagogy

The afternoon session will provide a forum for the participants to discuss the most prominent challenges and issues in (digital) teaching of DH as well as the necessary next steps in promoting DH through digital pedagogy.

Submission Guidelines

We are looking for proposals from both long-time practitioner of DH and recent adopters with innovative ideas, methods and interest in digital humanities pedagogy. We are looking for thoughtful and creative contributions that will be surprising, enlightening and inspirational. We are interested not only in what works but also what doesn't – and what we can learn from failed experiments.

Proposals should consist of an abstract of up to 500 words and a short bio which should be submitted by e-mail to: zim@uni-graz.at

The submission deadline is April 13.

The proposals will be evaluated and selected by a program committee of international experts. The length allocated to each contribution (10-15 minutes) will be decided by the program committee, depending on the number of contributions and the strength of the proposals.

Notifications regarding the acceptance of proposals will be sent out by May 12.

Workshop Conveners

  • Claire Clivaz (Switzerland)
  • Walter Scholger (Austria)
  • and Toma Tasovac (Serbia)

Program Committee

  • Agiati Benardou (Greece)
  • Marianne Huang (Denmark)
  • Aurélien Berra (France)
  • Matt Munson (Germany)
  • Kristoffer Nielbo (Denmark)
  • Johanna Puhl (Germany)
  • Stefania Scagliola (Netherlands)
  • Susan Schreibman (Ireland)
  • and Manfred Thaller (Germany)


  • Lausanne, Switzerland


  • Sunday, April 13, 2014


  • DH pedagogy

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Anne Joly
    courriel : anne [dot] joly [at] lacontemporaine [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Innovative Teaching Methods and Practices in Digital Humanities », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, July 02, 2014, https://doi.org/10.58079/qkl

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