HomeComparative environmental law week
Lecture seriesModern
Comparative environmental law week
Semaine du droit comparé de l'environnement
Published on Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Today, the protection of the environment has become a global challenge. Even if international law plays a keyrole in that field, monitoring the different national environmental laws systems turns to be essential in order to assess the efficiency of those frameworks and their ability to be exported. In this regard, Aix-Marseille University is holding the « Environmental comparative law week » from 24 to 28 november 2014. This event is organized by the CERIC (Center for International and European and Studies and Research) and its environmental comparative law pole, and is also supported by the AMIDEX label awarded to the Master of International and European Environmental Law. It will lead to a series of conferences whereseveral national specialists in environmental law will analyze an original environmental principle existing within their national regimes. Themes to be adressed in both French and English are: the compensation of ecological damage, the precautionaryprinciple and its consequences in civil liability law, the industrial environmental law, thesources and principles of environmental law and the prevention of damage in the environmental field.
Monday november 24th
2 PM-5 PM
The compensation of ecological damage
- Yao-Ming Hsu (Associate professor, School of of Law, National Cheng-Chi University, Taipei),
- Barbara Pozzo (Professor at the University of Insubria, Como),
- Pilar Moraga (Professor at the University of Chili)
Tuesday november 25th
10 AM- 4 PM
The precautionary principle and its consequences in civil liability law
- Sandrine Maljean-Dubois (Senior Researcher on the CNRS, director of the CERIC, Aix-Marseille University)
- Yao-Ming Hsu (Associate professor, School of Law, National Cheng-Chi University
- Wen-wei Chen (PHD student, Taipei),
- Barbara Pozzo (Professor at the University of Milano),
- Tadashi Otsuka (Professor at Waseda University, Tokyo)
- Carina Oliveira (Professor at the University of Brasilia)
Wednesday November 26th
9 AM-12 AM
The industrial environmental law
- Francis Haumont (Lawyer at the Brussels and Nice Bar, extraordinary Professor at the University of Louvain)
- Moritz Reese (Professor at the University of Leipzig)
- Tadashi Otsuka (Professor at Waseda University, Tokyo)
Thursday november 27th
2 PM-5 PM
The sources and principles of environmental law
- Carina Oliveira (Professor at the University of Brasilia)
- Moritz Reese (Professor at the University of Leipzig)
Friday november 28th
2 PM-5 PM
The prevention of damage in the environmental field
- Katsumi Yoshida (Professor at Waseda University, Tokyo)
- Carina Oliveira (Professor at the University of Brasilia)
- Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), Faculté de droit et de science politique (FDSP), Salle des Actes - 3 avenue Robert Schuman
Aix-en-Provence, France (13)
- Monday, November 24, 2014
- Tuesday, November 25, 2014
- Wednesday, November 26, 2014
- Thursday, November 27, 2014
- Friday, November 28, 2014
Attached files
- environnement, droit comparé, préjudice écologique, principe de précaution, prévention, dommage écologique
- Eve Truilhé-Marengo
courriel : eve [dot] truilhe [at] gmail [dot] com - Mathilde Hautereau-Boutonnet
courriel : mathildeboutonnet [at] gmail [dot] com
Reference Urls
Information source
- Martine Perron
courriel : martine [dot] perron [at] univ-amu [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Comparative environmental law week », Lecture series, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, October 29, 2014, https://doi.org/10.58079/r6r