HomePanel interdisciplinaire « anthropology and heritage studies »
Panel interdisciplinaire « anthropology and heritage studies »
Conférence annuelle de l'ASA (Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth), 13-16 avril 2015, Exeter
Published on Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Ce panel a pour objectif de réunir des chercheurs d’horizons disciplinaires et professionnels différents (anthropologie, archéologie, cultural studies, muséologie, métiers du patrimoine...) afin de mener une réflexion interdisciplinaire sur les collaborations et fertilisations théoriques et méthodologiques entre l’anthropologie et les heritage studies. Nous nous interrogerons également sur l'impact de nos recherches sur les publics, les perceptions et les savoirs indigènes, les politiques institutionnelles, et sur l'engagement social et éthique des chercheurs.
As a discipline that has traditionally been founded on concepts of culture and identity, anthropology has long been engaged in doing ethnography in heritage sites and on cultural objects and their relations with issues such as memory, belonging, identity, and indigenous knowledge. Over the past decades, heritage has increasingly drawn the attention of scholars from across various disciplines in a context of intensification and diversification of heritage practices both by state and non-state actors. The aim of this panel is to bring together scholars from various disciplines and professional backgrounds including anthropology, archaeology, cultural studies, museum studies and curatorship in order to foster interdisciplinary discussion and explore the shifting boundaries of anthropology and heritage studies. What forms can collaboration take across disciplines and between scholars and practitioners? How do scholars and especially anthropologists engage creatively with interdisciplinarity and professional practice for example in heritage management, museum practices and policy-making? How do innovative collaborations in and outside academia and the use of new technologies for heritage management impact on research methodologies and theorisation? What is the impact of our research on publics, indigenous perceptions and agency, institutional management of heritage and policies? How do we situate ourselves within these fields of practices and power? Should we develop new roles and engagements and how can we go about it?
We invite researchers to submit contributions that critically address these questions or any related issue dealing with interdisciplinarity, research innovations and new roles and engagements in the field of heritage studies.
Panel convenor
Stephanie Anna Loddo
Iris, EHESS (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences), Paris
Submission guidelines
All proposals must be made via the online form on the ASA15 conference website
Proposals must consist of:
- a paper title
- the name/s and email address/es of author/s
- a short abstract of fewer than 300 characters
- a long abstract of fewer than 250 words
The call for papers closes at midnight on 1st December 2014.
- Ethnology, anthropology (Main category)
- Mind and language > Representation > Cultural history
- Society > Ethnology, anthropology > Cultural anthropology
- Mind and language > Representation > History of art
- Mind and language > Representation > Heritage
- Mind and language > Representation > Cultural identities
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology > Archaeology
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology
- Exeter, Britain
- Monday, December 01, 2014
- heritage studies, patrimoine, interdisciplinarité
- Stéphanie Anna Loddo
courriel : stephanie [dot] loddo [at] ehess [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Stéphanie Anna Loddo
courriel : stephanie [dot] loddo [at] ehess [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Panel interdisciplinaire « anthropology and heritage studies » », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, November 26, 2014, https://doi.org/10.58079/rdb