HomeSociology, science against nature? "Methods" thematic network 20

Sociology, science against nature? "Methods" thematic network 20

La sociologie, une science contre nature ? Réseau thématique 20 « Méthodes »

6th congress of the Association française de sociologie

VIe congrès de l'Association française de sociologie

*  *  *

Published on Thursday, December 18, 2014


Le « réseau méthodes » s’est constitué en reconnaissant le caractère indissociable des résultats de la recherche sociologique et des démarches organisant cette recherche, des analyses produites et des modalités de leur production, des conclusions substantielles et des protocoles sous-jacents. Autrement dit, les méthodes ne constituent pas un secteur ou un domaine particulier de la discipline, mais une dimension transversale à toute production de recherche sociologique. Par ailleurs, il ne peut y avoir de discours de la méthode déconnecté de la recherche vivante, d’enquêtes à réaliser, de pratiques de la recherche scientifique en actes. Cette posture, qui affirme qu’il n’y a pas de sociologie sans investigation empirique construite, apparaît de plus en plus partagée.



The "Methods Section" (RT 20) of the French Sociological Association (AFS) has developed in acknowledging the inseparable character of sociological research results and the procedures involved in that research, of the analyses produced and the modalities of that production, of the substantive conclusions and subjacent research protocols.

Our objective for the 2015 Versailles-SQY Congress, as during previous congresses, is to establish a milieu of exchange and discussion in full respect of the methodological and sociological pluralism that has been affirmed since the foundation of our section.

In this perspective, the research questions that can be addressed are numerous. They can include contributions about:

  • survey research (questionnaire modes, interviews, ethnography, relations with respondents, video recordings, new modes of data collection, data traceability…);
  • levels of investigation (monograph studies, case studies, representative national studies, international comparisons…);
  • use of mixed methods (motivations, data-collection and analysis)
  • analysis of large-scale data sets and the elaboration of scientific argumentation and proof (sampling protocols, new developments and use of statistical techniques, computer programs for data analysis, archive analysis, secondary analysis of interviews...);
  • the current development of very large databases (consequences for the practice of statistical analysis, deontological aspects, data robustness);
  • registering of social temporalities (biographic perspectives, registering historical periods, heterogeneity of social time...);
  • the interpretation of information and results (aggregation, production of typologies, theorizing...), etc.

Within the sessions organised by the AFS Methods Section in Versailles-SQY, we primarily aim at developing discussions about sociological methodology and the aforementioned topics on the basis of presentations of concrete research activities and investigations. Proposals are also invited that emphasize “methodological innovation”, either by highlighting the innovative features in the research process they present, or by establishing a state-of-the-art review in a rapidly changing methodological domain.

Guidelines submission

January 12, 2015:

proposals should be received at and They should have a maximum length of 500 words and include title, abstract, name, academic affiliation and email adresses. Please indicate "RT20 proposition" as email object.

  • First half of February 2015 : notification of results.
  • February 28, 2015 : final program of sessions
  • March 8, 2015: final versions of abstracts (maximum length of 200 words) should be sent through the application form of AFS website.
  • May 31, 2015: communication text or slides should be sent to and


  • Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France (78)


  • Monday, January 12, 2015


  • enquête, interprétation, données, corpus, questionnaire, investigation empirique


  • Margot Delon
    courriel : margot [dot] delon [at] univ-nantes [dot] fr
  • Viviane Le Hay
    courriel : v [dot] le [dot] hay [at] sciencespobordeaux [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Margot Delon
    courriel : margot [dot] delon [at] univ-nantes [dot] fr


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« Sociology, science against nature? "Methods" thematic network 20 », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, December 18, 2014,

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