HomeEarly printed books: from the Gutenberg invention to the digital revolution

Early printed books: from the Gutenberg invention to the digital revolution

Les incunables : de l’invention de Gutenberg à la révolution numérique

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Published on Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Published before 1501, the first printed editions, known as incunabula, first captured the interest of booklovers, researchers, and librarians three centuries ago. Today, knowledge of the output from these first fifty years is more widespread as a result of national and international bibliographical research. An inventory of some 30,000 incunabular books has been compiled, representing around fifty million copies that circulated over a period of roughly fifty years. This summer school aims to increase the participants' awareness of the issues surrounding the description, cataloguing and digitisation of incunabula. It is intended to highlight the interest of a scientific approach, for example by focussing on the conditions in which they were produced and on their content, as well as by reconstructing their journey to the present day through the study of their bindings and marks of origin.


Biblissima Summer Course is organised by the Médiathèques d'Orléans in partnership with the Equipex Biblissima and the Centre d’Études supérieures de la Renaissance of Tours at  Médiathèque d’Orléans, Tuesday 7th to Saturday 11th July 2015


Published before 1501, the first printed editions, known as incunabula, first captured the interest of booklovers, researchers, and librarians three centuries ago. Today, knowledge of the output from these first fifty years is more widespread as a result of national and international bibliographical research. An inventory of some 30,000 incunabular books has been compiled, representing around fifty million copies that circulated over a period of roughly fifty years. This summer school aims to increase the participants' awareness of the issues surrounding the description, cataloguing and digitisation of incunabula. It is intended to highlight the interest of a scientific approach, for example by focussing on the conditions in which they were produced and on their content, as well as by reconstructing their journey to the present day through the study of their bindings and marks of origin.

The digitisation of the Catalogues Régionaux des Incunables (Regional Catalogues of Incunabula) of the Central-West region of France is undertaken by the CESR, at the initiative and with the support of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Communication, and as part of the Equipex Biblissima (partner project CRIICO, 2015).



  • Basic knowledge of Latin recommended. Course given in French.
  • Please bring a laptop computer.
  • Active participation: each participant will present his or her research and its context on the Tuesday afternoon with a poster as a visual aid, to be prepared in advance (minimum A3 size recommended, or a montage on a larger sheet). Notice boards will be available for participants.

Target Audience

  • Students: any French or international student who will hold a Master’s degree (minimum) by the beginning of the 2015-2016 academic year, or who can demonstrate similar research experience
  • Specialist librarians: this training course can be included in the training programme of the institution or the organisation with which you are affiliated

Course Programme

Tuesday 7th - Describing and Cataloguing Old Books

8:45-9:15 - Welcoming address and introduction
9:15-12:15 - How Books Were Produced in the 15th and 16th Centuries – Rémi Jimenes
13:45-15:45 - Cataloguing Books, from Yesterday to Today – Christine Bénévent, Olivier Morand
16:00-18:00 - Presentation of posters – Romuald Goudeseune

Wednesday 8th – Discovering the incunabula

9:00-12:00 - A Short History of Incunabula, from Gutenberg to the First Day of the Year 1501… - Pierre Aquilon, Frédéric Barbier
13:45-14:45 - Catalogues of Incunabula (ISTC, GW, CRI, CIBN…) - Pierre Aquilon
15:00-18:00 - Digitising Catalogues of Incunabula and Defining Records: Presentation and Practical Work - CRIICO team

Thursday 9th – The role of digitisation

9:00-12:45 - Digitisation – the Ideal Solution? - Catherine Angevelle, Florent Palluault
14:15-16:30 - The Example of the “Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes” - Marie-Luce Demonet, Rémi Jimenes, Toshinori Uetani
17:00-19:30 - Presentation of remarkable incunabula and practical work - Denis Bjaï, Marc-Edouard Gautier, Julie Sautel

Friday 10th – Characteristics of editions and sources

9:00-13:00 - Bindings and Signs of Origin - Isabelle de Conihout, Monique Hulvey
14:30-16:30 - Practical Work: Case Studies
17:00-18:00 - A Classic Example of Previous Owners in the Centre Region – CRIICO team

Saturday 11th – From the book to the virtual library

9:00-10:30 - Reconstruction of Medieval and Renaissance Libraries - Hanno Wijsman
10:45-12:30 - Some Special Cases: the Lauzières-Thémines Collection in Blois, the Collections from the Chezal-Benoist Convent in Bourges, the Library of the German Nation in Orléans - Pierre Aquilon, Bruno Guignard, Rémi Jimenes, Olivier Morand, Toshinori Uetani

Application procedure

Online application form

Application deadline: 30th April 2015

Selection based on application: minimum 10 participants, maximum 15
Selected participants will be contacted by email no later than 15th May 2015.

Accomodation and Meals

The course, accommodation and meals are completely free of charge for students. Travel costs as well as meals on Monday evening and Saturday noon are at the participants' expense.


Further information: contact.criico@univ-tours.fr


  • Médiathèque d'Orléans - 1 place Gambetta
    Orléans, France (45)


  • Thursday, April 30, 2015


  • catalogue, incunable, livre ancien, Renaissance, numérisation, informatisation, formation, notice, provenance, ancien possesseur


  • Sandrine Breuil
    courriel : sandrine [dot] breuil [at] univ-tours [dot] fr

Information source

  • Sandrine Breuil
    courriel : sandrine [dot] breuil [at] univ-tours [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Early printed books: from the Gutenberg invention to the digital revolution », Summer School, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, March 25, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/sb7

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