HomeDigital Ecosystems

Digital Ecosystems

Ekosystemy Cyfrowe

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Published on Wednesday, April 22, 2015


The digital revolution is resulting in social, economic and political transformations. These changes are often conceptualized using the term "digital ecosystem" – understood/conceived as infosphere enriched by social and economic values. We propose the notion of "digital ecosystem" as the starting point of analysis for new interdisciplinary approaches, both theoretical and applied. Are the contemporary environments of work, economy, science, culture, politics and information becoming digital ecosystems?



The digital revolution is resulting in social, economic and political transformations. These changes are often conceptualized using the term ‘digital ecosystem’ – understood/conceived as infosphere enriched by social and economic values.

We propose the notion of ‘digital ecosystem’ as the starting point of analysis for new interdisciplinary approaches, both theoretical and applied.

  • Are the contemporary environments of work, economy, science, culture, politics and information becoming digital ecosystems?
  • How is the digital revolution influencing economic agents and therefore economic relations?
  • Are digital competences in navigating the digital ecosystems changing social relations and institutions?
  • Is digital representation of sources a catalyst or hindrance to scientific knowledge?
  • Does ‘the digital’ diminish or strengthen human competences?

During “Digital Ecosystems” international conference we will address these and many other related questions. We would like to invite all those interested to take part in reflexive analysis of the fundamental changes in how we understand the social, economic and scientific realities.

We welcome oral presentations and posters.

The following areas of research are recommended:

  • Digital Humanities (epistemology) /
  • Jobs & Skills for Future (society) /
  • Innovation & Smart Economy (economy) /
  • Entrepreneurship.

Conference language: English.

Paper submission

Deadline for on-line abstract submission: 15 April 2015.

Notification of abstract acceptance: 18 April. To submit the form please use this link


Full paper (20-30 000 characters in .doc or .docx) should be submitted by 15 June 2015. It will be available to other participants before the conference and later considered for publication in a reviewed e-book.


Full papers will be considered for publication in a reviewed e-book with ISBN. Publication is conditional on a positive review.
The conference proceedings (including posters) will be sent to CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS CITATION INDEX – SOCIAL SCIENCE   HUMANITIES (THE THOMSON REUTERS ISI INDEX). If they receive acceptance, they will be available in the Web of Science database.

Conference fee

Conference fee (50EUR / 200PLN) covers coffee breaks and lunch. Registration deadline: 31 May 2015.
The conference fee should be paid in EUR or PLN by bank transfer to the conference account:
89 1160 2202 0000 0002 3059 4683 till the end of May. In the subject of your bank transfer please write: Digital Ecosystems.

Confirmed keynote speakers

Jacques Dubucs — Chair of the Strategic Working Group "Societal and Cultural Innovation", European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures" (ESFRI); Head of the Human and Social Sciences Department, French Ministry of Research and Higher Education; Senior Scientist at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); Member of the "Sciences, Normes, Décision" lab (CNRS/Paris - Sorbonne). → More about Jacques Dubucs

Luciano Floridi is Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at the University of Oxford, where he is the Director of Research of the Oxford Internet Institute. His most recent books, all published by Oxford University Press, are: The Fourth Revolution – How the infosphere is reshaping human reality (2014), The Ethics of Information (2013), The Philosophy of Information (2011). He is currently member of Google Advisory Board on “the right to be forgotten”. → More about Luciano Floridi

Boleslaw K. Szymanski – Claire and Roland Schmitt Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), USA. Professor Szymanski is interested in network science, with emphasis on social networks and computer wireless and sensor networks to analysis and design of distributed and parallel algorithms, simulation of computers, networks and biological/ecological phenomena. His projects include dynamic processes on networks, hidden groups in social networks, sensor network protocols and algorithms, and large-scale parallel and distributed computing and simulation.

Program Committee

  • Prof. dr hab. Anna Giza-Poleszczuk
  • Prof. Wioletta Miśkiewicz
  • Dr hab. Katarzyna Śledziewska
  • Dr Agnieszka Pugacewicz
  • Dr Renata Włoch

Organizing Committee


  • Audytorium Maximum - Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28
    Warsaw, Poland


  • Wednesday, April 15, 2015


  • digital ecosystem, skills, innovation, infosphère, communication, digital economy


  • Wioletta Miskiewicz
    courriel : wioletta [dot] miskiewicz [at] cnrs [dot] fr

Information source

  • Wioletta Miskiewicz
    courriel : wioletta [dot] miskiewicz [at] cnrs [dot] fr


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Digital Ecosystems », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, April 22, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/shq

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