HomeRewriting: logic of repetition?

Rewriting: logic of repetition?

Reescritura: ¿lógica de la repetición?

III International Conference in Narratives

III Seminario Internacional de Narrativas

*  *  *

Published on Monday, July 20, 2015


The third International Conference in Narratives, organized by Universidad EAFIT (Medellín, Colombia) and Università degli Studi di Padova, proposes rewriting as an object of reflection from the arts, humanities, social sciences and communication sciences. To interrogate the gesture of writing a text again, it involves accounting for an operation that, in its apparent simplicity, shows the experience of time and repetition, the recording of memory, the tension between imitation and difference, and the means of reproduction and creation. Along its relationships, objects and notions that it implies, the gesture of rewriting is exemplary and heuristic; it has become a model for understanding various phenomena and cultural practices.


The organizers of the III International Conference in Narratives -Rewriting: Logic of repetition? invite reasearch professors and posgraduate students in the arts, humanities, social sciences and communication sciences, to disclose their research results with reference to the following topics.


Palimpsests: intertextuality and rewriting

Rewriting is a part of literary practices and by extension it is inherent to the creative tradition of literature. Indeed, rewriting is associated with linguistic and literary phenomena such as dialogism or historical poetics (Bajtin), to intertextuality and intertextual memory (Kristeva - Genette). Rewriting is operative when analyzing the porosity between the aesthetic of imitation and originality.  Henceforth, it can be activated as a model to adress phenomena of influence and affiliation, as well as opening roads to understanding the strategies of irony and transformation such as parody, pastiche and self-writing.

Hermeneutics of rewriting

Due to a sort of  circularity or return, rewriting can be thought as a sense regenerating experience. To this extent, topics around rereading, comprehension, reconfiguration, appropriation and application may be discussed.

Writing transgenerational trauma and violence

How is history rewritten? In narrative of memory, what political, social or epistemic processes are revealed where changes and omissions appear? Understood here to write in an other way, rewriting allows the approach to substitution and change processes. By extension, it is an excellent heuristic metaphor for memory studies, it also interrogates the stability of the written and leads to a fluid and dynamic vision of historiography and historical experience (Koselleck).

Postcolonial identity deconstruction and rewriting

It will also be the opportunity to discuss the role of archive and testimony, the historiographical critical review, the dialectic of tradition and innovation, the approaches from subaltern studies and postcolonial discourses of identity, cultural deconstruction and reconstruction with gender perspective.

Creation Process

The exercise of rewriting forwards to the process of artistic invention. From the point of view of temporality in art, rewriting allows to revisit the debates on the status of incompleteness of creation, the origin or the beginning of the work of art and, the repetition as an exercise in style development. Along with this, all repetition operations linked to the artistic process, such as the outline, the scheme, the trial and the draft  will be thought as well.

Media, materials and transmedia communication

What role does the media play in the gesture of rewriting? What materials are the ones that allow rewriting processes? In what way are cultural rituals of repetition, translation and rehabilitation organized? The manuscript, print and digital media are examples of means that shape in each case the transmission and exchange of codes, records and human relations. The invitation here is to approach recording, copying and reproduction practices and devices that enable to start over and to transform. This pathway will undertake digital humanities, the tension between oral, visual and written, along with translation and transcription as rewriting operations.

Submission of abstracts

The abstracts should be sent to email: avelezp6@eafit.edu.co and should consider the following:

  • Title of the paper
  • Full name of the speaker (or speakers), accompanied by the academic degree, affiliation and bio-bibliography
  • The summary of the paper should be exposed in 600 words or less

Conference Languages

  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • French
  • English 

Important Dates

  • Deadline for submission of abstracts: September 4th

  • Notification of accepted proposals: September 11th
  • Papers submission: October 16th
  • Publication of the final program: October 30th
  • Payment of registration of speakers and attendees: from October 16th
  • The III International Conference in Narratives -Rewriting: logic of repetition? : November 5 and 6

Academic Committee

  • Andrés Vélez Posada, Universidad EAFIT
  • Juan Manuel Restrepo Cuartas, Universidad EAFIT
  • Nacho Duque García, Università degli Studi di Padova - Italy


  • Universidad EAFIT - Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50
    Medellín, Colombia


  • Friday, September 04, 2015


  • réecriture, narrative, répetition, textualité, mémoire, création, représentation


  • Andrés Vélez Posada
    courriel : avelezp6 [at] eafit [dot] edu [dot] co

Information source

  • Andrés Vélez Posada
    courriel : avelezp6 [at] eafit [dot] edu [dot] co


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To cite this announcement

« Rewriting: logic of repetition? », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, July 20, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/t27

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