HomeResearch Residential Program at Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies

Research Residential Program at Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies

Fung Global Fellows Program “International Society: Institutions and Actors in Global Governance”

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Published on Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Princeton University is pleased to announce the call for applications to the Fung Global Fellows Program at the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS).  Each year the program selects six scholars from around the world to be in residence at Princeton for an academic year and to engage in research and discussion around a common theme. During the academic year 2016/17, the theme for the Fung Global Fellows Program will be “International Society: Institutions and Actors in Global Governance.” The growth of international organizations and transnational actors has brought about the emergence of a dense international society above the nation-state. Under what circumstances do new international organizations or transnational associations emerge, and when do they expand in their membership and jurisdiction? Does international society function as a constraint on states? How do states and societal actors navigate the complex and overlapping jurisdictions of international organizations? In what ways do international organizations and associations function as distinct cultures or as bureaucracies with their own interests? 



Princeton University is pleased to announce the call for applications to the Fung Global Fellows Program at the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS).  Each year the program selects six scholars from around the world to be in residence at Princeton for an academic year and to engage in research and discussion around a common theme. Fellowships are awarded to scholars employed outside the United States who are expected to return to their positions, and who have demonstrated outstanding scholarly achievement and exhibit unusual intellectual promise but who are still early in their careers.


During the academic year 2016/17, the theme for the Fung Global Fellows Program will be “International Society: Institutions and Actors in Global Governance.”  The growth of international organizations and transnational actors has brought about the emergence of a dense international society above the nation-state.  Under what circumstances do new international organizations or transnational associations emerge, and when do they expand in their membership and jurisdiction?  Does international society function as a constraint on states? How do states and societal actors navigate the complex and overlapping jurisdictions of international organizations? In what ways do international organizations and associations function as distinct cultures or as bureaucracies with their own interests?  This year’s cohort of Fung fellows will examine the emergence, functioning, and effects of international organizations and transnational associations of all types (state and non-state, focused on a single issue or world region, or examined comparatively) from a cultural, historical, political, sociological, or other perspective.  Researchers working on any historical period or region of the world and from any disciplinary background in the humanities and social sciences are encouraged to apply.


To be eligible, applicants must have received their Ph.D. (or equivalent) no earlier than September 1, 2006.  Fellowships will be awarded on the strength of a candidate’s proposed research project, the relationship of the project to the program’s theme, the candidate’s scholarly record, and the candidate’s ability to contribute to the intellectual life of the program. 

For more information on eligibility requirements and the application process itself, see the program’s website at http://www.princeton.edu/funggfp/

Princeton University is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

1. Eligibility - scholars who received their Ph.D. (or the equivalent of an Anglo-American Ph.D.) within 10 years of the proposed start date of the fellowship. The receipt of the Ph.D. is determined by the date on which all requirements for the degree at the applicant's home institution, including the defense and filing of the dissertation, were fulfilled. 

2. Applicants must hold a position outside the United States of America at the time of application, to which they are expected to return at the conclusion of the fellowship. 

3. Fellowships will be awarded to candidates who have already demonstrated outstanding scholarly achievement and exhibit unusual intellectual promise but are still at the beginning of their careers. Criteria for the fellowship include: the strength of the candidate's research projects, the relationship of those projects to the program's theme, the candidate's previous scholarly work, the candidate's ability to contribute to the intellectual life and intellectual exchange of the program, and the candidate's work experience outside the United States. The selection committee is looking to establish a cohort of fellows whose work represents diverse analytical approaches and disciplinary backgrounds and addresses a wide variety of places. 

4. US citizens and non-citizens, regardless of race, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or disability, are eligible to apply. 

5. Fellows must be in residence in Princeton during the academic year of their fellowship (September 1 - June 30) so that they can interact with one another and participate actively in the program's seminars and other events on campus. Fellows are also expected to present their ongoing projects in seminars organized by the program. 


Applications are due on November 1, 2015.

The application dossier for the Fung Global Fellows Program consists of seven (7) items. Items 1-6 should be submitted by the applicant. Item 7, the letters of recommendation, need to be submitted by the three referees.

The following items should be submitted by the candidate in English:

1. Completed online application form
2. Cover letter (1.5 pages maximum)
3. Curriculum Vitae / Bibliography 
4. Research proposal (maximum of 3 pages, single spaced)
5. One writing sample (article or book chapter, maximum of 50 pages)
6. An official letter from the applicant’s employer affirming that, should the fellowship be awarded, the applicant would be permitted to accept it and to spend the academic year 2016-2017 at Princeton University (on the application site, upload this document as "Other 1")

In addition, complete applications must also include:

7. Three (3) confidential letters of recommendation in English, uploaded directly by the recommenders to the application website on or before the November 1 application deadline.

a. Letters should be saved in PDF format 
b. Electronic letterhead and signature preferred, or a scanned signed letter on letterhead
c. Letters may be addressed to: Director, Christina Davis
d. It is not necessary to mail a hard copy of the letter. If, however, the referee is unable to submit the letter electronically, it may be sent by mail, postmarked by November 1, 2015, to: 

Fung Global Fellows Program
Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS)
338 Aaron Burr Hall – Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544 


Christina Davis, Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, is to be the faculty director for the 2016-17 Fung Global Fellows Program.

The selection of applications will be done by an ad hoc committee.


Any inquiries about the program should be directed to fung-gfp@princeton.edu.


  • 338 Aaron Burr Hall – Princeton University
    Princeton, America (08544)


  • Sunday, November 01, 2015


  • research fellowship, international organizations, transnational actors


  • Beate Witzler
    courriel : fung-gfp [at] princeton [dot] edu

Information source

  • Beate Witzler
    courriel : fung-gfp [at] princeton [dot] edu


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To cite this announcement

« Research Residential Program at Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, July 22, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/t2k

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