HomeUrban spaces, mobility and "citadinité" in the Mediterranean cities (14th to 18th century)
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Published on Friday, October 09, 2015


The panel focuses on mobility and insertion in the cities of the Mediterranean area, during the early modern age. Since the Ancient times, Mediterranean cities are centers for commercial and cultural exchanges, and crossroads of migratory streams. These "sedimented" cities have a long tradition of multi-cultural society and reception of foreigners while remaining, to this day pivotal centers for international circulation and migration, and gateways to Europe.


Session at the 13th International Conference on Urban History ▪ European Association for Urban History


The panel focuses on mobility and insertion in the cities of the Mediterranean area, during the early modern age. Since the Ancient times, Mediterranean cities are centers for commercial and cultural exchanges, and crossroads of migratory streams. These “sedimented” cities have a long tradition of multi-cultural society and reception of foreigners while remaining, to this day pivotal centers for international circulation and migration, and gateways to Europe.

By using the notion of “citadinité”, the panel aims to go beyond « citizenship » and to explore the multiple forms of belonging to a city, by taking into account not only settled individuals, but also temporary residents. Indeed, citadinité is understood as set of competences (know-how), knowledge and practices which characterize the fact of being a city-dweller and of belonging to a city. The concept of citadinité is a key element in understanding the sense of ‘belongingness’ in the city. Citadinité challenges the definitions established by legislation and encompasses awareness, knowledge and daily interactions that are essential for belonging in the urban environment.

Thanks to this notion, the objective of the panel is twofold: on the one hand, we aim at shedding new light on urban participation of those people who are not citizens, and who haven’t the status to claim this right : ordinary people, labour migrants, lower classes. On the other hand, the accent will be put on those everyday practices that make individuals’ belonging to the city.

The panel will shed new light on how institutional and community environments, social and familial networks, and cultural apprenticeships fostered a sense of ‘citizenship’ and identification with the city and its social structures in its inhabitants. A special attention will be paid to the relations between citadinité and the urban space, and on the role played by city’s inhabitants (whether permanent or temporary) in its territorial development.

We invite contribution on the following topics (Mediterranean cities, 17th to 18th centuries):

  • Practices of inclusion and access to urban resources
  • Participation of “ordinary people” in the city’s life
  • Spatial scales of urban belonging
  • Impact of mobility on the urban space

Paper Proposal

To submit a paper proposal, please create a user account on the Conference abstract system:  https://eauh2016.net/.

Abstracts of paper proposals should not exceed 300 words.

  • Deadline for paper proposals submission: October 31, 2015

  • Notification of paper acceptance: December 15, 2015
  • Deadline for full text submissions (5000 words max): August 15, 2016

Important: Paper proposals and full texts can only by submitted online, via the EAUH2016 website https://eauh2016.net/. Proposals and texts sent by post or email will not be considered.

Session Organizers

  • Dr. Eleonora Canepari, Aix-Marseille Université, France
  • Prof. Brigitte Marin, Aix-Marseille Université, France


  • Helsinki, Finland


  • Saturday, October 31, 2015

Attached files


  • urban space, inclusion, participation, mobility, ordinary people


  • Eleonora Canepari
    courriel : eleonora [dot] canepari [at] univ-amu [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Eleonora Canepari
    courriel : eleonora [dot] canepari [at] univ-amu [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Urban spaces, mobility and "citadinité" in the Mediterranean cities (14th to 18th century) », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, October 09, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/tfv

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