Science, Nature and Art in the Time of the Baroque
Baroque School Focus – Abengoa Foundation
Published on Wednesday, October 21, 2015
With the birth of the “new science” in the wake of Bacon, the theories on the world and nature ceased being essentially poetic –as they were considered in the long inherited mediaeval tradition– and began to be felt as essentially scientific. Modern science and the development of the artistic culture of the Baroque came hand in hand and became the cornerstones of the history of European culture. In this modern science, the discovery of the foundations of nature led to questions on the relationship between people and the natural environment, which went beyond living nature to open up new avenues to the theories of light and colour, space and time, as expressed in the creative brilliance of Velázquez in the gardens of Villa Medicis.
The Baroque School Focus-Abengoa Foundation, directed by Antonio-Miguel Bernal Rodríguez, “Science, Nature and Art in the Time of the Baroque”, which is scheduled from the 9th to 11th of November, will be held at Seville's Hospital de los Venerables. The course is free of charge. We hope that it will be of interest to you.
With the birth of the “new science” in the wake of Bacon, the theories on the world and nature ceased being essentially poetic –as they were considered in the long inherited mediaeval tradition– and began to be felt as essentially scientific.
Modern science and the development of the artistic culture of the Baroque came hand in hand and became the cornerstones of the history of European culture. In this modern science, the discovery of the foundations of nature led to questions on the relationship between people and the natural environment, which went beyond living nature to open up new avenues to the theories of light and colour, space and time, as expressed in the creative brilliance of Velázquez in the gardens of Villa Medicis.
The “vision” of nature took on a variety of projections through the art of the Baroque. The conception of the natural world under the impetus of the 17th and 18th century scientists became increasingly removed from the previous allegories and symbolism. The landscape as an expressive medium emerged in pure form as man interacted with nature.
Recalling among others, André Mollet in his treatise Le Jardin de Plaisir (1651), from the gardens of delights of the 16th century to the gardens of love of the 17th century, natural history experienced a qualitative leap in the representation of nature as art and in art under the guise of collecting and as visual culture.
This art and science in the time of the Baroque were not antagonistic and instead were interrelated in the construction of a new pictorial time and space where nature became viewed even more intensely less as a divine hieroglyphic and more as visual culture, a faithful reflection of the influence of science on art.
Free entrance
Access to the whole course or to individual conferences is open. The sessions will be held in the Church of the Hospital de los Venerables, which hosts Focus-Abengoa Foundation. The main entrance is located in Los Venerables Square.
By registering at Focus-Abengoa official website, attendants will be awarded a certified diploma and will be able to gain credits. Loyola University Andalucia, Pablo de Olavide University and University of Seville will officially award ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System).
Price: 30 euros.
Scholarships will be granted to obtain diplomas (limited). More information available on our website.
Monday, 9th November
19:45 h. Presentation
- 20:00 h. Inaugural Conference: Poussin’s Reflections on Man, Nature and Art Keith Christiansen, Metropolitan Museum of New York
Tuesday, 10th November
- 10:00 h. Jesuits in Baroque culture: art, education, science Guillermo Rodríguez Izquierdo SJ., Loyola University Andalucia
- 11:00 h. Natural history and visual culture in the seventeenth century José Ramón Marcaida, University of Cambridge
12:00 h. Break
- 12:30 h. Science, the sciences and Baroque Javier Viar, Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
- 17:00 h. Symbolic Baroque Ornithology: birds in books of emblems and prints of the 17th century José Julio García Arranz, University of Extremadura
- 18:00 h. 17th century Italy: the breeze through the leaves Manuela Mena, Prado National Museum
19:00 h. Organ concert leaded by José Enrique Ayarra Jarne, Focus-Abengoa Foundation organist, at Hospital de los Venerables Church
Wednesday, 11th November
10:00 h. Still life: the vanities in the work of Valdés Leal Enrique Valdivieso, University of Seville
11:00 h. Velázquez and nature Guillaume Kienzt, Louvre Museum
12:00 h. Round table About landscape
- Presenter: Juan Fernández Lacomba
- Participants: Javier Viar, José Ramón Marcaida and Guillaume Kienzt
13:30 h. Closure
15:30 h. Campus visit to Focus-Abengoa Sanlúcar la Mayor Landscapes of Guadiamar Fernando Amores and Juan Fernández Lacomba
Scientific coordination
- Antonio-Miguel Bernal Rodríguez, University of Seville. National Prize in History
- Rocío García-Carranza, Focus-Abengoa Foundation
- Early modern (Main category)
- Mind and language > Representation > History of art
- Periods > Early modern > Seventeenth century
- Periods > Early modern > Eighteenth century
- Iglesia del Hospital de los Venerables - Fundación Focus-Abengoa. Plaza de los Venerables, 8
Seville, Kingdom of Spain (41004)
- Monday, November 09, 2015
- Tuesday, November 10, 2015
- Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Attached files
- Baroque, Art, Science
- Rosa Paris
courriel : rosa [dot] paris [dot] ext [at] abengoa [dot] com
Reference Urls
Information source
- Rosa Paris
courriel : rosa [dot] paris [dot] ext [at] abengoa [dot] com
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Science, Nature and Art in the Time of the Baroque », Study days, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, October 21, 2015,