HomeFaces of Eros

Faces of Eros

Figures de l'Éros

Journal of Phenomenological and Existential Theory and Culture

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Published on Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Eros plays a central role in Western thought. In the philosophical and spiritual traditions, it usually refers to physical love and desire. Eros is a recurring character in the pre-Socratic cosmogonies, and it is the main impulse of the philosophical quest for truth in Plato’s Phaedrus. This Special Topics issue of PhænEx wishes to give a new impulse to philosophical reflections on this fundamental and ambiguous phenomenon, following an interdisciplinary perspective at the intersection of phenomenology, post-structuralism, and social sciences (psychology, sociology, sexology, anthropology, linguistics, etc.).


PhænEx is an electronic peer-reviewed and bilingual journal affiliated with the Canadian-based Society for Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture (http://eptc-tcep.net).

Special topic issue : faces of Eros Vol. 12, no 1 (Summer/Spring 2017)


Eros plays a central role in Western thought. In the philosophical and spiritual traditions, it usually refers to physical love and desire. Eros is a recurring character in the pre-Socratic cosmogonies, and it is the main impulse of the philosophical quest for truth in Plato’s Phaedrus. In the Symposium, Plato also unveils its fundamental ambiguity as half divine and half human, where the desire to merge the opposing sides involves beauty and ugliness, profusion and need. Eros is at the intersection of gift and possession, of radical openness and selfish desire, of interested disinterest and mystical transport, mixing clairvoyance and blindness. Thanks to the manifold nuances of the erotic-sensuous genius that fascinated Kierkegaard, eroticism both produces and dissolves several dimensions of human existence, sociality, understanding, and speech.  This Special Topics issue of PhænEx wishes to give a new impulse to philosophical reflections on this fundamental and ambiguous phenomenon, following an interdisciplinary perspective at the intersection of phenomenology, post-structuralism, and social sciences (psychology, sociology, sexology, anthropology, linguistics, etc.).

submission guidelines

Deadline for Open Issue submission: October 1, 2016.

To Submit: Register or log-in if already registered. Submissions must be made through the journal’s website.

Select author and then follow the step-by-step instructions.

Submissions in both French and English are accepted, and all papers will be peer reviewed.

Lead Editors

  • Élodie Boublil, elo.boublil[a]gmail.com
  • Chiara Piazzesi, piazzesi.chiara[a]uqam.ca


  • Saturday, October 01, 2016


  • phénoménologie, existentialisme, Éros, corps, désir, body, phenomenology, existentialisme, philosophy, desire


  • Christiane Bailey
    courriel : christianebailey [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Christiane Bailey
    courriel : christianebailey [at] gmail [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« Faces of Eros », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, October 27, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/tjl

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