HomeMigration and Generation

Migration and Generation

16th International Conference on Migration

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Published on Friday, November 13, 2015


The 16th International Conference on Migration take place the 23–25th of June 2016 in innsbruck/Austria. This year, the conference will discuss the concept of generation in the context of migration, and will also examine the use of the concept of genera-tions in empirical research and in public discourse. Likewise of central concern here is to view the phenomenon of migration from an inter-generational perspective and to ask to what extent this can contribute to a better understanding of migration.



In the discourse on migration and integration, generation is a very manifest feature for categoriz-ing and distinguishing aspects of migration. Thus, for example, within the complex of immigration, a distinction is made between first- and second-generation migrants. In this connection, the con-cept of generation points to an actual or supposed shared content of experience as constituted by the migration situation. As a rule, the concept of generations is not given further explication in these contexts; it would appear to be ‘self-explanatory.’ The fact of immigration evidently tends to mask and overshadow all other contents of experience. Thus the question arises: in using the concept of generation in this way, is this more a symbolic-discursive employment or is it actually an analytical category? Both those aspects need to be interrogated. The first gives rise to the impression of a kind of stepwise sequence of immigration and integration. The second seeks to describe shared features among members of the same age-group who are living under compara-ble social conditions and in a specific historical context. In referring to shared generation-specific experiences, the intention often is to designate a jointly shared social, political or cultural under-standing of generation as an imagined social group, such as ‘Generation X.’

In migration research, the concept of generation already appears in the work of the earlier Chica-go School. Its model of a process of assimilation extending over three generations has found broad acceptance within migration research. The associated notions of generational structures introduced into the discussion continue to be employed in order to point out deficits and problems connected with the integration of various generations and to situate these within a context of gen-erations. But due to various criticisms of this use of the concept of generation, it tends now to be employed in migration research in a limited way, to refer to the ‘second generation.’ By contrast, in public debates, the concept often continues to be used in an instrumental and ideological sense. For that reason, it is useful to examine what in a specific instance is meant when refer-ence is made in the context of migration to the notion of generation, and whether one can speak at all of different generations. Does the concept tend to serve the aims of scientific analysis and self-description, or is this rather even a discriminatory practice of designation?

Against the backdrop of these controversies and issues, the conference will discuss the concept of generation in the context of migration, and will also examine the use of the concept of genera-tions in empirical research and in public discourse. Likewise of central concern here is to view the phenomenon of migration from an inter-generational perspective and to ask to what extent this can contribute to a better understanding of migration.

Thematic focal areas

1. Theory
2. Politics
3. Culture
4. Education
5. Family
6. Gender
7. Reproduction/Care
8. Gainful employment/independence
9. Cultures of memory

Proposal Submission

Interested potential presenters are requested to submit an abstract of 500 words maximum with a short title, along with a brief bio and contact address (e-mail, telephone and postal address). For that purpose, please use the online form available at www.migrationskonferenz.ch. Please indi-cate the subtopic under which your presentation should be included, and also whether you can present and discuss in both the conference languages (English and German) or only in one.

Submit proposal per email to: Tobias Studer, tobias.studer@fhnw.ch

Conference languages: German and English
Information and contact: www.migrationskonferenz.ch


  • Proposal submission deadline: 31 December 2015

  • Notification on proposals by: 15. February 2016
  • International conference:  Thursday to Saturday, 23–25 June 2016, Innsbruck/Austria


  •  Institute for the Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, Innsbruck University, Austria
  •  Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines CDMH (Dudelange, Luxembourg)
  •  Institute for Integration and Participation, School of Social Work, University of Applied Sci-ences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (Olten, Switzerland)
  •  Institute for Regional and Migration Research IRM (Trier, FRG)
  •  Competence Center for Migration, Intercultural Education and Organizational Development, University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Faculty for Applied Social Sciences (Cologne, FRG)

Members of the Program Committee

  •  Dr. Muharrem Acikgöz, Gaziantep University (Turkey)
  •  Yasemin Ahi, IRM, Istanbul (Turkey)
  •  Dario Cieol, Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines CDMH, Dudelange (Luxembourg)
  •  Philipp Eigenmann, IRM and University of Zürich (Switzerland)
  •  Prof. Dr. Thomas Geisen, IRM and Institute for Integration and Participation, School of Social Work, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Olten (Swit-zerland)
  •  Gwendolyn Gilliéron, Institute for Integration and Participation, School of Social Work, Univer-sity of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Olten (Switzerland)
  •  Sevda Güneş, Institute for Integration and Participation, School of Social Work, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Olten (Switzerland)
  •  Ass.-Prof. Dr. Marc Hill, Innsbruck University (Austria)
  •  Prof. Dr. (ret.) Marianne Krüger-Potratz, University of Münster (FRG)
  •  Dr. Bruno Michon, ESTES, University of Strasbourg (France)
  •  Prof. Dr. Markus Ottersbach, University of Applied Sciences Cologne (FRG)
  •  Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ulla Peters, IRM and University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
  •  Prof. Dr. Ria Puhl, Catholic University of Applied Sciences of North Rhine - Westphalia, Co-logne campus (FRG)
  •  Prof. Dr. Christine Riegel, Pedagogical University Freiburg (FRG)
  •  Antoinette Reuter, Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines CDMH, Dudelange (Luxembourg)
  •  Prof. Dr. Karin Elinor Sauer, Dual University Baden-Württemberg, Villingen-Schwenningen (FRG)
  •  Dr. Denis Scuto, Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines CDMH and Universi-ty of Luxembourg, Dudelange (Luxembourg)
  •  Tobias Studer, IRM and Institute for Integration and Participation, School of Social Work, Uni-versity of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Olten (Switzerland)
  •  Petra Wiedemann, University of Applied Sciences Cologne (FRG)
  •  Prof. Dr. Erol Yildiz, Innsbruck University (Austria)


  • Innsbruck, Austria


  • Thursday, December 31, 2015


  • migration, génération, âge de la vie, catégorisation, jeune, banlieue


  • Bruno Michon
    courriel : bruno [dot] michon [at] estes [dot] fr

Information source

  • Bruno Michon
    courriel : bruno [dot] michon [at] estes [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Migration and Generation », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, November 13, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/tqm

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