Religious Education in schools in France and Germany
Religious Education in schools in France and Germany
Exploring the challenges, advantages and possibilities across different models
Exploring the challenges, advantages and possibilities across different models
Published on Tuesday, December 01, 2015
The 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris have evoked debates among French politicians regarding the role of, and space for religious education in public schools. Secularism (« laïcité ») is an essential principle of the French Republic. When applied to the school system, it has meant the absence of curriculum dedicated specifically to the study of religion in public schools. The study of religious matters takes place across a range of existing school subjects, primarily in history and geography. In contrast to this approach, the Basic Law of Germany guarantees religious education in public schools. Pupils must enroll in a course that explores their own religion or belief system. Do these divergent models allow and encourage students to have an open mind toward the religious and cultural diversity present in France and Germany today? At the intersection of these models, an inclusive concept deemed "Religious education for all" has been developed since the 1980s in the Federal State of Hamburg. Does this model contribute to a better understanding and knowledge of religions? What kind of religious education is taught otherwise in French confessional schools? Organized by Sylvie Toscer-Angot (GSRL-UPEC).
9h30 9h50 Welcome
- 9h50 10h10 Thorsten Knauth: Encountering Religious Pluralism in Schools. A discussion about forms of RE and their conceptual approaches in Germany
- 10h10 10h30 Lola Petit: The teaching of religious facts and laïcité at primary public school in France: three cases of observations
10h30 10h50 Group discussion (Discussant: Céline Béraud)
10h50 11h05 Coffe break
- 11h05 11h25 Sara Teinturier: Religious education and religious courses in French Catholic Schools
- 11h25 11h45 Carol Ferrera: Learning Religion and Citizenship in Private French Muslim Schools
11h45 12h15 Group discussion (Discussant: Claire de Galembert)
12h15 13h45 Lunch
- 13h50 14h10 Wolfram Weiße: Pupils’ views on religious diversity and interreligious dialogue in Hamburg. A case study
- 14h10 14h30 Jana Ditz: Hamburg‘s state contracts with religious communities and religious education
14h30 14h50 Group discussion
- 14h50 15h10 Jean-Paul Willaime: The Diversity of Religions and Beliefs: an Educational and Political Challenge for the Secular Republican School in France
15h10 15h30 Group discussion: How to teach religious diversity at school? (Discussant: Sylvie Toscer-Angot)
- GSRL, CNRS - rue Pouchet
Paris, France (75017)
- Friday, December 04, 2015
Attached files
- école, éducation, France, Allemagne, laïcité, islam, école catholique, école musulmane, Hambourg
- Documentation du GSRL
courriel : documentation [at] gsrl [dot] cnrs [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Sabrina Pastorelli
courriel : sabrina [dot] pastorelli [at] ens [dot] psl [dot] eu
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Religious Education in schools in France and Germany », Study days, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, December 01, 2015,