HomeArchitectural criticism between public debate and autonomous discipline
Architectural criticism between public debate and autonomous discipline
Mapping.Crit.Arch: Architectural criticism XXth and XXst centuries, a cartography
Published on Wednesday, January 06, 2016
This first workshop will focus on the relationship of architectural criticism with "public opinion" and on the opposite side, its relations to architecture as an "autonomous" discipline. The various nature and degree of such an autonomy will be examined in different historical, institutional and cultural contexts: to what extent is architectural criticism autonomous from social uses of architecture, from the architectural design and its economic production?
To what extent does architectural criticism share common questions, protagonists and medias with the public sphere, with the public debate? Or conversely, has it an exclusive relation to the professional or the academic sphere? In this cas, does architectural criticism tend to become an autonomous discourse, if autonomous exclusively refers to architectural theories/histories? Does it refer to extra disciplinary concepts?
Monday January, 18,
Université Rennes 2, B 332, 9.30-18.00
- 9.45 Introduction (Hélène Jannière, Université Rennes 2, Coordinator of the Mapping.Crit.Arch ANR Research Project)
Emerging Forms of Criticism
- 10.00 Carlo MENON, The Bartlett School for Architecture, London, Four magazines on Architectural Criticism 2005-2010: a Perspective from 2015
- 10.30 Marcela Garcia MARTINEZ, University of Geneva, Architectural centers: Mediation is the new Criticism.
- 11.00 Coffee break
Boundaries of Criticism
- 11.15 Dirk VAN DE VIJVER, Associate professor, Department of History of Art, Utrecht University, Mapping the reception of Victor Horta: the blurring boundaries of architectural criticism, theory and history
- 11.45 Rute FIGUEIREDO, gta/D-ARCH/ETH Zurich, Director of the Site of Discourse Research Project (Lisbon University), Fixing boundaries. Architecture and criticism at the onset of the 20th century.
- 11.45 Discussion
- 12.30 Lunch
Architectural Journalism and Campaigns
- 14.30 Jim Njoo, Associate Professor, École d'architecture de Paris-La Villette, Dialogic Criticism Cedric Price's Design Columns 1975-1999.
- 15.00 Erdem ERTEN, Associate Professor, Izmir Institute of Technology Department of Architecture, Mobilizing the Nation via Architectural Criticism: The Architectural Review "Outrage" and "Counterattack".
- 15.30 Coffee break
Controversies and Public Debate. Mobilizing the Public.
- 15.45 Leah HSIAO , University of York, Department of Art History, The Battle of the Pyramid: architectural criticism on I.M Pei's Louvre Pyramid.
- 16.15 Kristen GAGNON, Azrieli School of Architecture + Urbanism, Ottawa, Architecture Criticism vs The Public : "Mirvish+Gehry Toronto' A Case Study
- 16.45 Discussion
- 17.30 Rute Figueiredo, Presentation of the Site of Discourse Research Project (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Instituto de História da Arte).
- 18.00 Conclusion
Tuesday, January 19,
Archives de la critique d’art, Rennes
Terra Foundation for American Art
Seminar 20th Century American Art and Architecture Criticism. New Paradigms and Cultural Transfers
- 9.30 Presentation of Les Archives de la Critique d’art by Jean-Marc Poinsot (President of Les Archives de la Critique d’art, tbc) and Nathalie Boulouch (Université Rennes 2, Director of Les Archives de la Critique d’art)
- 10.30 Lecture: Martin HARTUNG, gta/D-ARCH/ETH Zurich, Columbia University, Architectural Criticism on the Art Market: An American Debate, 1975-1985.
- 11.15 Coffee Break
- 11.30 Lecture: Louis Martin, Professor, Université du Québec à Montréal, Uqam, Department of Art History. (title tbc)
- 12.15 Discussion
- Bâtiment B - Archives de la critique d'art, 4 Allée Marie Berhaut
Rennes, France (35)
- Monday, January 18, 2016
- Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Attached files
- critique, journalisme architectural, débat architectural
- Hélène Jannière
courriel : helene [dot] janniere [at] univ-rennes2 [dot] fr - Eleonore Muhidine
courriel : eleonore [dot] muhidine [at] fh-potsdam [dot] de
Reference Urls
Information source
- Hélène Jannière
courriel : helene [dot] janniere [at] univ-rennes2 [dot] fr
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To cite this announcement
« Architectural criticism between public debate and autonomous discipline », Study days, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, January 06, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/u4h