Home5th Coimbra International Graduate Conference in Philosophy

5th Coimbra International Graduate Conference in Philosophy

Ve colloque international de doctorants et jeunes chercheurs en philosophie de Coimbra

5º colóquio internacional de pós-graduação em filosofia

*  *  *

Published on Friday, March 04, 2016


Sans directives ou restrictions thématiques, cette rencontre a pour but de rendre compte des travaux entrepris dans le cadre des cours de maîtrise, doctorat et post-doctorat. Des communications présentant l'état des lieux ou des cursus thématiques des recherches en cours seront les bienvenus.


19 and 20 May 2016


The International Graduate Conference in Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra reaches its 5th edition. This meeting aims at disclosing and debating the work undertaken by young researchers within the context of Masters and PhD courses. Already established as an international event, the participation of Portuguese and foreign researchers has been significant.

The purpose of the Coimbra’s 5th International Graduate Conference in Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities is to offer a special moment for dialogue between researchers in different stages, levels and fields of investigation. To be held on 19 and 20 May 2016, the event will have on schedule guest lecturers and thematic panels. The event is open to contributions on all philosophical topics.

Call for papers

Paper proposals should be sent no later than 04/04/2016,

to coloquiofil5@gmail.com and include the proposed title, abstract (500 words maximum), e-mail address and a brief curriculum of the author. Presentations should not exceed 20 minutes duration, and may be presented in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French. Acceptance of proposals will be notified by 18/04/2016.

Keynote speakers

  • Débora Morato Pinto, Associate Professor (UFSCar - Brazil)
  • Sanqueilo Lima dos Santos, Adjunct Professor (UESC - Brazil)

Thematic panels

(To be defined)

Direction and Scientific Committee

  • Maria Luísa Portocarrero, Cathedratic Professor
  • Diogo Ferrer, Associate Professor with Aggregation
  • Luís António Umbelino, Assistant Professor

Organising Committee

  • Antônio Balbino
  • Braz Lamarca
  • José Beato

Institutional support

Department of Philosophy, Communication and Information of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Coimbra – DFCI/UC



  • Coimbra, Portugal (3000-001)


  • Monday, April 04, 2016


  • éthique, métaphysique, phénonénologie, herméneutique


  • José Beato
    courriel : jose [dot] beato71 [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • José Beato
    courriel : jose [dot] beato71 [at] gmail [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« 5th Coimbra International Graduate Conference in Philosophy », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, March 04, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/uiy

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