HomeDigital Frontiers — Perceptions

Digital Frontiers — Perceptions

Frontières numériques — Perceptions

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Published on Thursday, April 07, 2016


The “Frontiers project” is based on a questioning of the concept of “frontiers”. It is now more decisive than ever that researchers question the new forms of frontierson multiple level of interpretation and analysis, conjoining technological, social, cultural, artistic, ..., and geopolitical dimensions., etc. Digital technologies and ICT have been increasingly integrated into human activities, as an underlying reality matrix which may contribute to rethink modes of information and communication, namely the cyberspace.


Symposium organized by

  • The Laboratory EA 349 Paragraphe (University of Paris 8 and University of Cergy -Pontoise, France)
  • The Laboratory Information, Medium, Media, Mediation (I3M, University of Toulon, France)
  • The Institute for Research in Information and Communication Sciences (IRSIC, University of Aix Marseille, France)
  • The Laboratory of Images Arts & Contemporary Art EA 4010 (AIAC, University Paris 8, France)
  • The Higher School of Engineering in Applied Sciences (ESISA, Fes, Morocco)
  • With the support of the Laboratory of excellence LABEX Arts-H2H and the Excellence initiative for Innovative Training IDEFI CREATIC (France)


"Digital Frontiers" may be transparent or opaque for users and machines, according to the degree of mastering, of knowledge and the quality of innovative tools users put into practice... but what are the discriminating characteristics and setting that show the role of Digital technologies into new definitions of organizing, communicating, knowing, and collaborating? What are the interfaces that produce new frontiers and new information space et use ? : (how) can we apprehend theses digital-based trnasformations of conventional frontiers of the pre digital era ?

This reflection on the Digital Frontiers is committed to following the research conducted by Imad Saleh, Hakim Hachour and Nasreddine Bouhaï in the laboratory Paragraph. The massive dissemination of new media and digital tools in human activities (at any ldevel of the professional, cultural or social life) requieres to develop new theories, new methods and scientific reports on the impacts of ditila technologies in every aspect of everyday life, professionnal activities, and the macrosystems of interaction between individuals, firms and States. The interaction between the social and the technological dimensions is a reflexive process for technological innovation and human development.

The Internet "generates frontiers", into the evolving cyberspace  on the one hand, and into the externeal common information space that we globaly manage and share.The diversity of information available in cyberspace offers possibilities forsocial reconfiguration and the virtualization of common areas, spaces, activities, realisation, creation and production. Either decentralized and distributed or localized and proprietary, digital frontiers raise the question of the hybridization of forms of representation, of interactivity and web-based collaborative work : virtual communities, HUman Machine Communication, Social networks, Data flow and treatment, Sharing and creative spaces, etc.

Three paths are proposed to analyze the relationships between a priori separated worlds of meaning and action which have been melted by digital tools, practices, and new kind of perfromance:

  • The uses of digital technologies that transform traditional frontiers of communication between individuals, between individuals and their environment, between organizations (networks, groups , institutions, States, ... ), public and private, recreational and professional, profane and expert ...
  • The effects of digital technologies on representations that lead to rethink concepts, definitions and categories of conventional frontiers and unity of spaces , art , identity , knowledge , law, security, ...
  • The study of digital technologies that transform habitual frontiers and "bondaries" of objects, activities and realms, particularly those offer innovative modes for the collection, the use and the processing of web data (eg, cloud computing ) .


General topics

  • Epistemology of digital humanities
  • Internet's frontiers
  • Internet and traditional frontiers and boundaries
  • Invisible frontiers of the internet and the Deep web
  • Real vs virtual frontiers
  • Digital identities
  • Traces, traceability of digital data
  • The Arts and digital frontiers
  • Design and user experience

Specific topic

Digital frontiers of perception

How digital technologies transform individual, collective and organizational perception ?

  • Digital based mutation of behavior, activity, practices and work
  • Smart object use and adoption
  • Augmented perception or reality
  • Physical and cognitive digital prosthesis
  • Digital strategies of organizations
  • Digital awareness of oneself or communities

Important Dates

30 july 2016

Paper submission

30 august 2016

Notification of acceptance

24 august 2016 Registration openning

15 october 2016

Camera ready paper submission

15 october 2016

Deadline for registration

1-2 december 2016


Venue : University of Toulon, South of France

Submission guidelines

The Scientific Committee select a limited number of proposals to satisfy a collaborative and participatory event withoutparallel session to be held over 2 days. Two types of scientific or technical articles can be submitted (accepted file formats: doc, docx, rtf, odt):

  • Scientific paper : 30 000 characters including blank spaces maximum

  • Ongoing research paper : 10 000 characters including blank spaces maximum

Proposals should be completely anonymous, without reference to authors in the text, in the bibliography, inthanks or projects' descritions and in the document properties.

Proposals will be double blind reviewed by two members of the Scientific Committee. The results of the evaluation will be sent to authors with recommendations.



  • Université de Toulon
    Toulon, France (83)


  • Saturday, July 30, 2016


  • numérique, digital, frontière, mutation, perception, information, communication


  • Comité d'organisation du colloque « Frontières numériques »
    courriel : frontieresnumeriques [at] paragraphe [dot] info

Information source

  • Hakim Hachour
    courriel : sabouad [at] gmail [dot] com


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Digital Frontiers — Perceptions », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, April 07, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/uu2

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