Published on Friday, June 17, 2016
This workshop is the closing event of the ANR Corpus Géomédia project, which has had geographs, media specialists and computer scientists working together since the end of 2012. It reflects the aims of the project, ie. to create a tool to capture RSS feeds concerned with international news for a number of newspapers in the world (French-, English- and Spanish-speaking), before using it to answer some research issues: what is an event? how to explain the sub/over-representation of some spaces or actors? can the flow of information be modelised at global scale?
The explanation of the structure and dynamics of foreign news has been a permanent object of research for specialists of media studies, political science and international relations since the seminal work of Galtung & Ruge (1965). But many of the hypotheses formulated by Galtung and his followers have not been tested on very large sample of news until a recent period, introducing doubts and discussions about the reality of the agenda-setting process, the homogenization of an international public space of debates, the decreasing effects of geographical, cultural and historical distances, etc. Thanks to the collection by the ANR Corpus Geomedia Project of a very large sample of RSS feeds diffusing international news, this workshop proposes to explore these old questions on the basis of new tools and hypotheses elaborated by crossing the experience of researchers in media studies, computer science, political geography and linguistics. The workshop will also offer be the opportunity to test and disseminate tools produced by ANR Geomedia for the analysis of RSS flows. The final debate will try to open perspectives for future cross-disciplinary research on media flows.
Provisional programme
9:00-9:30 – Opening session
9:30-12:30 – Stream A: Media Studies
Chair: Dario Compagno, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Coordinators: Marta Severo & Benjamin Loveluck
- Denis Wu, Boston University – Predicting information flow across national borders: From mass media to social media
- Elad Segev, University of Tel Aviv – International News Flow Online: Global Views with Local Perspectives
- Franck Rebillard, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Diversity and flows of online news. Learnings from the Ipri and OTMedia research projects *
- Benjamin Loveluck, CERSA & Marta Severo, GERiiCO – Studying the international media space in the Internet age (CIST Géomédia)
12:30-13:00 – Tools presentation
Coordinators: Hugues Pecout & Robin Lamarche-Perrin
- Geomediatic barometer – Matteo Azzi, Gabriele Colombo & Paolo Ciuccarelli, Density Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano
- Geomedia event explorer – Nicolas Lambert & Timothée Giraud, RIATE, Claude Grasland, Géographie-cités, Hugues Pecout, CIST
13:00-14:30 – Demonstration of presented tools
14:30-17:30 – Stream B: Computer Science
Chair: to be confirmed
Coordinators: Yves Demazeau, Robin Lamarche-Perrin & Jean-Marc Vincent
- Jaroslaw Kozlak, AGH University of Science & Technology – Study of International News using Complex Network Analysis and Data-mining Methods
- Angelika Studeny, Inria – Modelling the Spatio-temporal Evolution of Media Events: A Hidden Markov Model Approach (CIST Géomédia)
- Robin Lamarche-Perrin, LIP6 – Geomedia’s Cube: A Multiscale Analysis of Media Coverage in Space and Time? (CIST Géomédia)
- François Queyroi, Géographie-cités & Laurent Beauguitte, IDEES – RSS Flows, World Structure & Community Detection (CIST Géomédia)
9:00-12:00 – Stream C: Geography and Politics
Chair: to be confirmed
Coordinators: Arnaud Brenneot & Sophie de Ruffray– Emeline Comby, ENS de Lyon – Media Discourse and Public Perception: Envisioning Trajectories
- Anne Gassiat, Irstea, ETBX – Comprendre les faits du monde et leurs évolutions à travers la presse quotidienne : du global (changement climatique) au local (conflits d’usage)
- Maud Devès, IPGP, Marion Le Texier, Université du Luxembourg & Elias Mahi, CIST – Earthquakes internaitonal media coverage in the digital age (CIST Géomédia)
- Claude Grasland, Géographie-cités & Sophie de Ruffray, IDEES – Regionalisation of the World by media flows (CIST Géomédia)
12:00-12:15 – Tool presentation
Coordinators: Hugues Pecout & Robin Lamarche-Perrin
– The EMM family of applications – Vanni Zavarella, EMM
12:15-13:30 – Demonstration of presented tools
13:30-15:30 – Stream D: Media Studies (2)
Chair: Denis Teyssou, AFP
Coordinator: Claude Grasland
- Vanni Zavarella, EMM – “What’s going on out there”: text mining for global event monitoring
- Dominique Fackler, INA – Focus sur l’international à la télévision française
- Agnès Saulnier, INA – Médiatisation versus Réalité : le cas d’Ebola
16:00-17:30 – Concluding debate
* This paper might be presented in French.
- Information (Main category)
- Mind and language > Language > Linguistics
- Mind and language > Information > Information sciences
- Society > Sociology
- Mind and language > Information > History and sociology of the media
- Society > Geography
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology
- Society > Political studies
- INA expert - 21-23 rue Camille Desmoulins
Issy-les-Moulineaux, France (92)
- Thursday, July 07, 2016
- Friday, July 08, 2016
- ANR, corpus, RSS, interdisciplinary, computer science, international, représentation
- Marion Gentilhomme
courriel : marion [dot] gentilhomme [at] univ-paris1 [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Marion Gentilhomme
courriel : marion [dot] gentilhomme [at] univ-paris1 [dot] fr
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To cite this announcement
« Structure and Dynamics of Media Flows », Seminar, Calenda, Published on Friday, June 17, 2016,