HomeArtist films and video in Tuscany 1960-1990

HomeArtist films and video in Tuscany 1960-1990

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Published on Thursday, September 01, 2016


The call for proposals Artist Films and Video in Tuscany 1960-1990 welcomes proposals from early- and mid-career scholars of art history or related disciplines, inviting them to present an artist film or video, linked with the Tuscan experimental context (1960-1990), to be shown during the international conference Memories of Contemporary (Florence, November 22-23, 2016) promoted by Senzacornice | Research and Education Lab for Contemporary Art.


Conference curated by Alessandra Acocella and Caterina Toschi

Date and place

Florence, Auditorium di Sant’Apollonia, November 22-23, 2016

Senzacornice | Research and Education Lab for Contemporary Art organizes a two-day international conference entitled Memories of Contemporary. The conference is focused on contemporary arts archives with particular attention to the Tuscan context. The main objective is an in-depth examination on new features acquired by archives since the Sixties, when documentary collections became critical devices of diffused memories that gather multiple and complex materials, such as artist books and films, photographs, magazines, postcards and ephemera. The call for proposals Artist Films and Video in Tuscany 1960-1990 welcomes proposals from early- and mid-career scholars of art history or related disciplines, inviting them to present an artist film or video, linked with the Tuscan experimental context (1960-1990), to be shown during the conference. The main topics of interest may include (but are not limited to):

  • the role of artist films and video in creating and promoting Tuscan visual-cultural identity;
  • films and video of Italian and international artists that have influenced the experimental art and critical reflection in Tuscany;
  • artist films and video produced in Tuscany shown in exhibitions or promoted by Italian and international magazines.

Submissions should be accompanied by a historical-critical presentation proposal (designed for a ten-minute oral speech, followed by film/video screening) that analyzes the submitted artist film or video, also in relation to its archival context of provenance.

Submission guidelines

Submissions should be emailed to info@senzacornice.org

by September 26, 2016 

and should include:

  • presentation abstract (max. 400 words, Italian or English);
  • proposed film information: artist's name, title, year, format, feature length, archive of provenance (institution, natural or legal person);
  • short CV.

Please note that in the moment of submission applicants are expected to have the rights of free use and screening for the submitted film/video in the context of this conference and that this does not collide with the rights of other third parties or collecting societies.

Speakers should send to info@senzacornice.org a digital copy of the artist film by October 31, 2016.


Proposals will be evaluated by a selection committee composed of:

  • Barbara Cinelli (Università degli Studi Roma Tre),
  • Flavio Fergonzi (Scuola Normale Superiore),
  • Silvia Lucchesi (Lo schermo dell’arte Film Festival),
  • Alberto Salvadori (Museo Marino Marini, Florence),
  • Tiziana Serena (Università degli Studi di Firenze),
  • Alessandra Acocella and Caterina Toschi (Senzacornice).


The conference Memories of Contemporary is promoted by Senzacornice | Research and Education Lab for Contemporary Art and produced thanks to the support of Ente Cassa di Risparmio, Piccoli Grandi Musei - Toscana ’900 and Osservatorio per le Arti Contemporanee - Ente CRF.

The conference is organized in cooperation with Regione Toscana and Soprintendenza Archivistica e Bibliografica della Toscana.


  • Florence, Italian Republic


  • Monday, September 26, 2016


  • memory, contemporary, archive, artist, film, video


  • Senzacornice Association
    courriel : info [at] senzacornice [dot] org

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Senzacornice Association
    courriel : info [at] senzacornice [dot] org


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Artist films and video in Tuscany 1960-1990 », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, September 01, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/vnn

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