HomeThe individual and his body in the Ancient Mediterranean basin

The individual and his body in the Ancient Mediterranean basin

L’individu et son corps dans le bassin méditerranéen ancien

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Published on Monday, September 05, 2016


Le corps d’un individu relie celui-ci aux autres membres de sa communauté, il constitue un support physique commode pour interagir avec eux. Sans corps, pas de sens ; sans sens, pas de communication possible. Toutefois, le corps sépare aussi l’individu de ses contemporains : par ses particularismes innés ou acquis, il le différencie des autres. Il est donc à la fois un facteur de cohésion et de discrimination sociale. Cette problématique, très explorée en anthropologie sociale, a été presque complètement ignorée dans les études sur le Proche-Orient cunéiforme. En hittitologie, seule la lexicographie des parties du corps humain a été étudiée jusqu’à présent.



An interdisciplinary research seminar organized by Alice Mouton (2016-2018)

Preliminary program

(all the titles are provisional)

1) Sept. 29, 2016

4 p.m.-6 p.m. – room C at Ivry sur Seine CNRS:

  • Rune Nyord (Cambridge University, UK): “Conceptions and Experiences of the Body in Ancient Egypt”

2) Oct. 27, 2016

4 p.m.-6 p.m. – room C at Ivry sur Seine CNRS:

  • Youri Volokhine (Université de Genève, Switzerland): The human face and its relationship with identity in Ancient Egypt

3) Nov. 17, 2016

4 p.m.-6 p.m. – room C at Ivry sur Seine CNRS:

  • Julie Masquelier Loorius (Labex RESMED-UMR 8167 CNRS Paris, France) and Mélanie Flossmann-Schütze (Munich University, Germany): The postures of the king’s body in ancient Egyptian religious iconography

4) Dec. 15, 2016

4 p.m.-6 p.m. – room C at Ivry sur Seine CNRS:

  • Alice Mouton (UMR 8167 CNRS Paris, France): The involvement of the individual’s body in the ritual and ceremonial process in Hittite Anatolia

5) Jan. 2017

  • Sylvie Vanséveren (Brussels University, Belgium): The terminology of the body parts in Hittite and ancient Greek

6) Feb. 23, 2017

4 p.m.-6 p.m.:

  • Mauro Giorgieri (Pavia University, Italy): The Hurrian terminology of the body parts

7) March 2017

  • Laura Puértolas Rubio (UMR 8167-Sorbonne University, France): The bewitched body according to Hittite and Luwian cuneiform texts

8) April 2017

  • Valeria Zubieta-Lupo (Mainz University, Germany): The human body according to the Hittite medical texts

9) May 2017

  • Alice Mouton (UMR 8167 CNRS Paris, France): The body as a symbol of social belonging in Hittite Anatolia

10) June 2017

  • Carole Roche-Hawley (UMR 8167 CNRS Paris, France): The nail and the tongue in legal documents from Susa;
  • Robert Hawley (UMR 8167 CNRS Paris, France): The lexicography of the body parts in ancient West Semitic languages

11) Sept. 2017:

  • Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel (Toulouse University, France): Human senses according the Mesopotamian texts

12) Oct. 2017:

  • Ulrike Steinert (Berlin University, Germany): Concepts of the female body in Mesopotamian medical texts 

13) Nov. 2017:

  • Maria-Grazia Masetti-Rouault (UMR 8167 CNRS Paris, EPHE Paris, France): the body in the Mesopotamian texts (no specification yet)

14) Dec. 2017:

  • Karina Croucher (Bradford University, UK): the dead body in the ancient Near East according to the archaeological evidence

15) Jan. 2018:

  • Luc Renaut (Grenoble University, France): The marked body in the ancient Mediterranean Basin

16) Feb. 2018:

  • Stéphanie Anthonioz (UMR 8167 and Lille University, France): The human body in narratives of human creation of the biblical traditions

17) March 2018:

  • Johanna Erzberger (Pretoria University, South Africa): the body and the rules of cultic purity according to the Old Testament

18) April 2018:

  • Florence Gherchanoc (Paris Diderot University, France): anthropology of the body in ancient Greece

19) May 2018:

  • Mireille Lee (Vanderbilt University, United States): Mirroring femininity: the body and the mirror in classical Greece

20) June 2018:

  • Yannick Muller (Strasburg University, France): The mutilated body in ancient Greece

21) Sept. 2018:

  • Valérie Huet (Brest University, France): anthropology of the body in the Roman world




  • Salle C au sous-sol - CNRS, 27 rue Paul Bert
    Ivry-sur-Seine, France (94200)


  • Thursday, September 29, 2016
  • Thursday, October 27, 2016
  • Thursday, November 17, 2016
  • Thursday, December 15, 2016
  • Thursday, February 23, 2017


  • corps, sens, communauté, religion


  • Alice Mouton
    courriel : alice [dot] mouton [at] cnrs [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Alice Mouton
    courriel : alice [dot] mouton [at] cnrs [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« The individual and his body in the Ancient Mediterranean basin », Seminar, Calenda, Published on Monday, September 05, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/vnw

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