HomeStudy Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives

HomeStudy Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives

Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives

Grants for the academic year 2017-2018

*  *  *

Published on Friday, October 21, 2016


The Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives is a grant programme for graduate students and scholars from France, Great Britain, the USA and the successor states of the Soviet Union who want to use research facilities in Berlin.



The Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives awards 15 grants for one academic year (1st October 2017 to 31st July 2018). The monthly grant rate amounts to 1.100 € for graduate students (doctoral students and students having already obtained a Bachelor's degree). The maximum age for applicants is 35 years. The monthly grant rate includes the rent for an apartment in the International Studies Centre Berlin. 


The Study Foundation of the House of Representatives is a grant programme for young researchers from the United States of America, Great Britain, France, and the successor states of the Soviet Union, who want either to work on Berlin along with German as well as German-international issues or to use research facilities in Berlin.

The Study Foundation of the House of Representatives shall contribute to the further development of a generation of young scholars from the aforementioned states whose research issues deal with Berlin or Germany. Moreover, the Foundation seeks to awaken or strengthen long-term interest in and understanding of Germany in the afore mentioned states.

Target Group

The grants of the Study Foundation of the House of Representatives shall be awarded to young university graduates and students with at least a Bachelor’s degree (or an equivalent) of all fields, in particular the humanities and social sciences, and whose research or study projects deal with Berlin in a broad sense. The grants should be used to advance academic education at all state and state-recognized universities and academic research institutions in Berlin.

Application Requirements

Applicants for a grant of the Study Foundation of the House of Representatives must belong to the elite of young academics in their country, that is, they must have above-average qualifications.

The grants shall be awarded according to academic performance.

The maximum age for applicants is 35 years. Students should have obtained a first academic degree (Bachelor) by the age of 25.

Applicants who were not academically engaged over a long period of time after graduation in their home country shall not be considered.

Applicants should submit a detailed research proposal. In addition, they must have made efforts to get an invitation letter by a university teacher or scholar of a research institution in Berlin. This letter should be submitted with the application documents.

Award amount

The award amount varies according to the level of education. The monthly grant rate amounts to

  • 1.100 € for graduate students  
  • 1.630 € for postdoctoral researchers.

The monthly grant rate includes the rent for an apartment intheInternationalStudiesCentreBerlin (330 €). Housing allowances for other flats are not included.

Inaddition, a fixed travel allowance is paid in order to travel to Berlin and back (a lump sum of 200 € within Europe; and a lump sum of 600 € outside Europe).

Additional funding is possible in justified cases.

The final amount of the grant will be fixed by the Study Foundation of the House of Representatives, it can be increased from the beginning of the next semester in recognition of outstanding academic achievement (see point 10 of the guidelines).

Grant holders shall pay their health, accident, and nursing care insurance themselves.

Other grants shall not be held simultaneously with the grant of the Study Foundation of the House of Representatives. Grant holders shall not engage in outside employment. Exceptions may be granted by the Foundation.

As a rule the grant will only be paid as long as the grant holder resides in Berlin for the duration of the grant. If a longer absence from the place of study is necessary for professional reasons, the Foundation has to be informed about the reasons, destination, and duration of the sojourn four weeks in advance of the trip.

Selection Criteria

  • Academic achievements, results of examinations, special expertise
  • Academic quality and feasibility of the project
  • Recommendation letters of professors/experts in the relevant field of study
  • Invitation letter of a Berlin university teacher or proof of contact with the chosen host institution
  • Civic engagement
  • Appropriate German language skills.

Application Documents

All documents can be emailed.

The following documents must be submitted with the application form:

  • Curriculum vitae with a recent photo on the cover page
  • A detailed and precise explanation of the study plan and research proposal as well as a description of previous study and research activities particularly relevant to the application
  • Proof of existing contacts with university members or research institutions in Berlin
  • Two recommendation letters from professors in the relevant field of study providing information about the academic qualifications of the applicant.

In addition, copies of the following certificates and transcripts:

  • University transcripts with all annual examinations (including course grades)
  • Diplomas or university certificates with final grades.

All transcripts should include an explanation of the grading system. Applicants from the successor states of the Soviet Union should submit a German or English translation of their certificates and transcripts.

The application documents must be complete in order to be accepted. Incomplete applications shall not be considered by the Study Foundation of the House of Representatives, they will result in the exclusion of the application.

Application Submission Date

The grant programme shall be announced in an appropriate manner in the United States, Great Britain, France, and the succesor states of the Soviet Union.

Application forms should be requested from the Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives and should be sent by the applicant to the Study Foundation.

The application deadline is December 15 each year. The date of receipt of the documents in Berlin is decisive.

Awarding of the Grant

The Executive Committee of the Foundation finally decides on the awarding of the grants.

Duration of the Grant

The grants are valid for one academic year, and they are not extendable. They begin on October 1 and end on July 31 of the following year.

The grant must be started on October 1. If this date is not met, the grant may lapse. A later start date can be fixed in justified exceptional cases.

Reports; Performance-based Increase of the Grant Amount

Grant holders must present an evaluation of their Berlin supervisors after six months and submit a final report of their study or research results one month after the end of the grant at the latest. The final reports will be published in the Yearbook of the Foundation, if necessary in a shortened version.

In addition, seminars in which grant holders present their research results to the Executive and Advisory Committee of the Foundation shall take place at the end of each semester. These seminars enable the committees to review the performance of the grant holders, and provide the basis upon which the grants shall be continued. The monthly grant rate of a grant holder can be increased up to 50% from the beginning of the next semester in recognition of outstanding academic achievement.

Consequences of a Violation of the Terms and Conditions of the Grant

The grant may be revoked, and the grant holders may be required to reimburse all or part of the payments already made, if they do not meet the above conditions or if their academic performance is unsatisfactory. The same applies if a grant holder is legally convicted of a criminal offence.

Obligation to Return

Upon acceptance of the grant, the grant holder is obliged to return to his or her home country after the end of the grant.

Alumni Funding

Former grant holders (alumni) may get funding again if they are invited by the Foundation, or if they successfully apply themselves. They should distinguish themselves by particular performance, and should want to work in Berlin in accordance with the purpose of the Foundation (e. g. by giving lectures, attending congresses, pursuing advanced studies or research projects).

The Executive Committee of the Foundation will review the applicant’s performance on the basis of the report according to point 10 of the guidelines and other sources (e. g. academic publications and degrees, professional positions). Moreover, the Executive Committee can ask members of the Advisory Committee of the Foundation or other confidants about their opinion.

The Executive Committee will make a discretionary decision on the alumni allowance, the kind and amount of the grant according to individual requirements. The Executive Committee may reimburse in particular travel and/or daily subsistence expenses. The alumni’s financial capability must be taken into consideration. The total amount of the alumni grant shall not exceed the amount of a grant for a full academic year according to point 4 and 9 of the guidelines.

Members of the Selection Committee

(Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives)

  • Prof. em. Dr. Christof Helberger, Institute of Economics & Business Law, Technical University Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin
  • Senior-Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kaelble, Institute of History, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
  • Prof. em. Dr. Volker Mertens, Institute for German and Dutch Philology, Freie Universität Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
  • Prof. Dr. Brigitte Handwerker, Institute for German Language and Linguistics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
  • Prof. Dr. Dieter Ohr, Institute of Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin, Garystr. 55, 14195 Berlin
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Fromm, Institute for Clinical Physiology, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin, 12200 Berlin
  • Prof. em. Dr. Friedrich Körber, Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin, Takustr. 3, 14195 Berlin
  • Prof. Dr. Chistoph Paulus, Faculty of Law, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin


  • Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin - Niederkirchnerstr. 5
    Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany (10117)


  • Thursday, December 15, 2016


  • Berlin


  • Regina Rahm
    courriel : studienstiftung [at] parlament-berlin [dot] de

Information source

  • Regina Rahm
    courriel : studienstiftung [at] parlament-berlin [dot] de


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« Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Friday, October 21, 2016,

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