Padova (Italy) 18-20 April 2017
In recent years the number of actions and projects involving “ancient forests” or “ancient woodland” has greatly increased. (French National Forestry Office exceptional forests scheme, WWF program for ancient forests, International Day of Forests, etc.). In ecological, economic and social terms, these forest spaces play numerous, diverse roles.
The definition of “ancient forests” varies not only from country to country but also according to disciplinary field. Working on “ancient forests” can involve separating “old-growth forests” from “ancient woodland”, forests that have disappeared and, in the case of “current forests”, those that are not actually very old! “Ancient woodland” or “old growth forests” are often considered as “current forests” of a certain age, but the appreciation of this antiquity depends on time based thresholds that in turn depend on, amongst other things, the sources available to help reconstruct their history.
Even though the concept of “ancient forests” is evolving, the origins of a forest’s antiquity must be addressed. If forests have survived until now, a number of social and economic functions must justify their existence. Coupled with notions of natural refuges and forest biodiversity, these forests are also considered as living archives and witnesses of centuries gone by, as places where heritage and memories accumulate. Both private and publicly owned, these forests are at the crossroads of various, sometimes conflicting, points of view. Their management must not only respond to the great challenges of today’s world, (mitigating climate change, reducing the loss of biodiversity) but also involve efforts to revitalise local economies and improve the quality of life.
Today, as in the past, they offer insights into the changing relationships between society and environment and for this reason are of particular scientific interest. Integrated inter/multidisciplinary approaches that bring together historical knowledge (economic and social uses of the forest) and naturalistic approaches (study of forest ecosystems) now offer a new means of tackling the question of “ancient forests”
However while the various methods and tools implemented ensure a better understanding of past forest spaces, disciplinary and regional compartmentalisation limits a global, integrated approach. To be at the crossroads of human sciences and natural sciences is vital in order to understand the factors leading to the differentiation of historical wooded areas.
The aim of this conference is to allow specialists and researchers from various cultures and different professional fields to meet and exchange views about the study of ancient forests. Foresters, planners, developers, ecologists, biologists, agriculturalists, geographers, historians, philosophers, ethnologists, cartographers, archaeologists, archaeobotanists, sociologists etc., from all backgrounds, are invited to join this debate about our various and varying concept of “ancient forests”.
Maturity, heritage, age and antiquity: how can "ancient forests" be defined? How do we identify a forest as ancient?
By its age, its functions or its biodiversity? Numerous projects currently underway in this field reveal a great diversity of points of view and the existence of various schools of thought. These perceptions are narrowly linked to disciplinary fields as well as to specific national environments. The various terms used to describe ancient forests do not all refer to the same concepts, or the same historical circumstances. Furthermore, these concepts were born from very specific contexts and are thus indications of the way we think about relationships between society and environment. The idea of this theme is to present different viewpoints in their cultural and disciplinary contexts and to initiate a collective critical reflection about this emerging study subject.
How to tackle the subject of forest age in a global manner? What are the latest methodological and scientific developments?
Only by using a range of different approaches is it possible to probe the historical depths of forest areas and to understand the uses that have shaped them. Looking into their history in a comprehensive manner requires a combination of approaches: historical, archaeological, ethnographical and paleoecological etc. Presentations of case studies will highlight a variety of opportunities for combined approaches and allow the added scientific value of such studies to be appreciated, with a view to gaining a better overall understanding of forests’ history.
“ Ancient forests” yes but how to move forward?
Given the overlapping challenges of environmental, economic and social issues, how can a better understanding of the history of forest areas contributes to improvements in their management? This last theme will focus on concrete examples of project management and exploitation of “ancient” forest areas, where historical knowledge has led to new solutions for their development and management. The intention is to reflect on the heuristic scope of a comprehensive approach to the history of the forests.
Field trip
A field trip will be organised in the Parco Regionale dei Colli Euganei, in collaboration with the park management team. It will be held in the areas studied by Sandrine Paradis-Grenouillet and Sylvain Burri as part of the Marie Curie THISTLE research project and the European FP7 MEMOLA Project. It will confront the concepts and teachings of the conference with the reality of a complex landscape shaped by centuries of ebb and flow and co-evolution between forest cover and agro-forestry-pastoral exploitation by mountain communities, the town of Padua and the Venetian Arsenal.
Important information
Abstract and submission: Abstract for oral or poster communication should be submitted
before the 20 December 2016
at The text of the abstract must be under 2500 characters. The authors will be informed by email before 15 january 2017 if their submission has been accepted by the scientic committee
Organizing Commitee
- Chantal ASPE – Senior Lecturer (environmental sociology), LPED UMR 151 IRD, University of Aix-Marseille (France)
- Sylvain BURRI – Research officer CNRS (history and archaeology), LA3M, UMR 7298 – University of Aix-Marseille (France)
- Sandrine PARADIS-GRENOUILLET – Postdoctoral researcher Marie-Curie (historical geography and archaeobotany) - Dipartimento dei beni culturali, archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica. University of Padova (Italie)
- Romain ROUAUD – Postdoctoral researcher (geography), GEOLAB, UMR 6042 CNRS, University of Limoges (France)
Scientific committee
- Paul Arnould – Professor (geography), EVS, UMR 5600 CNRS, University of Lyon (France)
- Jérôme Buridant – Lecturer (geography), Edysan, University of Picardie (France)
- Gian Pietro Brogiolo – Professor (archaeology), Dipartimento dei beni culturali, archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica. University of Padova (Italy)
- Alexandra Chavarria -Professoressa (archaeology), Dipartimento dei beni culturali, archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica. University of Padova (Italy)
- Alan Crivellaro - Assistant professor (wood technology), Tesaf, University of Padoue (Italy)
- Jean-Luc Dupouey - Research director (forest ecology), EEF, UMR INRA - UL 1137, University of Lorrain (France)
- Frédéric Guibal – Research officer (palaeoecology), IMBE, UMR 7263 CNRS, University of Aix-Marseille (France)
- Thierry Kervyn – Scientific attached (forest ecology and forest management), Service Public de Wallonie, Département d'étude du milieu naturel et agricole (Belgium)
- Keith Kirby - Visiting Researcher (forest ecology), Department of Plant Sciences. University of Oxford (United Kingdon)
- Emanuele Lingua – Assistant professor (forest ecology), Tesaf, University of Padoue (Italy)
- Diego Moreno – Professor (geography), Dipartimento di Antichità, Filosofia e Storia (DAFIST), Laboratorio di Archeologia e storia ambientale; University of Genova (Italy)
- Nicoletta Martinelli – Doctor of Philisophy (dendrochronology), Laboratorio Dendrodata, Verona. (Italy)
- Oliver Nelle – Lecturer (archaeobotany), Dendrochronologisches Labor, Landesamtfür Denkmalpflege, University of Stuttgart (Germany)
- Cristiano Nicosia – Researcher (geoarchaeology) CreA-Patrimoine, University of Bruxelles (Belgium)
- Xavier Rochel - Lecturer (geography) Loterr , University of Lorraine (France)
Padova (Italy) 18-20 April 2017
Depuis une quinzaine d’années les actions et projets en faveur des « forêts anciennes » se multiplient (label forêts d'exceptions de l'ONF, programme forêts anciennes du WWF, journée internationale de la forêt, etc.). Ces espaces forestiers sont concernés par des usages multiples, à la croisée des enjeux écologiques, économiques et sociétaux.
Les définitions des « forêts anciennes » varient en fonction des pays, mais aussi des champs disciplinaires par lesquels elles sont abordées. Travailler sur les « forêts anciennes » amène à écarter les « anciennes forêts » les forêts qui aujourd’hui ont disparu, et parmi les « forêts actuelles » celles qui n’auraient pas d’ancienneté. Les « forêts anciennes », sont donc des « forêts actuelles» pourvues d’une certaine ancienneté, mais l’appréciation de cette ancienneté est tributaire de seuils temporels qui dépendent, entre autres, des sources à disposition pour reconstruire ce passé.
Même si la notion de « forêts anciennes » évolue dans son acception, il s’agit d’aborder l’origine de cette ancienneté. Si des forêts se sont maintenues jusqu’à aujourd’hui, c’est qu’un certain nombre de fonctions sociales et économiques, justifient leur existence. Associées à l’idée de refuges pour la nature, de biodiversité forestière, ces forêts sont aussi considérées comme des archives et témoins des siècles passés, comme des accumulateurs de patrimoine et de mémoire. Tantôt biens privés et tantôt biens communs, ces forêts sont à la croisée d’enjeux variés, parfois contradictoires. Leur gestion doit répondre tout aussi bien aux grands défis mondiaux (atténuation du réchauffement climatique, réduire l’érosion de la biodiversité) qu’aux tentatives de relocalisation de l’économie et d’amélioration du cadre de vie. D’hier à aujourd’hui, elles sont une fenêtre ouverte sur l’évolution des rapports société/environnement, et méritent de fait un intérêt scientifique particulier.
Les approches intégrées, inter/multidisciplinaires, réunissant connaissances historiques (fonction sociale et économique de la forêt) et approches naturalistes (étude des écosystèmes forestiers) ouvrent aujourd’hui une nouvelle manière d’aborder la question des « forêts anciennes ». Si la diversité des approches et des outils mis en œuvre sont garants d'une meilleure compréhension du passé des espaces forestiers, le cloisonnement encore trop disciplinaire et régional limite l'approche globale et intégrée. Se positionner au carrefour des sciences humaines et des sciences naturelles est indispensable pour comprendre les facteurs engendrant la différenciation des espaces boisés historiques.
L'objectif de ce colloque est de faire se rencontrer et échanger des spécialistes et chercheurs, de disciplines, de cultures et horizons professionnels différents, sur l’étude des forêts anciennes. Forestiers, aménageurs, écologues, biologistes, agronomes, géographes, historiens, philosophes, ethnologues, cartographes, archéologues, archéobotanistes, sociologues…, de tous horizons sont invités à mettre en débat la notion et l’idée de « forêts anciennes ».
Entre maturité, patrimonialité et ancienneté, quelles définitions des « forêts anciennes » ?
Comment qualifie-t-on une forêt comme ancienne ? Par son ancienneté, sa maturité, ses usages, sa biodiversité ? Les nombreux travaux engagés aujourd'hui sur le sujet sont révélateur de la diversité des points de vue et de l’existence d’écoles disciplinaires. Ces acceptions sont étroitement liées aux champs disciplinaires ainsi qu’à des contextes nationaux spécifiques. Les termes « ancients woodlands », « forêts anciennes», « foreste vetuste », ne recouvrent pas tout à fait les mêmes objets, ni les mêmes réalités historiques. Par ailleurs, il s’agit de concepts nés dans des contextes bien spécifiques et sont de ce fait les marqueurs d’une façon de penser les relations société/environnement. Ce thème a pour objectif de présenter les différents regards dans leurs contextes culturels et disciplinaires, pour ouvrir sur une réflexion de cet objet d'étude.
Comment aborder de manière globale l’ancienneté des forêts ? Quelles nouveautés méthodologiques et scientifiques ?
C’est au travers d’une diversité d’approches qu’il est possible de sonder la profondeur historique des espaces forestiers ainsi que d’appréhender les usages qui les ont façonnés. S’intéresser à leur histoire de façon globale, nécessite de combiner des approches historiques, archéologiques, ethnographiques, paléoécologiques… La présentation de cas d'études permettra à la fois de mettre en évidence la diversité des possibilités d’approches croisées et d’apprécier leur plus-value scientifique dans la perspective d’une compréhension globale de l’histoire des forêts.
Des « forêts anciennes » oui mais pourquoi faire ?
A la croisée d’enjeux d’ordres écologiques, économiques et sociaux, en quoi une meilleure connaissance du passé de ces espaces peut-elle contribuer à améliorer les termes de leur gestion ? Ce dernier thème portera sur des projets concrets de gestion et de valorisation d'espaces forestiers « anciens » pour lesquelles les connaissances historiques ont permis de tracer des voies nouvelles d’aménagement et de gestion. Il s’agit de réfléchir à la portée heuristique d’une approche globale de l’histoire des forêts.
Sortie de terrain
Une sortie de terrain sera organisée dans le Parc Regional des Colli Euganei en collaboration avec les gestionnaires du Parc. Elle aura lieu dans les zones étudiées par Sandrine Paradis-Grenouillet et Sylvain Burri dans le cadre du projet de recherche Marie Curie THISTLE et du Projet Européen FP7 MEMOLA. Il s’agira de confronter les concepts et les enseignements du colloque à la réalité d’un terrain complexe façonné par des siècles de flux et de reflux et de co-évolution entre couvert forestier et exploitation agro-sylvo-pastorale par les communautés du massif, la ville de Padoue et l’Arsenal de Venise.
Information Importante
Les résumés des propositions de poster ou de présentation orale doivent être soumis
avant le 20 décembre 2016
à l'adresse Le texte de propositions ne doivent pas dépasser kes 2500 signes. Les auteurs seront informés de la décision du comité scientifique avant le 15 janvier 2017.
Comité d'organisation
- Chantal ASPE – Senior Lecturer (environmental sociology), LPED UMR 151 IRD, University of Aix-Marseille (France)
- Sylvain BURRI – Research officer CNRS (history and archaeology), LA3M, UMR 7298 – University of Aix-Marseille (France)
- Sandrine PARADIS-GRENOUILLET – Postdoctoral researcher Marie-Curie (historical geography and archaeobotany) - Dipartimento dei beni culturali, archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica. University of Padova (Italie)
- Romain ROUAUD – Postdoctoral researcher (geography), GEOLAB, UMR 6042 CNRS, University of Limoges (France)
Comité scientifique
- Paul Arnould – Professor (geography), EVS, UMR 5600 CNRS, University of Lyon (France)
- Jérôme Buridant – Lecturer (geography), Edysan, University of Picardie (France)
- Gian Pietro Brogiolo – Professor (archaeology), Dipartimento dei beni culturali, archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica. University of Padova (Italy)
- Alexandra Chavarria -Professoressa (archaeology), Dipartimento dei beni culturali, archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica. University of Padova (Italy)
- Alan Crivellaro - Assistant professor (wood technology), Tesaf, University of Padoue (Italy)
- Jean-Luc Dupouey - Research director (forest ecology), EEF, UMR INRA - UL 1137, University of Lorrain (France)
- Frédéric Guibal – Research officer (palaeoecology), IMBE, UMR 7263 CNRS, University of Aix-Marseille (France)
- Thierry Kervyn – Scientific attached (forest ecology and forest management), Service Public de Wallonie, Département d'étude du milieu naturel et agricole (Belgium)
- Keith Kirby - Visiting Researcher (forest ecology), Department of Plant Sciences. University of Oxford (United Kingdon)
- Emanuele Lingua – Assistant professor (forest ecology), Tesaf, University of Padoue (Italy)
- Diego Moreno – Professor (geography), Dipartimento di Antichità, Filosofia e Storia (DAFIST), Laboratorio di Archeologia e storia ambientale; University of Genova (Italy)
- Nicoletta Martinelli – Doctor of Philisophy (dendrochronology), Laboratorio Dendrodata, Verona. (Italy)
- Oliver Nelle – Lecturer (archaeobotany), Dendrochronologisches Labor, Landesamtfür Denkmalpflege, University of Stuttgart (Germany)
- Cristiano Nicosia – Researcher (geoarchaeology) CreA-Patrimoine, University of Bruxelles (Belgium)
- Xavier Rochel - Lecturer (geography) Loterr , University of Lorraine (France)
Padova (Italy) 18-20 April 2017
Da quindici anni a questa parte, le azioni e i progetti realizzati in favore delle "foreste antiche" si sono moltiplicati: il riconoscimento da parte dell’ONF (Ufficio nazionale delle foreste) di foreste “d’eccezione”, il progetto “Foreste antiche” del WWF, la Giornata Internazionale delle Foreste, etc. Di fronte alle problematiche ecologiche, economiche e sociali del momento, le funzionalità di tali zone forestali sono numerose.
Le definizioni stesse di "foreste antiche" sono diverse tra loro e variano a seconda dei paesi, ma anche delle discipline che le studiano. Parlare di "foreste antiche" ci porta ad escludere il concetto di "antiche foreste" – le foreste che oggi non esistono più – e le "foreste attuali" – le foreste che non avrebbero anzianità. Le "foreste antiche" sono dunque "foreste attuali", ma provviste di una certa anzianità la cui stima è determinata dasoglie temporali che dipendono, tra le altre cose, dalle fonti a disposizione per ricostruire tale passato.
Nonostante l’evoluzione della nozione di "foreste antiche", bisogna affrontare la questione dell’origine di tale anzianità. Se certe foreste si sono mantenute fino ad oggi, è perché un certo numero di funzioni sociali ed economiche ne hanno giustificato l’esistenza. Bisogna quindi tracciarne la profondità storica. Infatti, in più dell’idea di "rifugi per la natura" (biodiversità forestale), tali foreste sono considerate archivi e testimoni dei secoli passati, raccoglitori di patrimonio e memoria.
Bene privato e bene comune al tempo stesso, queste foreste sono il punto di incontro (scontro) di diverse problematiche, a volte contraddittorie. La loro gestione deve poter rispondere alle grandi sfide mondiali (contribuire all’attenuazione del riscaldamento climatico, ridurre il degrado della biodiversità) quanto ai bisogni di rilocalizzazione dell’economia e del miglioramento del quadro di vita (transizione energetica, maggiore produzione di legno, questioni paesaggistiche, conflitti d’interessi).
Tanto nel passato che nel presente, tali foreste sono una finestra aperta sull’evoluzione dei rapporti società/ambiente e meritano, di fatto, un interesse scientifico particolare. Gli approcci integrati, inter-multidisciplinari, raggruppanti conoscenze storiche (funzione sociale ed economica della foresta) e gli approcci naturalisti (studio degli ecosistemi forestali) aprono oggi ad una nuova maniera di affrontare la questione delle "foreste antiche".
Se tale diversità di approcci e di strumenti adottata al momento attuale è garante di una migliore comprensione degli spazi forestali, la separazione ancora troppo disciplinare e regionale limita l’approccio globale ed integrato. Posizionarsi al crocevia delle scienze umane e delle scienze naturali è indispensabile per comprendere i fattori determinanti la differenziazione delle specie boscose storiche.
Il presente convegno intende favorire l’incontro e lo scambio tra specialisti e ricercatori, tra discipline, culture ed orizzonti professionali diversi sullo studio delle foreste antiche. Esperti di tutte le discipline, in foreste, ecologia, biologia, agronomia, geografia, storia, etnologia, cartografia, archeologia, paleoetnobotanica, sociologia, etc, potranno discutere della nozione complessa di "foreste antiche".
Maturità, patrimonialità ed anzianità: quale definizione dare a “foreste antiche”?
Sulla base di che cosa una foresta viene definita antica? Sulla sua anzianità, i suoi usi, la sua biodiversità? I numerosi studi oggi intrapresi rivelano la molteplicità dei punti di vista e dell’esistenza di più scuole di pensiero. Le numerose accezioni sono strettamente legate sia agli ambiti disciplinari sia a contesti nazionali specifici. I termini “ancient woodland”, “forêts anciennes”, “foreste vetuste”, non definiscono affatto gli stessi oggetti, né le stesse realtà storiche. L’obiettivo è presentare le diverse opinioni esistenti nei loro contesti culturali e disciplinari per aprire ad una riflessione critica su questo emergente oggetto di studio.
Come affrontare il discorso dell’anzianità delle foreste in un’ottica globale? Quali sono le novità metodologiche e scientifiche?
Soltanto l’impiego di molteplici diversi approcci e punti di vista permette tanto di indagare la profondità storica degli spazi forestali quanto di cogliere quegli usi che li hanno modellati. Interessarsi alla loro storia in maniera globale richiede la combinazione di molteplici approcci (storico, archeologico, etnografico, paleoecologico…). La presentazione dei vari casi di studio permetterà di recensire e condividere le diverse opinioni a confronto, nell’ottica di una comprensione globale della storia delle foreste.
“Forêtsanciennes”, “ancientwoodland”, “foreste antiche” … d’accordo, ma a cosa servono?
Di fronte alle sfide ecologiche, economiche e sociali del momento, una migliore conoscenza del passato di tali spazi può contribuire a migliorare una loro gestione multifunzionale? Questo ultimo aspetto punterebbe a delineare dei progetti concreti di gestione e di valorizzazione degli spazi forestali “antichi”, la cui conoscenza storica ha permesso di tracciare nuove vie di sviluppo e di gestione. L’obiettivo è definire la portata euristica di un approccio globale alla storia delle foreste.
Uscita sul terreno
Si prevede un’uscita sul terreno al Parco Regionale dei Colli Euganei in collaborazione con i responsabili del Parco. L’uscita si svolgerà nelle zone boschive che sono oggetto degli studi di SandrineParadis-Grenouillet (progetto di ricerca Marie Curie THISTLE) e Sylvain Burri (progetto europeo FP7 MEMOLA). L’obiettivo è confrontare i concetti e i risultati del convegno con la realtà di un territorio complesso modellato da secoli di flussi e riflussi e di coevoluzione tra copertura forestale e sfruttamento agro-silvo-pastorale delle comunità locali, della città di Padova e dell’Arsenale di Venezia.
Important information
Abstract and submission: Abstract for oral or poster communication should be submitted
before the 20 December 2016
at The text of the abstract must be under 2500 characters. The authors will be informed by email before 15 january 2017 if their submission has been accepted by the scientic committee
Comitato organizzativo
- Chantal ASPE – Senior Lecturer (environmental sociology), LPED UMR 151 IRD, University of Aix-Marseille (France)
- Sylvain BURRI – Research officer CNRS (history and archaeology), LA3M, UMR 7298 – University of Aix-Marseille (France)
- Sandrine PARADIS-GRENOUILLET – Postdoctoral researcher Marie-Curie (historical geography and archaeobotany) - Dipartimento dei beni culturali, archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica. University of Padova (Italie)
- Romain ROUAUD – Postdoctoral researcher (geography), GEOLAB, UMR 6042 CNRS, University of Limoges (France)
Comitato scientifico
- Paul Arnould – Professor (geography), EVS, UMR 5600 CNRS, University of Lyon (France)
- Jérôme Buridant – Lecturer (geography), Edysan, University of Picardie (France)
- Gian Pietro Brogiolo – Professor (archaeology), Dipartimento dei beni culturali, archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica. University of Padova (Italy)
- Alexandra Chavarria -Professoressa (archaeology), Dipartimento dei beni culturali, archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica. University of Padova (Italy)
- Alan Crivellaro - Assistant professor (wood technology), Tesaf, University of Padoue (Italy)
- Jean-Luc Dupouey - Research director (forest ecology), EEF, UMR INRA - UL 1137, University of Lorrain (France)
- Frédéric Guibal – Research officer (palaeoecology), IMBE, UMR 7263 CNRS, University of Aix-Marseille (France)
- Thierry Kervyn – Scientific attached (forest ecology and forest management), Service Public de Wallonie, Département d'étude du milieu naturel et agricole (Belgium)
- Keith Kirby - Visiting Researcher (forest ecology), Department of Plant Sciences. University of Oxford (United Kingdon)
- Emanuele Lingua – Assistant professor (forest ecology), Tesaf, University of Padoue (Italy)
- Diego Moreno – Professor (geography), Dipartimento di Antichità, Filosofia e Storia (DAFIST), Laboratorio di Archeologia e storia ambientale; University of Genova (Italy)
- Nicoletta Martinelli – Doctor of Philisophy (dendrochronology), Laboratorio Dendrodata, Verona. (Italy)
- Oliver Nelle – Lecturer (archaeobotany), Dendrochronologisches Labor, Landesamtfür Denkmalpflege, University of Stuttgart (Germany)
- Cristiano Nicosia – Researcher (geoarchaeology) CreA-Patrimoine, University of Bruxelles (Belgium)
- Xavier Rochel - Lecturer (geography) Loterr , University of Lorraine (France)