Differentiated readings of leisure sports
Lectures différentiées des loisirs sportifs
"Public action" pole of the LACES (EA 7437), cycle 2016-2017
Séminaires de l’axe « Action publique » du LACES (EA 7437), cycle 2016-2017
Published on Monday, November 14, 2016
Maracaña, Stade de France, Paris-Bercy, Wimbledon... Les lieux sportifs, nationaux et internationaux, sont aussi emblématiques au plan politique. Les politiques de jeunesse et l'éducation physique à l’école ne sont pas neutres pour autant. Le sport est un moyen pertinent d’appréhender le monde et son organisation, ses enjeux économiques, culturels et géopolitiques, ainsi que nos modes de vie et d’habiter, notamment désormais en ville.
Automne 2016, mercredi 16 novembre 13h – 15h
MSHA, salle vitrée, 1er étage.
Sport, villes et politiques publiques : de l’éducation physique aux loisirs
Invité : Jean-Pierre Augustin (Université Bordeaux Montaigne),
- Discutant : Cédric Terret. Animateur : Jacques Mikulovic.
Maracaña, Stade de France, Paris-Bercy, Wimbledon... Les lieux sportifs, nationaux et internationaux, sont aussi emblématiques au plan politique. Les politiques de jeunesse et l'éducation physique à l’école ne sont pas neutres pour autant. Le sport est un moyen pertinent d’appréhender le monde et son organisation, ses enjeux économiques, culturels et géopolitiques, ainsi que nos modes de vie et d’habiter, notamment désormais en ville.
Fondateur de la géographie du sport en France, face à l'école de Franche-Comté, et à certaines recherches grenobloises, Jean-Pierre Augustin fait le point à ce sujet.
Dernier livre publié : Le sport, une géographie mondialisée. La Documentation française, 2016.
Hiver 2017, mercredi 25 janvier 13h – 15h
La politique française des loisirs de plage : aménagement littoral, clubs et campings
MSHA, salle vitrée, 1er étage.
- Invité : Myriam Casamayor (Université Bordeaux Montaigne),
- Discutant : Bernard Gresser. Animateur : André Suchet.
Printemps 2017, mercredi 29 mars 13h – 15h
Sociologie des loisirs : conceptualisations et approches théoriques
MSHA, salle 1, rez-de-chaussée.
- Invité : Robert Stebbins (Université de Calgary, Canada)
- Discutant : Jean-François Loudcher. Animateur : André Suchet.
Organisation d’une Journée d’étude « Action publique, éducations et territoires ».
Robert Stebbins's research interests in leisure date to late 1973, the year he began his theoretic work on amateurs. From here it soon became clear that leisure studies could be conceived of in at least two great categories: in 1982 (Pacific Soc. Rev.) Stebbins published the basic conceptual statement of serious leisure, using casual leisure as the comparative backdrop. Then, early in 1997, he published in Leisure Studies a similar statement on casual leisure. Between 1975 and the present he has published a range of theoretical and empirical articles, chapters, and books on amateurs (musicians, actors, baseball players, football players, entertainment magicians, stand-up comics, archaeologists, astronomers), hobbyists (barbershop singers, cultural tourists, kayakers, snowboarders, mountain climbers, and other nature challenge enthusiasts), and career volunteers, particularly those in the North American francophone communities outside Quebec. A third category of leisure – “project-based leisure” – was defined and discussed in Leisure Studies (Jan., 2005).
Of his 47 books published or in press, latest are :
- Leisure and the Motive to Volunteer (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)
- The Interrelationship of Leisure and Play:Play as Leisure, Leisure as Play (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)
- Leisure and Positive Psychology: Linking Activities with Positiveness (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015) - Careers in Serious Leisure: From Dabbler to Devotee in Search of Fulfillment (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) - The Serious Leisure Perspective: An Introduction (Routledge, 2014, with Sam Elkington)
"The serious leisure perspective” (SLP) is the name of the theoretic framework that bridges and synthesizes three main forms of leisure, known as serious leisure, casual leisure, and project-based leisure. Research began in 1973 on the first of these, and has continued since that time, while work on casual leisure and then on project-based leisure came subsequently (see History section of this site for more details). Within each form, a variety of types and subtypes have also emerged over the years. That this Perspective takes its name from the first of these should, in no way, suggest that it is to be regarded, in some abstract sense, as the most important or superior of the three. Rather, the Perspective is so titled, simply because it got its start in the study of serious leisure; such leisure is, strictly from the standpoint of intellectual invention, the godfather of the other two. A map of the SLP is
available in the Resources page of this website.
Leisure is defined in the SLP as un-coerced, contextually framed activity engaged in during free time, which people want to do and, using their abilities and resources, actually do in either a satisfying or a fulfilling way (or both).
Serious leisure is the systematic pursuit of an amateur, hobbyist, or volunteer core activity that is highly substantial, interesting, and fulfilling and where, in the typical case, participants find a career in acquiring and expressing a combination of its special skills, knowledge, and experience (Stebbins, 1992, p.3). The adjective "serious" (a word Stebbins' research respondents often used) embodies such qualities as earnestness, sincerity, importance, and carefulness. This adjective, basically a folk term, signals the importance of these three types of activity in the everyday lives of participants, in that pursuing the three eventually engenders deep self-fulfillment.
- Geography (Main category)
- Society > Geography > Urban geography
- Society > Sociology > Sport and recreation
- Society > Urban studies
- Society > Geography > Geography: society and territory
- Society > Sociology > Sociology of culture
- Maison des Sciences de l'Homme d'Aquitaine, salle vitrée - 10 Espl. des Antilles
Pessac, France (33)
- Wednesday, November 16, 2016
- Wednesday, January 25, 2017
- Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Attached files
- sport, villes, politiques publiques, éducation physique, loisirs
- André Suchet
courriel : andre [dot] suchet [at] u-bordeaux [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- André Suchet
courriel : andre [dot] suchet [at] u-bordeaux [dot] fr
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To cite this announcement
« Differentiated readings of leisure sports », Seminar, Calenda, Published on Monday, November 14, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/w5u