HomeRestorative justice in action(s)
Restorative justice in action(s)
La justice restaurative en action(s)
French practices and innovations. An international comparative perspective
Pratiques et innovations françaises. Perspectives comparées au travers de témoignages internationaux
Published on Wednesday, November 23, 2016
This first conference held in France is designed for all professionals involved in deploying restorative justice in France and who wish to share best practices and lessons learned with all persons who are likely to implement such programs in the future and who need to learn about the subject, as well as for all international professionals who wish to discover how France has developed this practice over the course of the past two years.
The conference will be held on January 18th and 19th, 2017 at UNESCO in Paris.
Restorative justice was added to the French Code de procédure pénale (criminal procedure code) by the law of August 15th, 2014. It is now possible for any person who is the victim or the offender to be proposed a restorative justice measure at all stages of a criminal proceeding.
During the past three years, the French Institute for Restorative Justice (IFJR) assisted the implementation and evaluation of experimental programs realised by professionals in the fields of justice, probation and penitentiary services, juvenile justice and victims support services, in France.
Given the success of these programs, confirmed by results evaluated internationally, – primarily the appeasement of participants, a better recognition for victims and accountably of the offenders, a decrease in the recidivism rate, a newfound feeling of security for the various communities concerned – this practice is currently spreading throughout the country. The goal of this conference is to collect and learn from all these programs, to present the most effective practices and to discover a French approach to restorative justice, thanks also to the shared experience of international professionals.
This first conference held in France is organized by the IFJR in partnership with the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ - www.euforumrj.org), the International juvenile justice Observatory (IJJO - http://www.oijj.org), the French federation of victims support services (INAVEM - www.inavem.org), with funding provided by the Ministry of Justice (SG/SADJAV) and the Fondation M6. It is designed for all professionals involved in deploying restorative justice in France and who wish to share best practices and lessons learned with all persons who are likely to implement such programs in the future and who need to learn about the subject, as well as for all international professionals who wish to discover how France has developed this practice over the course of the past two years. It is also designed for everyone who have an interest for restorative justice, and maybe would like to be involved in justice restorative justice programs.
Wednesday, January 18th 2017
- 8.45 am - Welcoming participants and security check
Morning - Opening conferences & introductory round table
Translated in French and English
- 9.30 am - Robert Cario (Distinguished Pr. of Criminology, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, and President of IFJR) : Introductory speech
- 9.45 am -Jean-Jacques Urvoas, French Minister of Justice (TBC) : Public policy and Restorative Justice in France over the past two years
10.30 am - Round table - Restorative justice, another way to deal with crime.
Chair: Emmanuelle Bedos, founder of the NGO Le projet Imagine, with :
- Janine Geske, Distinguished Professor of Law; Director of the MULS Restorative Justice Initiative and former Wisconsin State Supreme Court Justice (TBC),
- Robert Cario, Distinguished Pr. of Criminology, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour and President of IFJR
12.30 am - Lunch break (possible access to the restaurant of UNESCO – panoramic view over Paris)
Afternoon - An unprecedented dialogue between offenders and victims
- 2.00 pm -Ivo Aertsen (Professor, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) : A promising encounter between offenders and victims
Translated in French and English
3.00 pm - Opening of the Forum with Restorative Justice professionals
Workshops (4 possible choices for registration)
1) The example of restorative mediation in Canada – how to make it possible in case of serious and violent crime.
Marie-Eve Lamoureux, RJ facilitation, SCC (Correctional service of Canada, Québec)
- Serge Charbonneau, Restorative justice facilitator, Director, ROJAC (Quebec’s alternative justice services group), SCC (Correctional Service of Canada). Other speakers to be confirmed.
Chair: Robert Cario, Distinguished Pr. of Criminology, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, and President of IFJR
2) Victims/offenders and victims/convicts encounters in case of sexual crime & abuse.
- Cyril Curie, Restorative Justice Facilitator, CPIP (Probation service officer, Hérault), SPIP 34 (Probation service, Hérault), France,
- Claire Messier, Psychotherapist, volunteer Centre de services de justice réparatrice (CSJR), Montréal, Québec.
- Cécilia Llor, Restorative Justice Facilitator, Psychologist, France.
Chair: Paul Mbanzoulou, Lecturer and Researcher, Director of the Research and Documentation Unit at the Ecole Nationale d’Administration Pénitentiaire - the French National Academy of Prison Administration and Probation, Vice General Secretary of IFJR.
3) The way to an European Restorative Justice Model for juveniles.
- Frieder Dünkel,Professor, University of Greifswald, Germany,
- Cédric Foussard,Director, IJJO (International Juvenile Justice Observatory), Belgium.
Chair: Emanuela Biffi, EFRJ (European Forum for Restorative Justice, Belgium).
This workshop will be translated in French and English
4) Forum with restorative justice professionals, informal workshops about “How to promote restorative justice among professionals and users?” : IFJR, APCARS, APAVIM, INAVEM.
4.00 pm - Coffee Break
4.30 pm - Workshops (4 possible choices for registration)
1) Which restorative justice measures are the best answers when dealing with minors ?
- Géraldine Bodart, RJ facilitator, Asbl GACEP (Compensatory, Educational and Probative Actions Guidance), Belgium,
- Jessica Filippi, teacher and researcher, ENPJJ, France.
Chair: Sabine Bamale, Psychologist,UMJ (Judicial Medicine Unit), Hospital Center, normal-class psychologist, second lieutenant of the operational reserve at the Army Health Service, Pau, France.
2) The way of informing and guiding victims and offenders concerning as a key success factor for Restorative Justice programmes.
- Audrey Fraud, Victims support, Restorative justice coordinator, ADIAV, France,
- Héloïse Squelbut, Restorative justice coordinator, SRJR (Restorative justice regional service) “Ile-de-France”, APCARS, France.
Chair: Ilhem Grairia, Director, SPIP 34, France.
This workshop will be translated in French and English
3) Restorative mediation in France : perspectives and first experimentations.
- Noémie Micoulet, Restorative justice facilitator and Project Manager at IFJR, France,
- Marion Trotignon, Restorative Justice Facilitator, SPIP 77, France.
Chair: Serge Charbonneau,Director,ROJAQ, SCC, Québec.
4) Forum with Restorative Justice professionals, Informal workshops about “Develop restorative justice programs : key steps and essentials partners”: IFJR, APAVIM, REMAID, SAVIM.
5.30 pm - First Day Closure
Thursday, January 19th 2017
- 8.30 am - Welcoming participants and security check
Morning - How to strengthen social cohesion by involving community
- 9.00 am -Catherine Rossi, Professor of Criminology, University of Laval, Québec, IFJR Vice-President : Community involvement, an innovative part of the crime answer
Translated in French and English
10.00 am - Workshops (4 possible choices for registration)
1) Community members within Victims/Convicts and Victims/Offenders encounters and their supportive role all along the process.
- Christiane Legrand,Volunteer community member, SRJR “Ile-de-France”, APCARS, France,
- Micheline Husson and Cécile Lavergne,Probation officers,Members of the « Restorative Justice » project group, SPIP 95, France.
Chair: Nicole Tercq,President of the group “mediation and restorative justice” at INAVEM, France.
This workshop will be translated in French and English
2) The role of community volunteers in the circles of support and accountability (CSR/COSA) and circles of support and resources (CAR). Another way to foster outside reinsertion for ex-convicts.
- Jean-Jacques Goulet, Co-founder of the Circles of Support and Accountability (CSA), Montréal, Québec.
- Bathilde Groh,DSPIP, CSR/CAR Coordinator, SPIP 78, France,
- Hans Lefebvre, CPIP, CSR/CAR Coordinator, SPIP 40, France.
Chair: Dr. Florent Cochez,CRIAVS 33 (Resource and information Center about Perpetrators of sexual violence), France.
3) Could Restorative Circles be an alternative when criminal justice response is not possible?
- Jacques Faget,Teacher and Researcher, Sciences Po Bordeaux, France,
- Olivia Mons, Head of Communication, INAVEM, France.
Chair: Robert Cario.
4) Forum with Restorative justice professionals, Informal workshops about “Restorative justice assessment’s results”: IFJR, APCARS, ADIAV.
11.00 am - Coffee Break
11.30 am - Workshops (4 possible choices for registration)
1) SRJRs (Les Services Régionaux de Justice Restaurative - Regional Service for Restorative Justice) are Restorative Justice service centers within community.
- Aude Leroué, Regional coordinator, SRJR « Ile-de-France », APCARS, France,
- Benjamin Sayous, Director, IFJR, France.
Chair: Claire Commenchal, Department director, SRJR « Ile-de-France », APCARS, France.
2) Restorative Justice Circles. Is it possible to jointly build the criminal justice sentence ?
- Robert Cario, Distinguished Pr. of Criminology, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, and President of IFJR
- Serge Portelli, Vice-President, TGI de Paris (Regional Court), France.
Chair: Loïc Villerbu, Distinguished Pr., University of Rennes, France
3) Which perspective for restorative justice in a context of transitional process and legal pluralism?
- Stéphan Parmentier, Professor, Catholic university of Louvain, Belgium,
- Florence Liégeois,RCN (RCN Réseau Citoyen – Citizen Network for Justice & Democracy, Belgium.
Chair: Jean-Charles Paras, Justice and human rights consultant, head of international development, IFJR, France.
This workshop will be translated in French and English
4) Forum with Restorative Justice professionals, Informal workshops about “Working as a professional for better restorative justice programs: training offer in France”: IFJR, INAVEM, ENAP, ENPJJ.
12.30 am - Lunch break (possible access to the restaurant of UNESCO – panoramic view over Paris)
Afternoon - Challenges and perspectives for Restorative Justice expansion
Translated in English and French
- 2.00 pm - Paul Mbanzoulou, Lecturer and Researcher, Director of the Research and Documentation Unit at ENAP, Vice General Secretary of IFJR: Professionals’ challenges of restorative justice practices
3.00 pm - Round Table - Institutions and civil society involvement in the field of Restorative Justice
Chair: François Goëtz, Prison director, High-Security Prison, Poissy, France, with:
- Sabrina Bellucci, Director, INAVEM, France,
- Philippe Galli, Director of the Penitentiary Administration, Ministry of Justice, France,
- Yves Badorc, Head of the Service for access to rights and justice and for victims support, Ministry of Justice, General Secretary, France.
4.00 pm - Coffee Break
4.30 pm - Round Table - Restorative justice programmes assessment and challenges
Chair: Catherine Rossi, Professor of criminology, Université Laval, Québec, IFJR Vice-President, with :
- Émilie Matignon,Project manager, IFJR, France,
- Edit Törzs, Director of the European Forum for Restorative Justice.
5.45 pm - Marie-Françoise Verdun, Vice-President, TGI Bobigny - Regional Court of Bobigny, France : Closing speech
6.00 pm - Conclusions, end of the Conference.
Speakers could change or switch, some are still to be confirmed.
The programme will be updated accordingly online.
Please note that simultaneous translation (French to English / English to French) will be offered for plenary sessions, round tables and for one workshop among four in each session.
- Law (Main category)
- Mind and language > Thought > Philosophy
- Society > Law > Sociology of law
- Mind and language > Psyche > Psychology
- Society > Political studies > Governance and public policies
- Society > Sociology > Criminology
- UNESCO - 125 avenue de Suffren
Paris, France (75007)
- Wednesday, January 18, 2017
- Thursday, January 19, 2017
- justice restaurative, médiation, rencontre, détenu, victime, communauté, justice pénale, évaluation, mineur, droit pénitentiaire, infraction
- Émilie Matignon
courriel : emilie [dot] matignon [at] justicerestaurative [dot] org - Kali Volle
courriel : kali [dot] volle [at] justicerestaurative [dot] org
Information source
- Émilie Matignon
courriel : emilie [dot] matignon [at] justicerestaurative [dot] org
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Restorative justice in action(s) », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, November 23, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/wb0