DARIAH partners are seeking researchers for big data project
Three exciting researcher positions to be available in the Knowledge Complexity project
Published on Friday, February 03, 2017
DARIAH partners Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) and Trinity College Dublin (TCD), as well as the Free University of Berlin (FUB) are pleased to announce their recruitment of three linked 12-month researcher positions.
Researcher positions available in the Knowledge Complexity (K-PLEX) project
The Project
This team will drive forward the Knowledge Complexity (KPLEX) project. KPLEX will challenge and inform current conceptualisations of the utility of ‘big data’ in a comparative, multidisciplinary and multisectoral fashion. Using the humanities data environment and research process as exemplary of a number of the characteristics big data approaches can sometimes lose sight of, KPLEX will be expanding our awareness of the bias inherent in the way big data research has been conceived and suggesting ways in which phenomena that resist datafication can still be represented (if only by their absence) in knowledge creation approaches reliant upon the interrogation of large data corpora. KPLEX will fulfil its mission as a Horizon 2020 ICT ‘sister project’ by feeding its results into the development of European ICT funding calls and policies.
The project will focus on 3 key challenges to the knowledge creation capacity of big data approaches: the manner in which data that are not digitised or shared become ‘hidden’ from aggregation systems; the fact that data is human created, and lacks the objectivity often ascribed to the term; the subtle ways in which data that are complex almost always become simplified before they can be aggregated. It will approach these questions via a humanities research perspective, but using social science research tools to look at both the humanistic and computer science approaches to the term ‘data’ and its many possible meanings and implications.
The Positions
In this context, the named partner institutions will each appoint a 12-month postdoctoral researcher to pursue the following research topics:
- The researcher based at FUB (Berlin) will be exploring Data, Knowledge Organisation and Epistemics. This research theme will look at epistemic processes and the nature of research data (big or otherwise), in particular in disciplines that have largely resisted quantitative methods, eg the humanities and discursive social sciences. In particular, this work will seek to expand our understanding of the impact of personal or rhetorical factors on research data aggregability, e.g. through the inclusion of new disciplinary approaches from interdisciplinary emotion research, the anthropology of emotion, neuroanthropology, and cultural psychology.
- The researcher based at DANS (the Hague) will be investigating Hidden Data and the Historical Record. This research theme will look at humanities research data from the perspective of the cultural heritage institution (the arbiter, in the end, of access to materials). The continued publication of metadata (catalogues and finding aids) as books or as discrete websites has maintained the ‘hidden’ nature of collection holding institutions’ (CHI) data resources. This task will therefore seek to add to what has already been discovered about the intractability of the problem of access to historical sources with a thorough investigation of those perspectives, as reflected in the journals and publications of the learned societies and consortia where such professionals engage.
- The researcher based at TCD (Dublin) will be working toward a new conceptualisation of data. This task will establish a taxonomy of models underlying various conceptions of what data is, as well as a historical overview of when and how certain conceptions came to be dominant, and within what communities. This work will allow the project as a whole to base its further development within a contextualised frame. It will assist the project as a whole to develop an understanding of why incomplete data streams are so prevalent, how high the awareness is of their limitations in the computer science community, and what the current conceptions are of how the reality of the hybrid data landscape impacts on the ethical and RRI dimensions (not to mention that limits simplified conceptualisations of data may place on innovation).
1. Position based at FUB (Berlin)
Department of Political and Social Sciences, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Postdoctoral research fellow (50%, 12 months), Code: K-PLEX/Stodulka
- Survey of the current state of knowledge regarding data production and epistemologies of social sciences and humanities
- Development of survey and interview questions
- Delivery and initial data preparation/analysis of the survey and interview results
- Analysis of data, write up and editing of reports
- Integration of final WP results with overall project
- Doctorate/PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology or related disciplines
- Basic knowledge in software based data analysis techniques and data science
- Basic knowledge of markup languages (Auszeichnungssprachen)
- Basic knowledge in the history of science
- Proficient in interviewing techniques
- Very good English language skills
- Teamwork
- experience in interdisciplinary research
- travel to interview partners (Europe)
- experience in emotion research or affect studies
- experience in collaboration with information science
- experience in collaboration with cultural heritage institutions (museums, libraries, archives)
Please contact Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka (thomas.stodulka@fu-berlin.de / +49 30-838 57689) for further details.
Deadline for application submission (short cover letter, CV, list of publications, copy of latest degree): 20.02.2017.
Applications can be submitted by email (pdf-format) or by mail to: Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften, Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie, Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka, Landoltweg 9-11, 14195 Berlin.
2. Position based at DANS | Researcher ‘Hidden Data and the Historical Record’
30.4 – 38 hours per week (0.8 – 1.0 FTE) (Vacancy number DANS-RES-2017-01-ENG)
Where will you be working?
DANS is a growing organisation, currently with a staff of 50. On various national and international research infrastructures it provides services which enable researchers to archive and share their research data. DANS participates in a wide range of national and international infrastructure projects.
What is the project you will be working on?
Knowledge Complexity (K-PLEX) will challenge and inform current conceptualisations of the utility of ‘big data’ in a comparative, multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral fashion. Using the humanities data environment and research process as exemplary of a number of the characteristics big data approaches can sometimes lose sight of, expanding our awareness of the bias inherent in the way big data research has been conceived and suggesting ways in which phenomena that resist datafication can still be represented (if only by their absence) in knowledge creation approaches reliant upon the interrogation of large data corpora. K-PLEX will fulfil its mission as a Horizon 2020 ICT ‘sister project’ by feeding its results into the development of European ICT funding calls and policies.
The project will focus on 3 key challenges to the knowledge creation capacity of big data approaches: the manner in which data that are not digitised or shared become ‘hidden’ from aggregation systems; the fact that data is human created, and lacks the objectivity often ascribed to the term; the subtle ways in which data that are complex almost always become simplified before they can be aggregated. It will approach these questions via a humanities research perspective, but using social science research tools to look at both the humanistic and computer science approaches to the term ‘data’ and its many possible meanings and implications.
What will you be doing?
You will be investigating Hidden Data and the Historical Record. This research theme will look at humanities research data from the perspective of the cultural heritage institution (the arbiter, in the end, of access to materials). The continued publication of metadata (catalogues and finding aids) as books or as discrete websites has maintained the ‘hidden’ nature of collection holding institutions’ (CHI) data resources. This task will therefore seek to add to what has already been discovered about the intractability of the problem of access to historical sources with a thorough investigation of those perspectives, as reflected in the journals and publications of the learned societies and consortia where such professionals engage.
You will be expected to:
- Carry out research on the topic of Hidden Data and the Historical Record in line with and towards the completion of the project’s agreed deliverables;
- Work closely with the local project leader at DANS;
- Design, conduct and evaluate surveys and interviews with experts in the domain of cultural heritage, curation and archiving;
- Liaise with other K-PLEX team members as required for the delivery of the overall project;
- Other duties that will arise from time to time and as directed by the local project leader;
- Be part of the research and innovation group at DANS.
What should you bring to the table?
- You must be able to demonstrate prior experience using social science, in particular qualitative and/or ethnographic, research methods;
- You should be aware of, and be comfortable with, the associated ethical and data management challenges;
- You should be able to demonstrate experience in a humanities field, social sciences, geography or in science and technology studies;
- You should be familiar with humanities research methods and/or sources;
- You are capable of working as a self-directed, dynamic team member, setting priorities, and scheduling time effectively in an multi-disciplinary expert team;
- You have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English;
- You are willing to travel (within Europe) to conduct your work;
- Ideally, you should hold a PhD or equivalent degree in a humanities field, social sciences, geography or in science and technology studies.
What will you be earning?
Depending on your age and experience, your gross monthly salary will range between € 2.552,- and € 4.392,- (scale 10-11 of the collective labour agreement for Dutch universities), based on 38 working hours per week, excluding 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% year-end bonus. The position involves a temporary, one-year contract.
Where are we located?
DANS is based on Anna van Saksenlaan, in The Hague, within walking distance of the Laan van NOI railway station. Where can you go for more information? For inquiries about this position, please contact Mike Priddy (mike.priddy@dans.knaw.nl), local project leader. Additional information on DANS can be found at www.dans.knaw.nl.
How can you apply?
Please send us your application letter and curriculum vitae as a Word file, including the vacancy number and directed to DANS, attn. Hetty Labots, P&O advisor.
The deadline is Monday 6 February 2017,
and our email address is sollicitaties@dans.knaw.nl. Start date will be by negotiation, but no later than 1 April 2017.
3. Position based at based at TCD (Dublin) | Research Position associated with the KPLEX project based at Trinity College Dublin
(Fixed term, 12 months)
The researcher based at TCD (Dublin) will be working toward a new conceptualisation of data. This task will establish a taxonomy of models underlying various conceptions of what data is, as well as a historical overview of when and how certain conceptions came to be dominant, and within what communities. This work will allow the project as a whole to base its further development within a contextualised frame. It will assist the project as a whole to develop an understanding of why incomplete data streams are so prevalent, how high the awareness is of their limitations in the computer science community, and what the current conceptions are of how the reality of the hybrid data landscape impacts on the ethical and RRI dimensions (not to mention that limits simplified conceptualisations of data may place on innovation).
The successful candidate will be expected to:
- Carry out research on their assigned topic, in line with and toward to completion of the project’s agreed deliverables
- Work closely with their local project leader
- Liaise with other K-PLEX team members as required for the delivery of the overall project;
- Other duties that will arise from time to time and as directed by the local project leader.
Person Specifications
Applicants for this position are required to:
- Demonstrate experience in a relevant area of research
- Be very familiar with humanities research methods and/or sources
- Be aware of, and comfortable working with, social science methods of interviews/survey and/or ethnographic studies, including the associated ethical and data management challenges
- Be interested in working as a self-directed, dynamic team member, setting priorities, and scheduling time effectively in an multi-disciplinary expert team
- Have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English
- Applicants for this position are desired to:
- Hold a PhD or equivalent degree in the humanities, social sciences or geography
- Be able to demonstrate prior experienced using social science research, in particular qualitative and ethnographic methods
Application Process and Further Information
Informal enquires regarding the position can be directed to Jennifer Edmond, edmondj@tcd.ie
Applications in the form of a CV, cover letter explaining your interest in and suitability for the post, and contact details for three referees should be sent by electronic mail to the contact person named above for the relevant position. Start date will be by negotiation, but no later than 1 April 2017.
Application due date is: 12 February, 2017
- Information (Main category)
- Mind and language > Information > Information sciences
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology > Research and researchers
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology > Methods of processing and representation > Qualitative methods
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology > Epistemology
- Zones and regions > Europe
- Society > History
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology > Digital humanities
- Monday, February 06, 2017
- Sunday, February 12, 2017
- Monday, February 20, 2017
- epistemic, ethnography, ethnographic, qualitative, method, big data, cultural heritage, knowledge, complexity, data, hidden
- Mike Priddy
courriel : mike [dot] priddy [at] dans [dot] knaw [dot] nl - Thomas Stodulka
courriel : Thomas [dot] Stodulka [at] fu-berlin [dot] de
Reference Urls
Information source
- Jennifer Edmond
courriel : edmondj [at] tcd [dot] ie
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« DARIAH partners are seeking researchers for big data project », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Friday, February 03, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/wu9