HomeInnovation in the ecosystem of health and its sustainable development

Innovation in the ecosystem of health and its sustainable development

Soutenir durablement l’innovation dans l’écosystème de la santé

Innovate to innovate!

Innovons pour innover !

*  *  *

Published on Wednesday, March 01, 2017


Depuis 2008, les colloques de KEDGE Business School (centre d’expertise Santé, Innovation, Bien-être et Politiques publiques), interrogent les organisations des secteurs de la santé et de l’action sociale selon une approche pluridisciplinaire, pour mieux comprendre leurs dynamiques. Les thématiques ont été les suivantes : la prise en charge de la personne âgée, l’innovation au regard des politiques publiques, les mouvements de mutualisation et de regroupement, l’articulation Performance – Bien-être des usagers, les organisations de santé : réceptacles d’injonction ou acteurs stratégiques et dernièrement la gouvernance des organisations de santé. Le colloque 2017 poursuit cette ambition en élargissant le champ d’investigation pour mieux appréhender les enjeux en santé.



The KEDGE Business School, Marseille Colloquium on Health

Since 2008, KEDGE BS (Center of Expertise in “Health, Innovation, Well-Being and Public Policies”) has organized colloquiums on specific topics related to health issues. Previous colloquiums focused on: Caring for the elderly (2008), Innovations and Public Policies (2009), Cooperation (2010), Performance and Patient Well-Being (2011), Organizational Performance and User Well-Being (2013) and Governance (2015).

The 2017 Colloquium investigates a new topic concerning all the sectors of the Health Ecosystem: Biotech, pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment, hospitals, clinics, and specialized services for elderly and disabled people, health professionals and patients or users. 

The 2017 theme is: Sustaining Innovation in the Ecosystem of Health: innovating for innovations!

Facing complex and numerous issues in the health ecosystem, innovation is considered to be either difficult because constrained or possible because of strategic agency in this strongly institutionalized and compartmentalized environment.

Communications should investigate the apparent contradictions surrounding the following themes:

Theme 1 – New forms of innovation (open innovation, design innovation….) and spaces favorable to innovations

(Not limited to these questions)

- How do more or less fluidly organized spaces, (creative) collective, networks or communities which sustain innovation emerge?

- How do such new spaces (of whatever form and nature) sustain innovation through time?

- How do actors and organizations appropriate innovation or abilities to innovate?

- How do new forms of innovation or new forms of spaces permit innovations in Business Models? - How do new forms of spaces and collaborative innovations regenerate the ability to innovate of ths (these?) participating actors?

- To what extent do open innovation and spaces embrace new parties and relevant stakeholders? - What are the processes and characteristics of the governance of open innovation and spaces so as to sustain innovation?

- To what extent do these new forms of innovation and spaces transform boundaries within and around the health ecosystem?

Theme 2 – Reinventing methodological approaches for sustaining innovation

(Not limited to these questions)

-  What are the new methodological approaches mobilized for favoring the emergence of innovation or innovation diffusion?

-  Under which conditions would new methodological approaches favor emergence or diffusion of innovation?

-  How do actors and organizations develop specific competences and practices to mobilize and appropriate new methodological approaches favorable to innovation?

Theme 3 – Re-inventing public policies

(Not limited to these questions)

- What are the new processes of making public policies that could embrace a variety of stakeholders with contradictory and often wicked claims?

- How could various forms of mobilization by citizens feed public policy elaboration (even public policies agenda setting)?

- What is a “good public policy governance” favorable to innovation?

- What are the entrepreneurial and managerial competences required to sustain new forms and processes favorable to public policies?

Theme 4 – Entrepreneurial abilities for innovation in health

(Not limited to these questions)

- What are the specific entrepreneurial abilities that help to go beyond the institutionalized boundaries of the health ecosystem (transformational leadership, collective institutional leadership, entrepreneurial competences…)?

- How to favor the emergence or appropriation of such entrepreneurial abilities?

And finally, other questions:

- Do new paradigms (such as personalized medicine, predictive medicine, population-based approach…) and new organizational models (lean organizations, networks of practices…) help academics and professionals (as well as patients and users) to re-invent sustainable transformations in the health ecosystem?

- How do new forms and abilities for innovation transform the health ecosystem in a sustainable manner?

- Do these innovations in governance, methodological approaches and organized or fluid forms really embrace all the stakeholders concerned with innovations in health?

- How are discourses on health innovations elaborated and are they performative?

Agenda of the colloquium

Wednesday May 17 and Thursday May 18, 2017:

  • Two academic conferences:
    • Prof. Gianluca Veronesi (University of Leeds, Great-Britain), “Governing for innovation: Is ‘Management’ the answer?
    • Prof. Jean-Louis Denis (CRCHUM, University of Montréal, Canada): “How to go beyond inertia? Lessons from the experimentation in public reforms in the Canadian Health system”
  • Two conferences open to professionals:

1st Conference (animation: Hervé Hudebine, University of Britain, France): “Changes in institutional configurations and strategic abilities of actors: spaces favorable to innovation in regional and local medico-social policies

2nd Conference (animation: Corinne Grenier, Kedge Business School): “From the Molecule to Care to Patient: how to sustain innovations through the health ecosystem?

  • Workshops of communication presentation

Each workshop lasts 1.30 mn (three oral presentations and discussions)

Process of communication selection and agenda

  • For March, 31: short paper of about 3 pages (title, name of the authors, problematic, theoretical background, main findings) to send to: Corinne Grenier

(corinne.grenier@kedgebs.com) and Charlène Hoareau (charlene.hoareau@kedgebs.com);

  • For April, 16: reviewer evaluation sent back to the authors; decision of acceptance or of rejection
  • For May, 15: final communication to send to: Corinne Grenier (corinne.grenier@kedgebs.com) and Charlène Hoareau (charlene.hoareau@kedgebs.com) (instructions for communication format given later).

Scientific committee and organization committee (see below)

Publishing policy

Special issues in referred reviews will be launched after the colloquium (publication expected for the end of spring semester, 2018).

Colloquium fees

Fees include: Lunch for the two days, coffee breaks and communications:

  •  PhD students and students: 80 euros
  •  Professors, professionals, others: 250 euros


  • Boulevard de Dunkerque
    Marseille 13, France (13002)


  • Friday, March 31, 2017


  • innovation, santé, biotechs, pharma, sanitaire, médico-social, politique publique, gouvernance


  • corinne grenier
    courriel : corinne [dot] grenier [at] kedgebs [dot] com

Information source

  • corinne grenier
    courriel : corinne [dot] grenier [at] kedgebs [dot] com


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Innovation in the ecosystem of health and its sustainable development », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, March 01, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/x2y

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