Published on Tuesday, May 09, 2017
The 5th issue of L’Autre musique magazine will extend the survey of L’Autre musique laboratory: “New ways of writing sound and music”. It will question the relevance of the notion of “partition” in relation to the new practices of sound and music, and, more generally, to all contemporary arts: alternative scores (graphic, video, photographic …), interactive forms, performances and Sound installations writings, notations for dance, scenic performances, but also digital arts, even literature, poetry, architecture, etcetera.
The 5th issue of L’Autre musique magazine will extend the survey of L’Autre musique laboratory: “New ways of writing sound and music”. It will question the relevance of the notion of “partition” in relation to the new practices of sound and music, and, more generally, to all contemporary arts: alternative scores (graphic, video, photographic …), interactive forms, performances and Sound installations writings, notations for dance, scenic performances, but also digital arts, even literature, poetry, architecture, etcetera.
It is not about reactivating the semiotic approaches that have already been made – which study the “scores” as writing objects, using coded representations to be transliterated in an acoustic reality – nor to restart a debased debate about the relationship between musical writing and language. Even if we don’t contest that the score can induce acoustic materiality and so appear to be serving it, we would question the relevance of this object as a “pretext” (that it is not only) as much as the influence it has on what emerges (which is more readily referred to as “the (art) work”).
Thereby, the word “score” will be convened in a very broad, interdisciplinary meaning, including traditional forms of coded writing and new forms of writing created by contemporary practices: from computer program to all levels of score realizations, up to the writing of meta-tools (organology, technological organization of effects, instruments, sensors and broadcast modes), not forgetting the actuality (or not) of the graphic, textual, video and photographic writing forms, related to the history of contemporary music and research in sound arts avant-gardes. We will also take into account the social, symbolic and geographical context of writing and its materialization.
We organize these meetings as research and debate times, during which points of views, reasonings, works presentations will converse and confront to each other.
Besides, we are open to other propositions and search directions, as long as they are related to the use of “scores” in some kind of contemporary creation?
Keywords: to comply, to analyze, to decrypt, data, to note, notation, score, in situ, memory, to save, sketch, deletion, graphic, to improvise.
These words will be used to question the notion of notation and the action of noting. Indeed, the score has a particular relation to time and memory, especially if it includes in its writing devices in “real time”, or open forms of interpretation that involve a more or less improvised practice in the present of its materialization. In the same way, certain partitions (not only sonorous and musical) take into consideration the space of materialization of the work. Hence the “note” is both the trace and a way of preserving the memory of an observed present as the matrix of a present to come or to be deployed.
At the Centre de Documentation de la Musique Contemporaine (Paris 19), October 2017 (to be confirmed)
Keywords: intermediality, intersemioticity, shape shifting, diagram, to alter, plasticity, process, emergence, data-bending, program.
The score is that poetic space where is considered the materialization of the work to come. In the varied forms it can take (textual, drawn, written …), partition is an intermediate and intersemiotic space – the place of crossbreeding and transformation where signs, materials, images are subjected to manipulations, redefinitions … In short, score is the place of a plasticity (Malabout, Debono) which could make it possible to question score not as a diagram, but as a rediagrammatization, that is to say a rebuilding of signs.
At the Cube, Thursday 21 December 2017 (confirmed date)
Keywords: to interpret, diagram, intersectionality, ecopraxie, to transmit, plan, map, to decipher, gap, to improvise.
Score is a gift, a message offered to another by assuming responsibility for its materialization. But it is also a diagram, in the Foucauldian sense of the term, which orders as much as it gives. Object of analysis and object to be interpreted, score is a cultural object that contributes and maintains divisions that affect everyday life. In line with norms and hierarchies of gender, classes and cultures ..., score is also the place of intersectionality. It would then be relevant to see how the notion of score can engage in a non-normative ecopraxia offering alternatives to our way of building our settlement (in the Greek sense of the word eco: oikos).
At Paris 1 University (St Charles location), March 15, 2018 and at the Cube, the day after (to be confirmed)
Article Proposal
On a .doc or .odt file (prefer it free)
A summary of about 500 words specifying the keywords and / or the couple of figures that you think corresponds to your proposal.
Links to the works you want to talk about if there are any.
Name, First name, University (if applicable), short bio
Deadline for proposals: December 1, 2017
However, all proposals that we receive before June 30, 2017 can be selected for a communication during the research-creation seminar which will take place at the ACTE Institute (UMR 8218) in March 2018.
Send to contact(@)lautremusique(.)net
Artistic proposal
On a .doc or .odt file (prefer it free)
A summary of about 500 words specifying the keywords and / or the couple of figures that you think corresponds to your proposal.
A link to the work you want to talk about and a link to a website or any online document to help us understand your approach.
Deadline for proposals: December 1, 2017
However, all proposals we receive before June 30, 2017 can be selected for a performance or presentation during the first “L’Autre musique # 5: Partitions” evening, which will be held at the Cube in March 2018
Send to contact(@)lautremusique(.)net
- Representation (Main category)
- Mind and language > Language > Linguistics
- Mind and language > Representation > Cultural history
- Mind and language > Thought > Philosophy
- Mind and language > Representation > History of art
- Society > Ethnology, anthropology > Cultural anthropology
- Mind and language > Representation > Visual studies
- Mind and language > Representation > Architecture
- Paris, France (75)
- Friday, December 01, 2017
Attached files
- étude théâtrale, danse, arts plastiques, art sonore, musique, architecture, partition, intermédialité, inetrsémioticité, plasticité, écopraxie, programme, émergence, , intersectionnalité, diagramme, transmission
- Frédéric Mathevet
courriel : mathevetf [at] wanadoo [dot] fr - Frédéric Mathevet
courriel : mathevetf [at] wanadoo [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Frédéric Mathevet
courriel : mathevetf [at] wanadoo [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Scores », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, May 09, 2017,