Home4th annual conference of the International Federation for Public History (IFPH-FIHP)
Conference, symposiumHistory
Published on Friday, June 02, 2017
The First Conference of the Italian Public History Association in Ravenna will bring together Public Historians from all regions in the Italian Peninsula who will discuss the reasons for a national route to the discipline. Awareness of the importance of Public History practices in Italy has become widespread only a few years ago. Italy felt the need to enhance a reflection and a dialogue among scholars and practitioners in order to define the scientific status of public historians. The Ravenna conference hopes to favour this process by comparing different experiences and disciplinary approaches and to inquire about the state of the discipline at national and international level.
From June 5 to June 9, 2017, the 4th annual conference of the International Federation for Public History (IFPH-FIHP) together with the first Italian Association of Public History (AIPH), which was set up in Rome in June 2016, will be held in the city of Ravenna, renamed for a week the “public history city”, because of the number of public history events and the amount of national and international participants who will join the conference.
The AIPH is the first national public history association to be born in Europe and its general assembly will take place at Palazzo dei Congressi, Largo Firenze, 1, on June 7th at 3 p.m.
The AIPH was founded on the initiative of the Italian Giunta Centrale per gli Studi Storici and the International Federation for Public History. The AIPH constituent meeting was held in Rome on June 21, 2016 on the initiative of a promotional committee made of representatives from 18 Italian scientific societies and cultural and professional associations. The AIPH adopted temporary bylaws and a temporary steering committee was designed. AIPH intends to promote the profession of Public historian in Italy like IFPH does for promoting Public History in the world as a global discipline.
The 1st IFPH Conference was organized along with the local Master of Public History at the University of Amsterdam in October 2014, the year after “conference zero”, held in Ottawa in April 2013, still within the annual conference of the American National Council for North Public History (NCPH), but already with the IFPH logo. The 2nd International Public History Conference was held in Jinan, China, inside the 22nd International Conference of the International Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS-CISH): the IFPH is an internal commission of the ICHS. In China, the IFPH organized a Round Table on Why Public History? And, at the same time, presented three panels devoted respectively to the Teaching of Public History, Digital Public History and Museums and Public History.
Public History has evolved socially in different ways and according to different models around the world. In Brazil for example, the Rede Brasileira de História Pública organized its 3rd Public History Conference in 2015 and will host the 5th IFPH-FIHP Annual Conference in Sao Paulo during the summer of 2018.
Colombia hosted the 3rd IFPH Conference in Bogotá, and Colombians have established their own path to Public History stimulated by transitional justice issues dealing with the conflict with the FARC guerrillas; whereas the Chinese are attentive to urban and architectural memories and to their pasts in a rapidly evolving country; the Russians, in 2016, questioned what, in their past, should be remembered and could characterize their present identity. This global public history phenomenon is now structuring the discipline and providing answers to different national needs all over the world, as the contributions from the five continents at the 4th IFPH conference in Ravenna (#IFPH2017) demonstrates.
The First Conference of the Italian Public History Association in Ravenna will bring together Public Historians from all regions in the Italian Peninsula who will discuss the reasons for a national route to the discipline. Awareness of the importance of Public History practices in Italy has become widespread only a few years ago. Italy felt the need to enhance a reflection and a dialogue among scholars and practitioners in order to define the scientific status of public historians. The Ravenna conference hopes to favour this process by comparing different experiences and disciplinary approaches and to inquire about the state of the discipline at national and international level.
We look forward to a large, diverse, enthusiastic and passionate presence of people in over 95 panels and during the presentation of Italian and international posters on Thursday, June 8 from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm, during Michael Frisch’s AIPH keynote on The concept of Shared Authority in Public history today (Wednesday 7 June at 6.30 pm) and during Paweł Machcewicz IFPH keynote on The Museum of the Second World War in Poland: Intersections of History, Memory and Politics (Thursday, June 8 at 6.15 pm), as well as in the context of the numerous cultural initiatives that will be held in town throughout the week.
Welcome to Ravenna to celebrate Public History!
Andrea Giardina
Giunta Centrale per gli Studi
Storici - President
Serge Noiret
IFPH-FIHP - President
Luigi Tomassini
Head of the Department of Cultural
Heritage, University of Bologna
4th IFPH Annual Conference - 1° Convegno nazionale AIPH
MONDAY 5 JUNE | h. 17-18.30 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-24
Does History Sell?
Roundtable Coordinator Carherine Brice (University of Paris Est - Créteil – UPEC)
Aula 2 IFPH- 35
“Echo of History really Beginning”. The Sea in the Heritage
Management and Public History Practices in Global Perspective
Chair Fei Sheng (Sun Yat Sen University, China)
Aula 3 IFPH-14 Public History in Museums
Chair Deborah S. Dubald (European University Institute)
Aula 4 AIPH-2 Archeologia pubblica
Coordinatore Guido Vannini (Università di Firenze)
Aula 5 AIPH-14
I luoghi della Public History. La rete “Paesaggi della Memoria” e le
sue buone pratiche
Coordinatrice Ilaria Porciani (Università di Bologna)
MONDAY 5 JUNE | h. 18.30 | Palazzo dei Congressi
Saluti Autorità | Inauguration of the Conference | Aperitivo
TUESDAY 6 JUNE | h. 8.30-10 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-50 Public History Academic Textbooks
Chair Joanna Wojdon (University of Wrocław, Poland)
Aula 2 AIPH-25 Fotogiornalismo, archivi fotografici e Public History
Coordinatore Guido Gambetta (Università di Bologna)
Aula 3 IFPH-10 Digital Heritage Vs. Digital (Public) History
Chair Enrica Salvatori (University of Pisa)
Aula 4 AIPH-15 Epicentri della storia: come dare voce ai territori e alle comunità?
Coordinatore Pierluigi Feliciati (Università di Macerata)
Aula 5 AIPH-38 Insegnanti e giornalisti come Public Historian?
Coordinatore Luigi Tomassini (Università di Bologna)
Aula 6 AIPH-20
Guerra e Resistenza nella storia d’Italia. Mostre, uso pubblico della
Storia, formazione della cittadinanza
Coordinatrice Chiara Martinelli (Insegnante)
TUESDAY 6 JUNE | h. 10.15-11.45 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-27 Teaching and Learning Public History
Chair Marko Demantowsky (University of Basel, Switzerland)
Aula 2 IFPH-32 Representations of Power and Contested Memories
Chair Melanie Huchler (Free University of Berlin)
Aula 3 IFPH-11 Digital Public History of WW1
Chair Frank Drauschke (Facts & Files Berlin)
Aula 4 AIPH-1 L’insegnamento della Public History nelle università italiane
Coordinatore Lorenzo Bertucelli (Università di Modena Reggio)
Aula 5 IFPH-40
Food, Identity and Historical Memory: Case Studies from France,
India, and the United States
Chair Ilaria Porciani (University of Bologna)
Aula 6 AIPH-10 Ai margini della Public History. Periferie, storia, comunità
Coordinatrice Marta Gara (Associazione PopHistory)
TUESDAY 6 JUNE | h. 12-13.30 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-21 Representing the European Troubled Past: a Comparative Perspective
Chair Claudia Baldoli (Newcastle University, UK)
Aula 2 AIPH-46 Archivi e pubblico: esperienze a confronto
Coordinatore Augusto Cherchi (ANAI)
Aula 3 IFPH-8 Holocaust Memory
Chair Tullia Catalan (University of Trieste)
Aula 4 AIPH-27 Serie Tv e Public History. Narrazioni storiche seriali tra Italia e USA
Coordinatore Giancarlo Poidomani (Università di Catania)
TUESDAY 6 JUNE | h. 15.30-17 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-37 Setting the Story Straight: Public History for a Challenging Present
Chair Liz Sevcenko (Humanities Action Lab, New School, New York)
Aula 2 AIPH-6
Quali strumenti e metodi per i Public Historian che useranno le fonti
Coordinatrice Letizia Cortini (Università di Roma La Sapienza)
Aula 3 IFPH-20 Past and Present Community Memories
Chair Paul Knevel (University of Amsterdam)
Aula 4 AIPH-23 Il racconto della Storia. Un passato da leggere, scrivere e insegnare
Coordinatore Carlo Greppi (Scrittore)
Aula 5 IFPH-19 Oral History and Public History in Community Projects
Chair Tanya Evans (Macquarie University, Sidney, Australia)
Aula 6 IFPH-7 Jewish Identity
Chair Dario Miccoli (University of Venice)
Aula 5 IFPH-5 PH as a Creative Approach to Deal with Contested & Difficult Pasts
Chair Catherine Horel (CISH-ICHS Executive Secretary)
Aula 6 AIPH-11 Reenactment, archeologia pubblica e patrimonio
Coordinatore Andrea Ferretti (Crono organizzazione eventi)
TUESDAY 6 JUNE | h. 17.15-18.45 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-26
Teaching Public History: an International Working Group – 4 Topics
Roundtable Coordinator Thomas Cauvin (University of Louisiana
at Lafayette)
Aula 2 IFPH-12 Digital History and Digital Public History in Spain
Chair Matilde Eiroa San Francisco (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)
Aula 3 IFPH-46
Reenactment and Heritage: Examples of Promotion and Collaboration
between Governmental Agencies, Businesses and Associations
Chair Silvia Pellegrini (Musei Civici di Modena, Italy)
Aula 4 AIPH-28 Il museo storico tra anniversari e Public History
Coordinatore Paolo Riccardo Oliva (Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia)
Aula 5 AIPH-32
1848 – 1870: protagoniste della modernità
Coordinatrice Maria Antonella Fusco (Istituto Centrale per la
Grafica – MiBACT)
Aula 6 AIPH-24 Gli archivi e la Public History: un incontro possibile?
Coordinatrice Francesca Capetta (ANAI Toscana)
TUESDAY 6 JUNE | h. 20-22 | Palazzo dei Congressi
Giuseppe Giannotti (Vicedirettore RaiStoria, Rai Cultura) La Storia alla RAI e in TV,
Documentario e dibattito
WEDNESDAY 7 JUNE | h. 8.30-10 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-30
History and the Political Present: the Dilemmas and Opportunities
for Historians in Policymaking
Chair Alix Green (University of Essex, UK)
Aula 2 AIPH-12 Archeostorie di tutti noi
Coordinatrice Flavia Frisone (Università del Salento)
Aula 3 AIPH-4 La storia in gioco
Coordinatrice Chiara Asti (Associazione PopHistory)
Aula 4 IFPH-9
Visual Storytelling: Cinema, Murals and Graphic Novel
Chair Andreas Fickers (Director Luxembourg Centre for
Contemporary and Digital History, University of Luxembourg)
Aula 5 IFPH-49
Circulation of Photographic Albums and Corpuses in New Contexts
of Public Space and Museum Exhibitions
Chair Ewa Stańczyk (University of Amsterdam)
Aula 6 AIPH-29 Medioevo in Toscana
Coordinatrice Maria Elena Cortese (UniNettuno)
WEDNESDAY 7 JUNE | h. 10.15-11.45 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-16 Should History Museums Foster Identities?
Chair Serge Noiret (European University Institute, Florence, Italy)
Aula 2 AIPH-42 Archeologia di comunità
Coordinatore Marco Milanese (Università di Sassari)
Aula 3 IFPH-15
War /Peace Heritage as a Privilege Place for PH?
Chair Catalina Munoz (Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota,
Aula 4 AIPH-31 Narrare la nazione
Coordinatrice Teresa Bertilotti (Università di Milano Bicocca)
Aula 5 AIPH-39 Documentari e multimedialità: autori e consulenti di storia
Coordinatrice Chiara Ottaviano (Cliomedia Officina)
Aula 6 AIPH-16 La Grande Guerra in Terra d’Otranto
Coordinatrice Giuliana Iurlano (Università del Salento)
WEDNESDAY 7 JUNE | h. 12-13.30 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-38
Public History is not a “Turn-Key” Movement: Considerations when
Practicing Public History across Cultures
Chair Philip V. Scarpino (Indiana University/Purdue University,
Aula 2 IFPH-18 Videogames and Public History
Chair Marcello Ravveduto (Università di Salerno)
Aula 3 IFPH-44
Presenting “Difficult” History – Jewish Heritage in East- Central
Chair Gerben Zaagsma (University of Göttingen)
Aula 4 AIPH-13
Comunicazione istituzionale, immaginari e racconti pubblici nelle
trasformazioni del tempo presente
Coordinatore Maurizio Ridolfi (Università della Tuscia)
Aula 5 IFPH-2 Public History in Parks, Landscapes and Battlefields
Chair Mark Tebeau (Arizona State)
Aula 6 AIPH-18 Il racconto del Novecento tra graphic novel e albi illustrati
Coordinatore Roberto Bianchi (Università di Firenze)
WEDNESDAY 7 JUNE | h. 14-19
WEDNESDAY 7 JUNE | h. 15-18 | Palazzo dei Congressi
Assemblea AIPH
WEDNESDAY 7 JUNE | h. 18.30-19.30 | Palazzo dei Congressi
AIPH Keynote
Michael Frisch, Il concetto di Shared Authority nella Public History oggi
THURSDAY 8 JUNE | h. 8.30-10 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-41 On the Use and Abuse of (Public) History for Life
Chair Miloš Řezník (Deutsches Historisches Institut Warschau)
Aula 3 IFPH-1 XXth Century World Wars through Public History
Chair Chantal Kesteloot (CEGESOMA, Brussels)
Aula 4 AIPH-22 Storia orale negli archivi multimediali e nei prodotti audiovisivi
Coordinatrice Elisabetta Novello (Università di Padova)
Aula 5 IFPH-29
The Roles of Public Historians in the Maintenance of Civil Society:
Case Studies in Authority and Method from Colombia, the United
States, and the United Kingdom
Chair Tammy Gordon (North Carolina State University)
THURSDAY 8 JUNE | h. 10.15-11.45 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-6
Chair Indira Chowdhury (Centre for Public History, Srishti
Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore, India)
Aula 2 AIPH-36 Ricostruzione e Living History
Coordinatore Marxiano Melotti (Università di Milano Bicocca)
Aula 3 IFPH-43 Between Theory and Practice: Teaching Public History in Europe
Chair Andreas Etges (University of Munich)
Aula 4 AIPH-3
Narrare il fascismo. Il progetto del nuovo museo di Predappio
Coordinatore Marcello Flores (Istituto Nazionale per la Storia
del Movimento di Liberazione)
Aula 5 AIPH-44 Crowdsourcing, produzioni e progetti comunitari
Coordinatrice Enrica Salvatori (Università di Pisa)
THURSDAY 8 JUNE | h. 12-13.30 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-17
Forms of PH in Russia Today
Chair Irina Savelieva (National Research University Higher School
of Economics, Moscow)
Aula 2 IFPH-36 Public History Approach for Migration: Methods, Tools and Strategies
Chair Constantin Eckner (University of St Andrews, Scotland)
Aula 3 AIPH-48 Il patrimonio fotografico tra conservazione e fruizione
Coordinatrice Tiziana Serena (Università di Firenze)
Aula 4 IFPH-39 Cold War within the City: Describing the Difficult Past of Berlin
Chair Andreas Etges (University of Munich)
Aula 5 IFPH-23
Defining New Areas of Action for Public History in Italy
Chair Paolo Bertella Farnetti (Master in Public History, Università
di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
THURSDAY 8 JUNE | h. 13-14 | Palazzo dei Congressi
Meeting German Group of Public Historians: Angewandte Geschichte
THURSDAY 8 JUNE | h. 14.30-16.30 | Palazzo dei Congressi
AIPH & IFPH Poster Sessions
THURSDAY 8 JUNE | h. 16.45-18 | Palazzo dei Congressi
IFPH Annual Assembly Open to the Public
THURSDAY 8 JUNE | h. 18.15-19.15 | Palazzo dei Congressi
IFPH Keynote
Paweł Machcewicz (Museum of the Second World War) Museum of the Second
World War in Poland: Intersections of History, Memory and Politics
FRIDAY 9 JUNE | h. 8.30-10 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-28
Public History and Divided Memories. Stories from Italy in the 20th
Chair John Foot (University of Bristol, UK)
Aula 2 IFPH-25 Studying Public History
Chair Bruno De Wever (University of Ghent)
Aula 4 AIPH-43 Musei di storia, temi e promotori
Coordinatore Daniele Jalla (ICOM Italia)
Aula 5 IFPH-42 Public History and Digital Archives
Chair Paolo Vignolo (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
FRIDAY 9 JUNE | h. 10.15-11.45 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-47
Contemporary Debates about German Historical Memory:
Museums, Monuments and Anniversary Commemorations
Chair Andreas Etges (University of Munich)
Aula 2 AIPH-35 Guerre e memorie di guerre
Coordinatore Francesco Catastini (Rivista “Ricerche Storiche”)
Aula 3 IFPH-45 History, Memory and Acts of Public Commemoration
Chair Michael Frisch (University of Buffalo, USA)
Aula 4 AIPH-7 Quali oggetti per la storia applicata?
Coordinatore Angelo Torre (Università del Piemonte Orientale)
Aula 5 AIPH-30 Riempire i vuoti. Ricostruzione di memorie post-sisma
Coordinatrice Silvia Mantini (Università dell’Aquila)
FRIDAY 9 JUNE | h. 12-13.30 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei IFPH-31
How Can We Bring Different Theoretical Traditions and Research
Fields Relating to the Past in more Fruitful Dialogue with Each
Chair Paula Hamilton (University of Technology, Sydney)
Aula 3 IFPH-22
Mexican Transnational and Internal Migration: Memory, Physical
Spaces and their Role in the Transformation of Individual and
Collective Identity
Chair María A. Beltrán-Vocal (DePaul University, Chicago)
Aula 4 IFPH-4 Difficult Heritage of Political Violence
Chair Marcello Flores (University of Siena)
Aula 5 IFPH-34 Engaging the Public through Interactive History
Chair Jon Hunner (New Mexico State University)
FRIDAY 9 JUNE | h. 14.30-16 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei AIPH-19
La storia come fattore di riferimento nella ricerca e nella
progettazione di nuovi prodotti di turismo culturale
Coordinatrice Patrizia Battilani (Università di Bologna)
Aula 2 AIPH-45
Biblioteche e Public History: dal patrimonio al progetto
Coordinatrice Chiara De Vecchis (AIB - Associazione Italiana
Aula 3 AIPH-47 Migrazioni e comunità locali
Coordinatrice Maddalena Tirabassi (Centro AltreItalia)
Aula 4 AIPH-8
Senza chiamarla Public History… Il lavoro degli Istituti Storici
della Resistenza nel 70° della liberazione
Coordinatore Claudio Silingardi (Istituto Nazionale per la Storia
del Movimento di Liberazione)
Aula 5 AIPH-26
«Mezzogiorno liberato». Per una nuova narrazione del Sud tra
turismo e imprese
Coordinatore Giuseppe Barone (Università di Catania)
FRIDAY 9 JUNE | h. 16.15-17.45 | Palazzo Corradini
Tumidei AIPH-41 Turismo culturale
Coordinatore Stefano Pivato (Università di Urbino)
Aula 2 AIPH-5 Ricercare, raccontare, divulgare, mostrare: Sardegna e dintorni
Coordinatrice Cecilia Novelli (Università di Cagliari)
Aula 3 AIPH-17 Dalle carte al multimedia: archivi storici della CGIL Coordinatore Pietro Causarano (Università di Firenze)
Aula 5 AIPH-34 Archeologia leggera e identità territoriali
Coordinatore Michele Nucciotti (Università di Firenze)
- History (Main category)
- Palazzo Corradini, via A. Mariani 5 and Palazzo dei Congressi, Largo Firenze, 1, Ravenna, Italy
Ravenna, Italian Republic
- Monday, June 05, 2017
- Friday, June 09, 2017
- Tuesday, June 06, 2017
- Wednesday, June 07, 2017
- Thursday, June 08, 2017
Attached files
- Histoire publique, public history, IFPH, FIHP, AIPH, Federation Intrernationale d'Histoire Publique, Comite International des Sciences Historiques, Ravenna
- Serge Noiret
courriel : serge [dot] noiret [at] eui [dot] eu
Reference Urls
Information source
- Serge Noiret
courriel : serge [dot] noiret [at] eui [dot] eu
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« 4th annual conference of the International Federation for Public History (IFPH-FIHP) », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Friday, June 02, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/xu2