Cooking as a ritual
Cuisine and culture in the globalized 21st Century World
Published on Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Cooking is one of the most interesting characteristic of one culture. It gathers indeed material aspects (ingredients, tools, places) and symbolic values (representation, type of meals) that are often shared by social groups, while varying a lot at a global point of view. From this perspective, cooking can be considered as ritual. The cook has indeed to respect codes and rules (regarding places, technics and materials) that are linked to specific representation, to create a product that eater(s) will believe can be eaten – that’s to say incorporated, physically and symbolically.
Cooking is one of the most interesting characteristic of one culture. It gathers indeed material aspects (ingredients, tools, places) and symbolic values (representation, type of meals) that are often shared by social groups, while varying a lot at a global point of view. From this perspective, cooking can be considered as ritual. The cook has indeed to respect codes and rules (regarding places, technics and materials) that are linked to specific representation, to create a product that eater(s) will believe can be eaten – that’s to say incorporated, physically and symbolically. However, food – and de facto cooking is deeply impacted by the increase of global exchanges that characterize globalization: acculturation of new products (food and appliances), sharing of recipes, modification of food patterns… The aim of this symposium will thus be to question the evolution of cooking perceived as a ritual in a globalized world.
- 9:00 – 9:30 Welcome coffee
- 9:30 Welcome and Introduction Maxime Michaud (Center for Food and Hospitality Research, Institut Paul Bocuse)
- 9:45 Cooking, Cuisine and the State: Food and Globalization in the People's Republic of China Pr. Jakob Klein (SOAS Food Studies, University of London)
10:45 – 11:00 Break –Poster Session
- 11:00 Ritual and food: kurban in the Balkans, or “praying while eating”. Olivier Givre (Université Lumière Lyon II – EVS UMR 5600)
- 11:30 The Preservation of the Culinary Heritage through its Cinematographic Counterpart: Case Study of Illustrations of the Tunisian Culinary Rituals in Several Fiction Films. Fèten Ridène Raissi (ESAC Gammarth - Université de Carthage -Tunisie)
12:00 – 13:30 Meal Coffee – Poster Session
- 13:30 Cuisine thérapie : explorer ses rituels culinaires pour mieux se connaître. Cooking therapy: explore your cooking practices and rituals and get insights into your personality. Emmanuelle Turquet (Papilles Créatives)
- 14:00 Ritualiser des pratiques culinaires ? Approche anthropologique des ateliers de cuisine proposés aux personnes précaires à Genève Ritualizing cooking practices? An anthropological approach of cooking workshops offered to people in difficulty in Geneva. Laurence Ossipow (HES-SO. Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale)
- 14:30 From popular recipes to open kitchens: exploration by students in anthropology. Students from the course “Anthropology, Science and Society” (Licence 3rd year, Université Lumière Lyon II)
14:50 – 15:05 Break – Poster Session
- 15:05 Cooking as a performance in a family with children Kaisa Torkkeli (Faculty of Educational Sciences - University of Helsinki)
- 15:35 Des rituels et des routines : les dessous des pratiques culinaires parentales liées à l’alimentation des tout-petits. Rituals and routines: what lies behind parents cooking practices regarding toddler’s food. Amandine Rochedy, Anne Dupuy (Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, CERTOP - UMR CNRS 5044)
- 16:05 Conclusion Maxime Michaud (Center for Food and Hospitality Research, Institut Paul Bocuse)
- Visite of Institut Paul Bocuse facilities (Living lab, experimental restaurant, experimental professional kitchen, bakery laboratory, etc.)
- Farewell drink
17:30 End
- Ikram Boughara (Université Oran II)
Le Couscous : rites et représentations autour d’un mets.
The Couscous : rite and representation around a dish.
- Domar Idrissi (Ethnologue indépendant)
Diversité de rites culinaires et des usages alimentaires à Lyon.
Diversity of culinary rites and food practices in Lyon.
- Ana Paula C. Jacques (Université de Brasilia)
La mise en valeur des traditions culinaires de la gastronomie brésilienne dans l'enseignement supérieur au Brésil
The improvement of cooking traditions of Brazilian gastronomy in higher education in Brazil.
- Sonia Mlayah Hamzaoui (Institut National du Patrimoine de Tunis)
Les pratiques alimentaires et culinaires rituelles des citadins traditionnels de Tunis
Eating and cooking ritual practices of traditional city-dwellers in Tunis.
- Appolinaire Foulla Damna (Université de Dschang-Cameroun)
Les frontières alimentaires au Cameroun entre porosités, interdits et gastro-diplomatie
Food boundaries in Cameroon between porosity, taboo and gastro-diplomacy.
- Maison des services, Laboratoire des services, Institut Paul Bocuse - 3 bis rue Guy de Collongue
Écully, France (69130)
- Thursday, June 29, 2017
Attached files
- cuisine, culture, cooking, food
- Maxime Michaud
courriel : symposium [at] institutpaulbocuse [dot] com
Reference Urls
Information source
- Maxime Michaud
courriel : symposium [at] institutpaulbocuse [dot] com
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Cooking as a ritual », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, June 20, 2017,