Post-doctorate researcher in Anchoring in/of Greek lyric poetry
Anchoring work package 2
Published on Friday, October 13, 2017
The Hellenistic scholars canonized a group of nine lyric poets who composed their poetry in the archaic and early classical period (Alcaeus, Alcman, Anacreon, Bachylides, Ibycus, Pindar, Sappho, Simonides, Stesichorus). At least by this period, but probably earlier, they became the standard of Greek lyric compositions or themes in Greek literature, such as love (Sappho), drinking (Anacreon) or praise (Pindar). The aim of this post-doc project is to investigate how these poets relate to earlier or later traditions of Greek literature.
Postdoc project, 1.5 years (1.0fte), start date: 1 March 2018
Anchoring in/of Greek Lyric Poetry (Anchoring Work Package 2)
€3,238 to max. €4,757 gross per month (based on 38 hours a week, depending on previous experience)
Prof. Dr. A.P.M.H. Lardinois (RU)
Organisational unit
Radboud University, Faculty of Arts
Job description
The Hellenistic scholars canonized a group of nine lyric poets who composed their poetry in the archaic and early classical period (Alcaeus, Alcman, Anacreon, Bachylides, Ibycus, Pindar, Sappho, Simonides, Stesichorus). At least by this period, but probably earlier, they became the standard of Greek lyric compositions or themes in Greek literature, such as love (Sappho), drinking (Anacreon) or praise (Pindar). The aim of this post-doc project is to investigate how these poets relate to earlier or later traditions of Greek literature.
On the one hand, these poets themselves, implicitly or explicitly, refer to other Greek poetry. Pindar and Simonides mention earlier poets by name, such as Homer or Archilochus, while others overtly allude to them. Why do they do this and how does this help them in their own compositions? On the other hand, the compositions of these nine lyric poets are used by later Greek authors from the Classical to the Roman period, both in poetry and prose, to enrich their own compositions. Some poets decide to write “in the manner of” one of the Nine (for example the composers of the Anacreonta), while other authors allude to their poetry when highlighting a certain theme (e.g. Longus’ references to Sappho’s poetry in Daphnis and Chloe).
The question is if and how this system of referencing relates to the concept of “anchoring” developed in the OIKOS research agenda. We are interested in possible examples of so-called “positive anchoring”, for example when Nossis cites Sappho as her source of inspiration (in Epigram 1 G.-P. implicitly through allusion; in Epigram 11 G.-P. explicitly by mentioning her name), as well as “negative” forms of anchoring, for example when Pindar says that his poetry is NOT like that of Archilochus (Pyth. 2.55). In the latter case Pindar still invites his audience to compare his poetry with that of the old master and thus puts himself on a par with him or even claims to outdo him.
Candidates should write a proposal in which they pick either one of the nine lyric poets and investigate how (s)he “anchors” his/her poetry in older poets (this, of course, can also be poets of other genres, such as epic) or they pick one or more later Greek works from the Classical, Hellenistic or Roman period and examine how they use citations or references to one or more of the Nine to make their arguments and/or strengthen their claim to authority. The results, laid down in at least two substantial articles, are to illuminate vital aspects of this use of literary traditions and the possible anchoring processes involved.
More information about the Anchoring Innovation research agenda of OIKOS can be found on the OIKOS website (, including an article by Ineke Sluiter, entitled “Anchoring Innovation: a Classical Research Agenda” (
- A PhD in Classical Greek Literature related to one or more of the nine canonical Greek lyric poets or the Greek text(s) from the Classical, Hellenistic or Roman period they propose to examine (held by time of appointment)
- An excellent research and publication record in relation to stage of career
- A strong cooperative attitude and willingness to engage in collaborative research
- Excellent command of English
- Some organisational experience
Job application
In order to be considered, applications must include the following information (in the order stated), in one PDF file (not zipped):
- Cover letter
- CV, including list of publications and contact details of two referees
- Research proposal of 1500 words (excluding bibliography and – if appropriate – appendix containing list of sources: together max. two pages A4)
- Copy of relevant degree certificate(s)
Please submit your application to Dr. Roald Dijkstra, the coordinator of the Anchoring programme via
before 1 November 2017.
Interviews will take place in the week beginning 4 December 2017. For candidates living abroad interviews may be held via Skype.
More information about this position may be obtained from Prof. Dr. A.P.M.H. Lardinois (
- Prehistory and Antiquity (Main category)
- Mind and language > Language > Literature
- Periods > Prehistory and Antiquity > Greek history
- Nijmegen, Holland
- Wednesday, November 01, 2017
- Roald Dijkstra
courriel : anchoring [at] let [dot] ru [dot] nl
Reference Urls
Information source
- Roald Dijkstra
courriel : anchoring [at] let [dot] ru [dot] nl
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« Post-doctorate researcher in Anchoring in/of Greek lyric poetry », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Friday, October 13, 2017,