HomeDidactic use of corpora

Didactic use of corpora

L’utilisation didactique de corpus

« Études en Didactique des Langues » (EDL) Review #31

Revue « Études en Didactique des Langues » (EDL) n°31

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Published on Wednesday, October 18, 2017


The richness of corpora offers didactic possibilities, but these experiences often remain marginalized or invisible. This issue of EDL (Études en Didactique des Langues) will focus on this new research field.



Corpus linguistics and the capacity to analyze large quantities of documents have modified the manner of addressing the study or learning of a language. A corpus is a collection of documents established with the objective of representing a certain type of discourse, for example, German spoken by Spanish-speakers, Medical Arabic or Legal Chinese, but also the capacity to compare different discourses, for example, the French and English of sciences (cf. Scientext ). At its simplest, the analysis of a concordance allows one to focus on the use or the morphology of a keyword as it appears in a series of contexts. Recent technical capacities offer further, more complex possibilities. One might mention the GestuelScript Project  , centered on the representation of movement, gestures, and Sign Language; but also the literary corpus CLiC  with its emphasis on the descriptions of human gestures. Hence, the current state of corpora offers a broad range of didactic possibilities.

The richness of corpora offers didactic possibilities, but these experiences often remain marginalized or invisible. Dictionary editors being among the first to apply corpus data, these data arrive indirectly within the learning and teaching framework. Today, we find three major fields of corpus linguistics applied to the didactics of languages: an indirect route (creation of vocabulary lists, dictionaries, pedagogical materials), a direct route where learners manipulate one or more corpora (these corpora may be previously existing or compiled by the learners), and finally, a comparative perspective as learner corpora are analyzed or contrasted with those of experts.

This issue of EDL (Études en Didactique des Langues) will focus on the following themes, which are not exhaustive:

  • learner and expert corpora,
  • corpora of written, oral, or multimodal origin, be they mono- or multi-lingual,
  • the creation and use of corpus-based teaching and learning materials,
  • the direct or indirect use of corpora by learners or teachers,
  • ergonomic factors, access and the representation of data.

Submission guidelines

Complete contributions should be sent directly, as there is no preliminary selection of proposals. They may be written in French or English. Manuscripts (between 6,000 and 10,000 words) addressing one of the subjects above, will respect the style sheet available on-line


The manuscripts should be sent by email to edl@lairdil.fr

before 30 June 2018

to be published in issue number 31 of EDL that will appear at the end of the year 2018. 


  • Nicole Décuré
  • Laura Hartwell

Selection committee

  • Claire Chaplier
  • Karine Duvignau
  • Anne-Marie O’Connell

Selection of references 

  • AIJMER, K. 2009. Corpora and Language Teaching. Amsterdam, Pays Bas: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • BIBER, D. & R. REPPEN (EDS.). 2015. The Cambridge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  
  • BOCH, F. & C. FRIER. (EDS).  2015.  Écrire dans l’enseignement supérieur : Des apports de la recherche aux outils pédagogiques. Grenoble: ELLUG (Éditions UGA).
  • BOULTON, A. & H. TYNE. 2014. Des documents authentiques aux corpus : Démarches pour l’apprentissage des langues. Paris: Les Éditions Didier.
  • BORE, C. (ED). 2017. La phrase en production d’écrits, approches nouvelles en didactique. Grenoble: ELLUG (Éditions UGA). 
  • BRUXELLES, S., L. MONDADA, A. C. SIMON & V. TRAVERSO (EDS). 2007. Grand corpus de français parlé : Bilan historique et perspectives de recherches. Cahiers de Linguistique de Louvain 33:2, 1-14.
  • CHAMBERS, A. 2010. L’apprentissage de l’écriture en langue seconde à l’aide d’un corpus spécialisé. Revue française de linguistique appliquée (15)2, 9-20.
  • DE COURVILLE, R., M. REBULARD, C. DANET, P. DOAN, R. MILETITCH & D. BOUTET. 2010. Création d'un corpus de traces graphiques de la Langue des Signes française en vue de la constitution d'une écriture. Cahiers de praxématique 54-55, 87-102.
  • FLØTTUM, K., T. DAHL & T. KINN. 2006. Academic voices. Amsterdam, Pays Bas: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • GROSSMANN, F. M. PAVEAU, & G. PETIT (EDS.). Didactique du lexique : langue, cognition, discours. Grenoble: ELLUG (Éditions UGA). 
  • HUBER M. & J. MUKHERJEE (EDS.). 2012. Corpus linguistics and variation in English: Theory and description. Amsterdam: Rodopi.  
  • KÜBLER, N. 2014. Mettre en œuvre la linguistique de corpus à l'Université. Les Cahiers de l'ACEDLE: Revue RDLC 11(1), 37-77. 
  • LEGALLOIS, D. & A. TUTIN (EDS). (2013). Langages: vers une extension du domaine de la phraséologie 1:189. Paris: Armand Colin.
  • Novel uses of concordances for the integrations of corpus stylistics and cognitive poetics. Corpora 11:3, 433-463.
  • MARTIN, P. 2009. Intonation du français, mesures, théories, modèles. Paris: Armand Colin.
  • NOVAKOVA, I. & A. TUTIN (EDS).  2009. Le Lexique des émotions. Grenoble: ELLUG (Éditions UGA). 
  • NOVAKOVA, I. & E. DONTCHENKO (EDS).  2010. Grammaire et lexique : Regards croisés. Grenoble: ELLUG (Éditions UGA). 
  • SITRI, F. 2003. L'objet du débat : La construction des objets de discours dans des situations argumentatives orales. Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle.
  • TUTIN, A. & F. GROSSMANN. (EDS). 2014. L'écrit scientifique : du lexique au discours. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.


  • Saturday, June 30, 2018


  • corpus, langues, apprentissage, didactique, TICE


  • Nicole Décuré
    courriel : nicole [dot] decure [at] univ-tlse3 [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Nicole Décuré
    courriel : nicole [dot] decure [at] univ-tlse3 [dot] fr


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« Didactic use of corpora », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, October 18, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/yiv

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