HomePost-doctorate for the Holi-D research project (Perspectives on the decline of the coastline)

Post-doctorate for the Holi-D research project (Perspectives on the decline of the coastline)

Post-doctorat pour le projet « Horizon des littoraux en déclassement » (Holi-D)

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Published on Tuesday, November 07, 2017


Le projet de recherche « Horizon des littoraux en déclassement » (Holi-D) recrute un(e) post-doctorant(e) pour 12 mois à compter du 1er février 2018 pour un travail d'enquête par entretiens et l'élaboration / analyse d'un corpus d'archives auprès des comités d'entreprise et des organismes du tourisme social et familial, en Loire-Atlantique et Vendée.


Request for applications for a post-doctorate in social sciences (AAU-team CRENAU, UMR 1563 and ESO Angers, UMR 6590)

12 months Job Location: Nantes, Angers (occasional trips required to the coast and Paris)

The Holi-D research project (Perspectives on the decline of the coastline) is recruiting a post-doctoral assistant for 12 months starting 1st February 2018.

Remuneration Gross monthly salary of 2,645.50 €

Research Context

The Holi-D project (Perspectives on the decline of the coastline) questions the future of holiday and leisure villages owned by large national companies (primarily EDF, GDF, La Poste, SNCF), social and family tourism agencies (VVF, Cap France, UCPA, the PEPs, the Teaching Federation etc.) and local authorities with the aim of promoting access to holidays and the coastline for their populations and employees (such as the communes referred to as the "former Red Belt" around Paris). Such sites, whether recreation centres, holiday camps for children or holiday villages for families, are perfect examples of the modern world, characterised by a well-structured wage-orientated society, which is known to be in crisis.

Most of these leisure and holiday sites have today been rented out or sold off, often due to the decline in their popularity, changes in safety standards and the high costs involved in managing them. In addition, these sites have been used for architectural experimentations (educational architecture of the 1950s and 1960s and mobile architecture from the 1970s in particular) which can be seen as interesting heritage today.

The research is also concerned by economic and social consequences and the challenges of urban and tourism development for the local authorities in charge of the concerned territory. Lastly, the Atlantic coastline, particularly in the Loire-Atlantique and Vendée regions, will be particularly concerned by the presence of such areas in the coming years.

A multidisciplinary team consisting of researchers in sociology, urban studies, , geography, architecture and history of architecture is concerned over three years. It is open to the inclusion, during the course of the project, of other disciplinary fields such as art, economics or law, and uses the resources available at Nantes school of architecture and the UFR Esthua Tourism and Culture faculty (University of Angers).

It is by applying an original methodology, working with material from the archives, a field survey and both cartographic and photographic systems that our team plans to stimulate and involve the stakeholders, in a collective consideration as to the destiny of such sites and their economic and social recovery.

This research project is co-financed for a 3-year period by Angers Tourism Lab and the University of Bretagne Loire, in partnership with the ESO-Angers research laboratories (UMR Cnrs 6590) and AAU-Team CRENAU in Nantes (UMR Cnrs/ECN/Ensa Nantes/Ensa Grenoble 1563).


The post-doctoral assistant will participate (during both the first and second years of the research project) in the collaborative process of pre-inventory and issue-related inventory developed following a series of interviews and a document collection process with employee-committees at the SNCF, La Poste, energy companies, social tourism agencies, coastal-based local authorities and public bodies (Coastal Protection Agency, Deposits and Consignments Fund etc.), which allows us to identify and cultivate a database relating to an unprecedented corpus of sites (active, threatened or already abandoned). Within this corpus, around ten monographs will be used to measure the contribution of the different indicators: undeveloped land, urban inertia, under-occupation, non-inclusion in the urban and social fabric of the community, failure to meet the expectations of 21st-century holidaymakers and distance from a social tourism project. It can be taken for granted that we look more closely at all of these themes. These monographs will help to strengthen our fieldwork in situ and apply more targeted ethnographic protocols.

Preferred Profile

  • Doctor in sociology, geography, history or political sciences
  • A demonstrated ability to undertake research, in particular using methods of individual and group interviewing and the application of ethnographic protocols
  • An analytical capacity in the field of the sociology involving stakeholders and organizations
  • Familiarity with the use of archives, and their analytical management,
  • An understanding of architecture and urbanisation, especially from the 20th and 21st centuries
  • An understanding of the contemporary issues linked to tourism
  • A good level of French, both written and oral.

Recruitment Criteria

To be eligible, candidates must not have obtained their PhD in either of the supervisory institutions of the research unit to which they apply (AAU-Crenau or ESO-Angers) or have previously worked within these research units. They must have defended their thesis within the 3 years prior to the 1/9/2017

Application guidelines

The candidate will need to send by the 20th November 2017:

  • a short CV;
  • a list of previous projects (2 pages max.);
  • a copy of their PhD defence report;
  • a copy of their doctoral degree; and a covering letter (3 pages max) explaining their interest in the project and the post in terms of its research aims in pdf format.

All this should be sent to the following address: recherche.holi.d@gmail.com

Selection procedure 

Eligible candidates will be invited to attend an interview in late November or early December

Selection Committee members

  • Laurent Devisme (PR Ensa Nantes, AAU Crenau),
  • Laurence Moisy (MCF, Angers University, Eso-Angers),
  • Amélie Nicolas (MA, Ensa Paris-Malaquais, AAU Crenau),
  • Ignacio Requena (MA, Ensa Nantes, AAU Crenau),
  • and three guest researchers from outside.


  • Nantes, France (44)


  • Monday, November 20, 2017


  • colonie, vacance, village-vacance, tourisme social, déclassement, stratégie urbaine, enquête, entretien, archive


  • Amélie Nicolas
    courriel : amelie [dot] nicolas [at] nantes [dot] archi [dot] fr

Information source

  • Amélie Nicolas
    courriel : amelie [dot] nicolas [at] nantes [dot] archi [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Post-doctorate for the Holi-D research project (Perspectives on the decline of the coastline) », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, November 07, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/yql

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