HomeEuropean cities and the post-crisis context : social and policy innovations
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Published on Friday, November 10, 2017


Since the crisis, cities have not only been “the context” but also “collective actors” with particular strengths, weaknesses, and resources to deploy. The aim of this international workshop is to elaborate a common reflection on the future of EU cities by focusing on institutional innovation, via new tools and mechanisms for policy making which have been developed by cities in order to cope with the consequences of the crisis (new forms of inequality, housing shortage, gentrification and displacement, new difficulties for the delivery of public services…).



The post-2008 global financial and economic crisis has impacted the economic, social, spatial and institutional dimensions of urban environments, with significant implications for the present and future quality of life in European cities. A macro view of the crisis is predominant in current debates, as well as an economic framing. Hence, an understanding of the mature responses at the city level in a comparative perspective is lacking.

Since the crisis, cities have not only been “the context” but also “collective actors” with particular strengths, weaknesses, and resources to deploy. The aim of this international workshop is to elaborate a common reflection on the future of EU cities by focusing on institutional innovation, via new tools and mechanisms for policy making which have been developed by cities in order to cope with the consequences of the crisis (new forms of inequality, housing shortage, gentrification and displacement, new difficulties for the delivery of public services…).

On this background, three research questions will be explored during the workshop:

  • What have been the spatial consequences of the crisis on cities?
  • How have cities coped with these consequences, in relation to institutional innovation via policy tools and mechanisms?
  • To what extent new forces of governance, characterized by more cooperation, networking and partnering between various stakeholders have emerged?

These social and policy innovations at the city level will be explored through case studies from three main policy areas: urban effects of economic issues, housing and neighbourhood policies/environmental issues.


Thursday 30th November

Building BIENVENÜE, Room B015

Introductory session:

Crisis, post-crisis and urban issues

8h45: Welcome & coffee

  • 9h15: Presentation of the workshop, C. Lelévrier, Lab'Urba, UPEC
  • 9h30: Cities in Crisis. Reflections on urban futures in time of austerity, J. Knieling, Hafencity University, Hamburg
  • 10h: The Institutional Effects of Social Innovation. Revising a European Comparative Research 15 year later, T. Vitale, Sciences Po, Paris

10h30: Discussion

11h: Coffee break

  • 11h15: Cities inweakening democracies: the East European context, I. Tosics, MRI, Budapest

11h45: Discussion

12h15: Lunch

Thematic session 1:

Socio-spatial impacts of the economic crisis

and urban planning

Discussants: J. Aldhuy, Lab’Urba, UPEC & L. Kebir, Lab'Urba, EIVP

  • 13h30: The urban agendas of the Italian cities in the face of the crisis, P. Briata, S. Di Vita & G. Pasqui, Politecnico di Milano
  • 14h: The Austerity Politics of Public Land: Property Reforms and Land regimes in French and Italian cities, F. Adisson, LATTS, UPEM & F. Artioli, Lab’Urba, UPEC

14h30: Discussion

15h: Coffee break

  • 15h15: Planning for resilient cities in the context of limited resources, A. Yiannakou, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki
  • 15h45: Functional resilience of urban areas in Madrid, I. Gonzalez Garcia, A. Hernandez Aja & G. Sánchez Toscano, Politecnico Madrid

16h15: Discussion

16h45: End of the session

Friday 1st December

Building ENPC, Room V404

Thematic session 2:

Social & institutional innovation in housing &

neighbourhood policy

Discussants: M. Delage, ACP, UPEM & N. Baron, LVMT, UPEM

  • 9h30: Understanding and measuring multiple deprivations in Athens, N. Karadimitriou, UCL, London

10h: Discussion

10h30: Coffee break

  • 10h45: Residential segregation and neighbourhood policy in Barcelona: the need for supramunicipal policies, C. Donat, Metropolitan Studies Institute of Barcelona
  • 11h15: Social Innovation to govern diversity in Paris and London, C. Colomb, UCL, London & C. Lelévrier, Lab'Urba, UPEC

11h45: Discussion

12h15: Lunch

Thematic session 3:

Social and institutional innovation in

environmental policy

Discussants: O. Coutard, LATTS, CNRS & C. Larrue, Lab'Urba, UPEC

  • 13h30: Planning for sustainable development with austerity and Brexit in the UK, C. Turcu, UCL, London
  • 14h: The role of civil society in urban sustainability transitions, M. Egermann, B. Müller, S. Rößler & R. Knippschild, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development
  • 14h30: Alternatives in social innovation, Y. Noren Bretzer, University of Gothenburg

15h: Discussion

15h30: Coffee break

16h: General conclusion, P. Briata, Politecnico di Milano & C. Turcu, UCL, London

16h30: End of the workshop

Participation in the international workshop is free and open to all with a registration at : laura.chamas@u-pec.fr

Scientific committee

  • Julien Aldhuy (Lab'Urba, UPEC)
  • Francesca Artioli(Lab'Urba, UPEC)
  • Ylva Noren Bretzer (University of Gothenburg)
  • Paola Briata (Politecnico di Milano)
  • Martine Drozdz (LATTS, CNRS)
  • Isabel Gonzalez Gacia (University of Madrid)
  • Christine Lelévrier (Lab'Urba, UPEC)
  • Catalina Turcu (UCL)

Organisation committee

  • Julien Aldhuy (Lab'Urba, UPEC)
  • Francesca Artioli (Lab'Urba, UPEC)
  • Laura Chamas (Lab'Urba, UPEC)
  • Martine Drozdz (LATTS, CNRS)
  • Sabine Hermenault (Lab'Urba, UPEC)
  • Christine Lelévrier (Lab'Urba, UPEC)



  • THURSDAY 30TH NOVEMBER => Building BIENVENÜE, Room B015 / FRIDAY 1ST DECEMBER => Building ENPC, Room V404 - Lab'Urba, Bâtiment Bienvenüe, Cité Descartes, 14-20 Boulevard Newton
    Champs-sur-Marne, France (77420)


  • Thursday, November 30, 2017
  • Friday, December 01, 2017


  • European metropolises, post-crisis, innovations


  • Laura Chamas
    courriel : laura [dot] chamas [at] u-pec [dot] fr
  • Christine Lelévrier
    courriel : lelevrier [at] u-pec [dot] fr

Information source

  • Julien Aldhuy
    courriel : julien [dot] aldhuy [at] u-pec [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« European cities and the post-crisis context : social and policy innovations », Study days, Calenda, Published on Friday, November 10, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/ysv

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