HomeMeetings, Conflicts, Exchanges: Mediterranean Space in the Middle Ages

Meetings, Conflicts, Exchanges: Mediterranean Space in the Middle Ages

Rencontres, conflits, échanges : l’espace méditerranéen au Moyen Âge

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Published on Monday, December 04, 2017


Fernand Braudel writes in his The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II: “The Mediterrenean has no unity but that created by the movements of men, the relationships they imply, and the routes they follow” [1972: 276]. The position of the Mediterranean, at the intersection of three continents, has made it a vital location in these movements of men, women and children. These movements continue, sometimes with tragic consequences, to this day. In the Middle Ages, the meeting of peoples and cultures enabled the exchange of ideas, traditions, texts, languages, and things.



Fernand Braudel writes in his The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II: “The Mediterrenean has no unity but that created by the movements of men, the relationships they imply, and the routes they follow” [1972: 276]. The position of the Mediterranean, at the intersection of three continents, has made it a vital location in these movements of men, women and children. These movements continue, sometimes with tragic consequences, to this day. In the Middle Ages, the meeting of peoples and cultures enabled the exchange of ideas, traditions, texts, languages, and things. In recent years, scholars of Medieval Studies have made significant progress in defining and increasing our knowledge of the interactions in this Mediterranean space. From the art and architecture of the Taifa kingdoms to the phases and waves of Frankish colonisation in the Latin East, from the political and cultural role of religious military orders throughout the Mediterranean to the rich literary and cultural output of the eastern kingdoms, from the multiple roots of medieval Jewish thinking to the specific type of eastern Mediterranean French, medieval scholars of multiple disciplines and interdisciplinary approaches, have opened up new ways of studying and conceiving of these cultural interactions.

The Centre d’études médiévales presents Meetings, Conflicts, Exchanges: the Mediterranean Space in the Middle Ages conference, which will take place in the Carrefour des Arts et des Sciences at the University of Montréal on 23rd and 24th March 2018. The conference looks primarily to address graduate students and early career scholars. Meetings, Conflicts, Exchanges aims to promote the sharing of ideas, methologies and avenues of research, with a focus on interdisciplinary approaches (from the fields of Literature, History, History of Art, Religious Studies, Languages, Philosophy, Theology, etc.).

Submission guidelines

Please send a single document to alessio.marziali.peretti@umontreal.ca containing:

  1. An abstract with a title (150 to 200 words);
  2. A short biography (specifying author’s name, affiliation, and contact information).

Presentations will be 20 minutes long with an additional 10 minutes for discussion.

Presentation languages: French and English.

Deadline: 31st December 2017

Symposium : at Université de Montréal, 23rd and 24th March 2018

Conference website: https://cetmedcolloque.wordpress.com/

Scientific committee

  • Blennemann, Gordon (prof. agrégé au Département d’histoire - Université de Montréal)
  • Giannini, Gabriele (prof. agrégé au Département des littératures de langue française - Université de Montréal)
  • Gingras, Francis (prof. titulaire et directeur du Département des littératures de langue française - Université de Montréal)
  • Gonzalez Dieguez, Guadalupe (prof. adjointe à l’Institut d’études religieuses - Université de Montréal)


  • Montreal, Canada


  • Sunday, December 31, 2017


  • Méditerranée, échanges


  • Alessio Marziali Peretti
    courriel : alessio [dot] marziali [dot] peretti [at] umontreal [dot] ca

Information source

  • Alessio Marziali Peretti
    courriel : alessio [dot] marziali [dot] peretti [at] umontreal [dot] ca


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To cite this announcement

« Meetings, Conflicts, Exchanges: Mediterranean Space in the Middle Ages », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, December 04, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/yzd

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