HomeHome as a place for anti-Jewish persecution in European cities, 1933-1945

HomeHome as a place for anti-Jewish persecution in European cities, 1933-1945

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Published on Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Anti-Jewish persecution didn’t only happen in specifically designed or transformed spaces such as camps and ghettos. It invaded spaces of everyday life in European cities: public spaces, work places and private spaces such as homes. In this landscape not only Jews and agents of persecution appear but also their immediate residential environment: concierges, neighbors, nannies, landlords, property managers, sub-tenants, local administrations, etc. These figures have an essential place in the memories of Jewish survivors. Though, so far, scholars have hardly addressed their role. The spatial turn that occurred during the last fifteen years in Anglophone Holocaust studies focused on the symbolic places of genocide. It mostly neglected apartment blocks and ordinary cities as spaces of persecution. This conference thus intends to focus on urban housing as a place for anti-Jewish persecution.



Anti-Jewish persecution didn’t only happen in specifically designed or transformed spaces such as camps and ghettos. It invaded spaces of everyday life in European cities: public spaces, work places and private spaces such as homes. In this landscape not only Jews and agents of persecution appear but also their immediate residential environment: concierges, neighbors, nannies, landlords, property managers, sub-tenants, local administrations, etc. These figures have an essential place in the memories of Jewish survivors. Though, so far, scholars have hardly addressed their role. The spatial turn that occurred during the last fifteen years in Anglophone Holocaust studies focused on the symbolic places of genocide. It mostly neglected apartment blocks and ordinary cities as spaces of persecution. This conference thus intends to focus on urban housing as a place for anti-Jewish persecution.


All external guests must register online before attending:

For any question regarding the registration, please contact: schaeffercenter@aup.edu


January 11th, 2018

American University of Paris, 6 rue du colonel Combes, 75007 Paris, métro Invalides

  • 9h00: Arrival and registration
  • 9h30-9h40: Opening, Brian Schiff, Constance Pâris de Bollardière (American University of Paris)
  • 9h40-10h00: Isabelle Backouche (EHESS-CRH), Sarah Gensburger (CNRS-ISP), Eric Le Bourhis (FMS-ISP) From an ongoing research on the Paris case to the international conference
  • 10h00-10h30: Keynote: Shannon Fogg (Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla) Housing in Paris and the Restoration of the French Republic: the Implementation of the November 14th, 1944 Order

10h30-10h50: break

Seizure of "Jewish homes": between individual agency and public policies

Chair and discussant: Claire Andrieu (Centre d'Histoire-Sciences Po Paris)

  • 10h50: Teresa Walch (University of California, San Diego) Exterminating “Judeo-Bolshevism” from the cityscape: Berlin’s Bülowplatz and the Scheunenviertel
  • 11h20: Kostis Kornetis (Carlos III University, Madrid) Looting as a social praxis: Aspects of the spoliation and ruination of Jewish houses in 1943 Salonica
  • 11h50: Nadège Ragaru (CERI-Sciences Po Paris) The Liquidation of Jewish Properties as Legitimacy Building Strategy. A Case Study of Bitola under Bulgarian Occupation (1943)
  • 12h20-13h00: panel discussion

Home as a scale of observation of Jewish/Gentiles social relations

Chair and discussant (to confirm)

  • 14h30: István Pál Ádám (CEFRES, Prague) Budapest concierges as everyday profiteers of the Hungarian Holocaust
  • 15h00: Nathalie Moine (CNRS-CERCEC, Paris) The Maids. Servants and masters facing the hunting for Jews: Paris, Lyon, Grenoble (1939-1945)
  • 15h30: Annette Finley-Croswhite (Old Dominion University Norfolk) Spatial Experience of the Shoah on the Rue Sainte-Isaure, Paris
  • 16h00: Geraldien von Frijtag Drabbe Künzel (University of Utrecht), Valeria Galimi (University of Milan) Microcosms of the Holocaust: Jewish-Gentile relations in the in the Modern Metropoles of Nazi Occupied Europe
  • 16h00-16h40: panel discussion

January 12th, 2018

Shoah memorial, auditorium

17 rue Geoffroy l’Asnier, Paris (métro Saint-Paul, Pont Marie, Hôtel de Ville)

9h15: Arrival

Returning home, refunding societies in the aftermath of the war?

Chair and discussant: Laura Hobson-Faure (CREW-Paris 3 University Sorbonne Nouvelle)

  • 9h30: Monika Stępień (University of Warsaw) Neighbours of the Polish Jews in the aftermath of the Holocaust as depicted in Jewish personal accounts
  • 10h00: Victoria Khiterer (Millersville University) Unwelcome Return Home: Jews, anti-Semitism and the Housing Problem in Post-war Kiev
  • 10h30: Hilary Handin (University of New York)“France for the French”: Anti-Semitic Housing Protests in Paris, 1944-1945
  • 11h00: Philip Carabott (King’s College London) In search of old and new homes: The case of Salonican survivors of the Shoah
  • 11h30: panel discussion
  • 12H10: Concluding remarks by Karen Adler (University of Nottingham)

Scientific committee

  • Isabelle Backouche (EHESS-CRH),
  • Sarah Gensburger (CNRS-ISP),
  • Eric Le Bourhis (FMS-ISP),
  • Constance Pâris de Bollardière (American University of Paris),
  • Brian Schiff (American University of Paris)


  • Salle 104 - 6 rue du colonel Combes
    Paris, France (75007)


  • Thursday, January 11, 2018
  • Friday, January 12, 2018


  • Shoah, études urbaines, Europe, antisémitisme


  • Constance Pâris de Bollardière
    courriel : cparisdebollardiere [at] aup [dot] edu

Information source

  • Constance Pâris de Bollardière
    courriel : cparisdebollardiere [at] aup [dot] edu


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To cite this announcement

« Home as a place for anti-Jewish persecution in European cities, 1933-1945 », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, December 19, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/z5c

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