Inhabiting movement, 16th-21st centuries
Habiter le mouvement, XVIe-XXIe siècle
Published on Tuesday, January 23, 2018
L’atelier thématique a pour objet la relation entre mobilité et modes d’habiter l’espace, selon une perspective interdisciplinaire et de longue durée. Le choix de cette thématique puise ses racines dans plusieurs projets collectifs et recherches individuelles menées au sein de l’UMR TELEMME et de la MMSH. La notion d’habiter proposée dans cet atelier est comprise dans le sens le plus large du terme : « faire avec l’espace », qui ne se limite pas à celui de « résider stablement », mais qui est aussi synonyme de fréquenter, d’être dans un lieu pour des raisons diverses et triviales : travailler, s’amuser, se réfugier, s’abriter, se réunir, se promener, parcourir, boire et manger, etc.
As part of the official activities of the International Associated Laboratory MEDITERRAPOLIS, the summer school aims to study the relationship between mobility and ways of inhabiting space, from an interdisciplinary and long-term viewpoint. The choice of this theme has its roots in several collective projects and individual researches conducted within the UMR TELEMME and the MMSH.
Studying the ways of inhabiting through the prism of mobility phenomena makes it possible to reformulate the notion of inhabiting and to acknowledge the important role that movement and instability have on present societies as well as those in the past.
The notion of living as proposed in this summer school should be understood in the broadest sense of the word : “deal with space”, which is not limited to that of "residing permanently", but is also synonymous with frequenting, being in a place for diverse and incidental reasons: to work, to have fun, to take refuge, to take shelter, to get together, to stroll, to travel, to drink and to eat, etc. This conceptualization of living is based on a shift with respect to Heidegger's understanding of living, centred on here (rootedness and proximity) and habit (habitus).
Firstly, the notion of living advanced in this summer school takes into account the dimensions related to mobility, displacement and migration, proposing a polytopical approach, and questions what mobility entails in relation to the world and space, including heterotopic, temporary and ephemeral forms.
Secondly, peering through the prism of mobility, the notion of living is not limited to ordinary everyday routines and habits, but takes into account and emphasizes on the dimension of the unusual, the temporary and the ephemeral.
Finally, special attention is paid to mobility in its capacity for interaction and arrangement of inhabited space, according to a perspective centred around the extent of action by individuals.
The papers and workshops offered at the summer school will address the relationship between movement and living patterns by varying scales (intra-urban movements, mobility between the city and its surrounding areas, between different countries), and a wider examination ranging from work to transitory housing. Topics covered include commuting, itinerant trade, informal transport, and homelessness.
With respect to the terrain covered, the summer school will focus on the cities of the Mediterranean countries (north and south shores) but will be open to research in other geographical contexts, including rural spaces, to gain better understanding of the specificities of mobility in the Mediterranean region by comparing with facts that may show important differences, from the historical, territorial and cultural point of view.
The summer school will bring together 15 PhD students. The disciplines accepted are history, geography, sociology and demography
Three working guidelines will be followed.
- In the morning, presentations, on a similar or common theme, at a general conference (historiographical issues, presentation of concepts, etc.) on a topic related to the theme of the summer school (keynote speaker) and one or two specific case studies based on a recent research or publication.
- In the afternoon, presentations of their research or an aspect of their research by the doctoral students in the form of a workshop of 7 to 8 people (half-group) and a discussion with the supervisors of the summer school
- From Thursday noon and for 1 day and a half, the doctoral students will present their work again at mini seminars organized in various sessions. During the week, they will have had the opportunity to rework their presentation and will have been involved in the practical preparation of the conference (organizing sessions, etc.)
Submission guidelines
Proposals will include
- Abstract of the dissertation project (1 page)
- CV (1 page)
- Cover letter (explaining your motivations to participate in the summer school)
Proposals should be sent to both eleonora.canepari@univ-amu and
Deadline: 28 February 2018.
Acceptance of the proposal will be notified by 15 March 2018.
- Eleonora Canepari AMU-CNRS TELEMMe, chaire d’excellence, fondation A*Midex
- Céline Regnard MCF Aix-Marseille Université, AMU-CNRS TELEMMe, IUF
- Silvia Lucciarini, Ricercatrice, (Università di Roma La Sapienza – DISSE)
Scientific Committee
- Virginie Baby-Collin (AMU-CNRS TELEMMe, IUF)
- Riadh Ben Khalifa (Université de Tunis - Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales de Tunis)
- Eleonora Canepari (AMU-CNRS TELEMMe, A*Midex)
- Michele Colucci (ISSM – CNR)
- Massimiliano Crisci (IRPPS, CNR)
- Rossana Galdini (Università di Roma La Sapienza – DiSSE)
- Jérémie Foa (AMU-CNRS TELEMMe, IUF)
- Silvia Lucciarini (Università di Roma La Sapienza – DiSSE)
- Brigitte Marin ((AMU-CNRS TELEMMe)
- Béatrice Mesini (CNRS TELEMMe)
- Stéphane Mourlane (AMU-CNRS TELEMMe)
- Elisabetta Rosa (Université Catholique de Louvain - LOCI)
- Luca Salmieri (Università di Roma La Sapienza – DiSSE)
- Claudio Sopranzetti (University of Oxford – All Souls College)
Sunday 8 July
Participants’ arrival
- Opening remarks (S. Lucciarini, B. Marin)
- Scientific introduction (E. Canepari, C. Regnard)
- Presentation of the supervising team
Cocktail dinner
Monday 9 July
Morning 9:30 – 10 Presentation of the PhD students and of the work schedule
10 – 10:30 Case study Lecture 1
11 – 12 Key note Lecture 1
12 – 13 Discussion
Afternoon 14:30 – 18 Workshops on the students’ researches
- Workshop 1: 3 talks
- Workshop 2: 4 talks
Tuesday 10 July
Morning 9:30 – 10:30 Case study Lecture 2 and 3
11 – 12 Key note Lecture 2
12 – 13 Discussion
Afternoon 14:30-18 Ateliers de présentations de travaux des doctorants
- Workshop 3: 4 talks
- Workshop 4: 4 talks
Wednesday 11 July
Morning 9:30 – 10:30 Case study Lecture 4 and 5
11 – 12 Key note Lecture 3
12 – 13 Discussion
Afternoon 14:30 – 18 Workshop: Organization of the meeting (12 and 13 July 2018)
Thrusday 12 July
Morning 9:30 – 10:30 Case study Lecture 6 and 7
11 – 12 Key note Lecture 4
12 – 13 Discussion
Afternoon 16 – 18 Meeting (session 1)
Friday 13 July
Morning 9:30 – 11 Meeting (session 2)
11:30 – 13 Meeting (session 3)
Afternoon 14:30 – 16 Meeting (session 4)
16:30 – 18 Meeting (session 5)
Closing ceremony 19:00
Pandokeion. La maison de tous (13’), film by M. Anselmo and E. Canepari
Cocktail dinner
- Università di Roma Sapienza - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, DiSSE
Rome, Italian Republic
- Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Attached files
- habiter, mobilités, Méditerranée, ville
- Céline Regnard
courriel : celine [dot] regnard [at] univ-amu [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Céline Regnard
courriel : celine [dot] regnard [at] univ-amu [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Inhabiting movement, 16th-21st centuries », Summer School, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, January 23, 2018,