HomePublic History Summer School
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Published on Monday, February 05, 2018


If you are interested in how history functions in the public sphere, the summer school will give you an opportunity to broaden your interests and enrich your methodology. The event will combine lectures and debates concerning methodology and specific case studies by scholars from the HI UWr and invited guests from other universities, as well as presentations of students’ own research projects.


The Historical Institute of the University of Wroclaw (Poland) invites students and PhD candidates to participate in Public History Summer School to be held in Wrocław, 2-5 July 2018.


The Historical Institute (HI UWr) constitutes a major centre for public history studies, is a co-editor of the Public History Weekly – an international blog-journal, published by DeGruyter and offers a unique MA program taught in English.

If you are interested in how history functions in the public sphere, the summer school will give you an opportunity to broaden your interests and enrich your methodology. The event will combine lectures and debates concerning methodology and specific case studies by scholars from the HI UWr and invited guests from other universities, as well as presentations of students’ own research projects.

We strongly encourage graduate and postgraduate students from all universities in Poland and other countries to apply and deliver their papers in English. The research projects may concern:

  • Historical narratives
  • History & politics
  • History & memory
  • E-history
  • Digital humanities
  • Oral history
  • Visual history
  • History of education
  • Historical journalism
  • Popularization of history
  • History & media
  • History-related games

During the summer school, you will have an opportunity to meet students of the UWr, visit the old city of Wrocław and Zajezdnia History Centre (a recently opened museum devoted to the post-war history of the city). Furthermore, you will be given more information regarding pursuing MA in Public History at the University of Wrocław.

The summer school is organised within the framework of the International Conference Studying Public History – Methods, Difficulties, Perspectives.

The opening keynote lecture will be given by the President the International Federation for Public History Prof. Thomas Cauvin (University of Louisiana at Lafayette).

Eligibility and application

Participants presenting their research projects

1) Students and doctoral candidates interested in public history

2) Any nationality

3) The organizers reserve the right to accept a limited number of candidates

4) To apply, send an abstract of your research project (max. 350 words) followed by a short biographical note [your education, current research, publications/major achievements and research interests] 

5) Deadline for sending application: April 30, 2018

6) Application form: https://goo.gl/forms/tCIxk1XsjLpZQ40B2  

Participants not presenting their research projects

1) All public (students or not)

2) Any nationality

3) Deadline for registration: June 17, 2018

4) Registration form: https://goo.gl/forms/zEWUYrqHzjGV9YND3  


Participants presenting their research projects

1) There is no registration fee for participants presenting their research projects

2) Meals (coffee breaks, lunches, reception), accommodation (3 nights in double rooms in the University dormitories), as well as conference materials are provided

3) Travel expenses are not paid

4) Participants must have their own medical insurance and pay any medical fees themselves

Participants not presenting their research projects

1) The summer school is open to public

2) Conference materials are provided

3) Meals and accommodation are paid by participants:

  • Meals (coffee breaks, lunches, reception, payable prior to arrival) 100 PLN/ 30 EUR
  • Accommodation (University dormitories; payable upon arrival):

Standard rooms

  • single room 91,80 PLN/per person/night
  • bed in double room 54 PLN/per person/night

Higher standard rooms

  • single room 151,20 PLN/per person/night
  • bed in double room 113,40 PLN/per person/night

The organisers will book accommodation and meals after the summer school preliminary programme is announced (May 15, 2018)

4) Travel expenses are not paid

5) Participants must have their own medical insurance and pay any medical fees themselves


The organizers provide a few bursariesfor participants not presenting their research project, but attending the summer school, which will cover meals (coffee breaks, lunches, reception) and accommodation (3 nights in double rooms in the University dormitories). The admission will based on merit: please send your CV (max 2 pages) via the registration form

by April 30, 2018:


To upload your CV, you need to have a google account

If you apply for a bursary, you should also fill the application for participants not presenting their research project.


1) April 30, 2018 – deadline for sending research projects proposals and bursaries application

2) May 15, 2018 - notification as to whether your proposal has been accepted; publication of the preliminary summer school programme

3) June 17, 2018 – deadline for registration if you do not present your project, but you would like to participate in the summer school; publication of the final summer school programme

4) July 2-5, 2018 – the summer school

Organisation Committee

  • Prof. Joanna Wojdon
  • Dr Łukasz Kamiński
  • Magdalena Gibiec
  • Dorota Wiśniewska

Scientific Committee

  • Prof. Catherine Brice (Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne University, France)
  • Prof. Thomas Cauvin (University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA)
  • Prof. Przemysław Wiszewski (University of Wrocław, Poland)
  • Dr Wojciech Kucharski (Zajezdnia History Centre, Poland) 


  • Historical Institute - Szewska 49
    Wrocław, Poland (50-139)


  • Monday, April 30, 2018

Attached files


  • public history, digital humanities, visual history, oral history, memory, museums, media


  • Dorota Wiśniewska
    courriel : summer [dot] schools [dot] uwr [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Dorota Wiśniewska
    courriel : summer [dot] schools [dot] uwr [at] gmail [dot] com


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Public History Summer School », Summer School, Calenda, Published on Monday, February 05, 2018, https://doi.org/10.58079/zhk

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