InicioLes échanges humanistes dans les provinces du Nord pendant la Renaissance

InicioLes échanges humanistes dans les provinces du Nord pendant la Renaissance

Les échanges humanistes dans les provinces du Nord pendant la Renaissance

The Literary Exchanges and Intellectual Encounters of Humanists in the Northern Provinces during the Renaissance

Premier colloque international de Saint-Omer

First Saint-Omer international colloquium

*  *  *

Publicado el jueves 21 de junio de 2018


Le colloque international de Saint-Omer est organisé conjointement par le Centre de Recherche et d’Études Histoire et Sociétés (EA 4027 CREHS - université d’Artois), et la Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays de Saint-Omer (CAPSO) représentée par sa Bibliothèque et son Université Populaire. Ce colloque s’inscrit dans le cadre du programme de recherche pluridisciplinaire : La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord, coordonné depuis 2015 par Charles GiryDeloison et Laurence Baudoux, et dans la continuité des journées d’études annuelles organisées au sein de ce programme à l’université d’Artois. En ce sens, le propos de cette rencontre est d’interroger les diverses manifestations de la Renaissance dans les Anciens Pays Bas aux XVIème et XVIIème siècles, touchant les principaux champs des humanités (philosophie, lettres et arts), et en se concentrant plus particulièrement sur les échanges, rencontres et associations entre les différents acteurs de cette renaissance culturelle.



The first is the “Humanist society” in the Northern Provinces, and the works of its members:  

Erasmus is, of course, one of the leading luminaries of the Northern Renaissance, and some new highlights on his work and heritage would be welcomed, especially regarding his influence in the Southern Netherlands.

It is also hoped the colloquium will be the occasion to shed new light on less well-known Humanists, all of them more or less long forgotten, but who deserve to be recalled, for example : Simon Ogier a poet from Saint-Omer, Stefano Colona, provost of Saint-Omer, Petrarque’s friend, Jean Carpentier, Sidrach of Lallaing, canon of Saint-Omer, Jean le Huvetier de Ferrière or Ferrarius, Charles of Harchies and his wife, Marie of Longueval, François Mosch of Nivelle, Lucas Fruterius, Antoine Coquellius, Antoine de Blondel, baron of Cuincy, founder of the literary circle known as the “Banc poétique du baron de Cuincy”, or Lamot de Béthune. 

The second is the role played by other personalities who cannot be qualified as Humanists, but who helped and influenced the “Citizen of the Republic of Letters”.

They often were patrons or/and literate churchmen, who protected, helped and exchanged with Humanists, and to whom Humanists often dedicated their works: Guillaume Fillastre the Young, Jean Vitrier, Jean Quonus, prior of the Carthusian house of Longuenesse, Jean Sarazin, archbishop of Cambrai and his secretary Pierre Nizard, Michel d'Esne, bishop of Tournai, Jacques Blase, bishop of Saint-Omer, or Louis Hertauld, abbot of Clairmarais.

The third is the circulation of Humanist literature in the former Southern Netherlands, through the testimony of archival material and the ancient book collections preserved in private or public libraries.

Ownership marks in sixteenth-century books kept in the St Omer’s Urban District Public Library are testimony and historical clues to the circulation of Humanist’s ideas, which still wait to be studied by historians.

Practical information

Travel, meals and accommodation expenses will be covered by the organizers.

Travel expenses will be reimbursed on the following bases:

  • Flight: full price but for an early reservation and with prior agreement from the organizers.
  • Train:  2d class only and by the most direct route.
  • Personal vehicle: on the basis of the route given par the website « Via Michelin », with the following options: 
    • travel recommended by Via Michelin Véhicule: compact car carburant : SP95.
    • Cost per litre: governmental website « prix des carburants » at the time of the colloquium. Including motorway tolls.

Accommodation costs will be covered for the nights of Friday 7 and Saturday 8 June.

If you come accompanied:

We are unable to reimburse the travel expenses of the person accompanying you but we shall cover his/her accommodation (if sharing same room) and meals.

 On Sunday 9 June, there will be a free visit of the main « Renaissance » sites in the Urban District of St Omer’s Country. 

The acts of the colloquium will be published.

Schedule proposed by the Scientific Committee

  • Deadline for submitting proposition (title, even provisional, and brief summary): Wednesday 31 October 2018.
  • Meeting of the Scientific Committee and organization of the colloquium programme: November 2018. You will be informed by mail of the Scientific Committee’s decision in the following days.
  • Deadline for sending the résumé of your paper: Wednesday 15 May 2019.
  • The colloquium will take place on Friday 7 and Saturday 8 June, and the excursion on Sunday 9 June 2019.

Submission guidelines

If you would like to take part in this colloquium, please send us your proposition (title and brief summary) by mail before Wednesday 31 October 2018:

  • Rémy Cordonnier (
  • Laurence Baudoux (
  • Charles Giry-Deloison (
  • Marion Gurdebeke (

We are of course at your disposal if you need further information.

Members of the Scientific Committee

  • Laurence Baudoux (MCF HDR, early modern History of Art, CREHS - Univ. Artois)
  • Rémy Cordonnier (Dr., medieval History of Art, Head of ancient book department, BA St-Omer, associate researcher IRHiS – Univ. Lille)
  • Charles Giry-Deloison (PR, early modern History, CREHS - Univ. Artois)
  • Samantha Heringez (Dr., early modern History of Art, associate researcher CESCR – Univ. Tours)
  • Frédérique Lemerle-Pauwels (Dr., early modern History of Art, Directeur de recherche CNRS)
  • Yves Pauwels (PR, early modern History of Art, CESCR – Univ. Tours)
  • Annie Regond (Dr., early modern History of Art, former Inspecteur des Monuments historiques, associate researcher CHEC – Univ. Clermont Auvergne).


  • Salle du Patrimoine - 40 rue Gambetta
    Saint-Omer, Francia (62)


  • miércoles 31 de octubre de 2018

Palabras claves

  • Renaissance, Erasme, Saint-Omer, Humanisme, Echange culturels, Echanges intellectuels, Litérature


  • Charles Giry-Deloison
    courriel : charles [dot] girydeloison [at] univ-artois [dot] fr
  • Laurence Baudoux
    courriel : laurence [dot] baudoux [at] gmail [dot] com

Fuente de la información

    courriel : r [dot] cordonnier [at] ca-pso [dot] fr


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« Les échanges humanistes dans les provinces du Nord pendant la Renaissance », Convocatoria de ponencias, Calenda, Publicado el jueves 21 de junio de 2018,

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