Published on Thursday, June 21, 2018
The European Union Statistics of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) is a unique data source, due to its country coverage, the large set of socio-economic variables it provides and the possibility to merge household members. EU-SILC is not specifically designed to study demographic issues, but is becoming increasingly popular for demographic analysis. This conference aims to present different ways to use the EU-SILC to study fertility, marriage, and other aspects of demographic interest. The first part of the conference will be focused on the presentation of the dataset and on the quality of demographic measures. The second part will present demographic research based on EU-SILC.
Journée scientifique du Pôle Perspectives Internationales
Cette journée a bénéficié du soutien de l’Agence nationale de la recherche (subvention “ANR-16-CE41-0007-01” projet Big_stat)
- Aurélien Dasré (UPN/GTM-Cresppa/Ined),
- Angela Greulich (Paris I/CES/Ined)
The European Union Statistics of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) is a unique data source, due to its’ country coverage, the large set of socio-economic variables it provides and the possibility to merge household members. EU-SILC is not specifically designed to study demographic issues, but is becoming increasingly popular for demographic analysis. This conference aims to present different ways to use the EU-SILC to study fertility, marriage, and other aspects of demographic interest. The first part of the conference will be focused on the presentation of the dataset and on the quality of demographic measures. The second part will present demographic research based on EU-SILC.
- 9h00-9h30: Registration, Welcome Breakfast
- 9h30-9h45: Opening (Magda Tomasini)
9h45-12h15: EU-SILC: Introduction, quality, possibilities
- 9h45-10h15: EU-SILC presentation (A.Greulich: Paris I/CES/Ined)
- 10h15-10h45: The French SILC module SRCV: harmonization and integration issues (Pierre Lamarche: Insee)
10h45-11h: Coffee break
- 11h00-11h30:Using EU-SILC data for cross-national analysis: strengths, problems and recommendations ( M.Iacovou: University of Cambridge)
- 11h30-12h00: Fertility Analysis with EU-SILC: A Quantification of Measurement Bias (A. Dasré: UPN/GTM-CRESPPA/Ined)
12h00- 13h00: Lunch break (Buffet)
13h00- 17h00: Using EU-SILC for demographic analysis in Europe
- 13h00-13h30:Employment Impacts on Entry to Parenthood in Different Family-Policy Regimes. (M. Rendall: University of Maryland, USA)
- 13h30-14h00:Cross-country analysis of second births using EU-SILC data. (M.Klesment: Talinn University)
- 14h00-14h30: Job Instability and Fertility during the Economic Recession: EU Countries. (I.Giorgetti: Marche Polytechnic University)
- 14h30- 15h00:Fertility decisions and alternative types of childcare. (C.PRONZATO: University of Turin)
Coffee break 15h00-15h30
- 15h30-16h00: The later, the more? An analysis of the link between the timing and the intensity of births (A.Greulich: Paris I/CES/Ined)
- 16h00-16h30: Partners’ Educational Pairings and Fertility across Europe. (N.Nitsche: Wittgenstein Centre/VID)
- 16H30-17H00:Fatherhood premium in the comparative European perspective. (A.Matysiak: Wittgenstein Centre/VID)
- 17H00-17h30:Welfare regime patterns in the social class-fertility relationship: second births in France, Italy, Norway and United Kingdom (P.Baizan: Pompeu University)
- 17h30-18h: Conclusion (Louis-André Vallet)
Merci de vous inscrire via le formulaire suivant:
- Salle Sauvy, INED - 133 boulevard Davout
Paris, France (75020)
- Friday, June 29, 2018
Attached files
- démographie, conditions de vie, statistiques
- Aurélien Dasré
courriel : aurelien [dot] dasre [at] parisnanterre [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Aurélien Dasré
courriel : aurelien [dot] dasre [at] parisnanterre [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Using European Union Statistics of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) for demographic analysis in Europe », Study days, Calenda, Published on Thursday, June 21, 2018,