InicioLes technologies militaires
Technology and Armed Forces
Les technologies militaires
Numéro spécial – Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (Issue 1, Vol. 3)
Special Issue – Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (Vol. 3, n.1)
Publicado el lunes 27 de agosto de 2018
This special issue welcomes contributions concerning the philosophical issues raised by the use of existing and emerging military and civilian forms of technologies in armed conflict.
The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence welcomes contributions concerning the philosophical issues raised by the use of existing and emerging military and civilian forms of technologies in armed conflict. The selected articles will be published in May 2019.
We welcome papers from philosophical research on the following topics:
- The concept of machine autonomy and its meaning in armed conflict
- The implication of emerging technologies for the conceptualisation and protection of civilians
- The nexus between civilian and military applications of emerging technologies : from driveless cars to driveless tanks?
- Feminism and gendered aspects of emerging military technologies
- Cyborgs and Robots on the battelfield of the future
- The classification of, and securitisation of, cyber space as military domain
- The effect of technology on notions of humanity and inhumanity in armed conflict
- Emerging technologies and the conceptualisation of terrorism
- Virtualisation, video games and "killing by remote-control"
- Emerging military technologies and pacifism
- The moral and aesthetic relevance of distance in killing
- Technological development as a challenge to, or chance for, revisionist and/or orthodox approaches to just war theory
- The role of technology in euphemising the role of violence
- The ethics of, or lack therefof, weapons research
- Technology and the state's monopoly on violence
- Depictions on war, violence and technology in art, litterature, movies or Tv series
- Studies and discussions of famous philosophical accounts of technology, war, and violence
- Non-western perspectives on violence, war, and technology
Submission guidelines
We invite expressions of interest (prospective title and 100 word proposal)
by November 1st, 2018.
Please send them to , and
Expressions of interest will be selected by November 15th
Full papers should be written in the PJCV template available on and should have a maximum of 20 pages
Full papers will be submitted by February 1st, 2019
For any queries, please contact us at , and
For more details regarding the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence and its scientific committee, please check the following link:
Advisory Board
- Jeremiah Alberg, International Christian University, Tokyo (Japan)
- Sandrine Baume, University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
- Luc-Etienne de Boyer, Lycée Camille Claudel, Digoin (France)
- Elisabetha Brighi, University of Westminster, London (United Kingdom)
- Antonio Cerella, Kingston University, London (United Kingdom)
- Virgil Ciomoș, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
- Emanuel Copilaș, West University of Timisoara (Romania)
- Grégory Cormann, University of Liège (Belgium)
- David Dawson, University of Aberdeen (Scotland)
- Greg McCreery, University of South Florida (United States of America)
- Paul Dumouchel, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto (Japan)
- Denis Forest, University Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I) (France)
- Mihaela Frunză, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
- David Goa, University of Alberta (Canada)
- Pierre Guenancia, University of Bourgogne, Dijon (France)
- Vicente de Haro Romo, Universidad Panamericana (México)
- Cristian Iftode, University of Bucharest (Romania)
- Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, Institute for Strategic Research (France)
- Samuel Lepine, University Jean-Moulin (Lyon III) (France)
- Florin Lobont, West University of Timisoara (Romania)
- Michela Marzano, University Paris-Descartes (Paris V) (France)
- Julie Mazaleigue-Labaste, University Panthéon Sorbonne (CNRS, Paris I)
- Basarab Nicolescu, University Pierre et Marie Curie (CNRS, Paris VI)
- Wolfgang Palaver, University of Innsbruck (Austria)
- Jean-Luc Périllé, University Paul-Valéry (Montpellier III) (France)
- Patrick Singy, New York Union College (United States of America)
- Mihai Spariosu, University of Georgia (United States of America)
- Laurenţiu Staicu, University of Bucharest (Romania)
- Thomas Sturm, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)
- Michel Terestchenko, University Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France)
- Raphaël Verchère, University Claude-Bernard (Lyon I) (France)
- Época contemporánea (Categoría principal)
- Pensamiento y Lenguaje > Pensamiento > Filosofía
- Sociedad > Estudios de las ciencias > Filosofía de las ciencias
- Épocas > Época contemporánea > siglo XXI
- Épocas > Época contemporánea > Prospectivas
- Sociedad > Estudios políticos > Guerras, conflictos, violencia
- Etele ut 59-61
Budapest, Hungría (H-1119)
- jueves 01 de noviembre de 2018
Palabras claves
- technology, violence, war, conflict, weapons, ethics
- Wilmes Andreas
courriel : andreas [dot] wilmes [at] trivent-publishing [dot] eu
URLs de referencia
Fuente de la información
- Wilmes Andreas
courriel : andreas [dot] wilmes [at] trivent-publishing [dot] eu
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Para citar este anuncio
« Les technologies militaires », Convocatoria de ponencias, Calenda, Publicado el lunes 27 de agosto de 2018,