HomeWork and cooperation

Work and cooperation

Trabalho e cooperação

Trabajo y cooperación

Travail et coopération

Laboreal Dossier

*  *  *

Published on Monday, September 24, 2018


If human beings are the result of a historical process and not the product of a pre-established plan, it is important to emphasize the significance of cooperative actions for their preservation throughout this process. A path in which work – as a constitutive element of our species – plays a decisive role in these actions. How has cooperation been taking place in formal and informal work activities? How have the current modes of management and their evaluation and training systems contributed to the construction or weakening of cooperative acts at work? What are the requirements to build cooperation?



If human beings are the result of a historical process and not the product of a pre-established plan, it is important to emphasize the significance of cooperative actions for their preservation throughout this process. A path in which work – as a constitutive element of our species – plays a decisive role in these actions.

Numerous experiences have already testified to the positive aspects of cooperation in its various dimensions, highlighting its importance in maintaining quality/productivity and preserving health and safety at work. Results produced at the Work Clinics allow us to assert that, during the course of the activity and under (prescribed) coordination, workers mobilize cooperation – among other capabilities –, engendering collective and creative ways in the face of the demands that arise in work situations. However, in a context in which both contractual relations and flexible – and often precarious – forms of work management are widely disseminated, there is an aggravation of a potentially harmful situation to the workers' health. With the progressive consolidation in the social imaginary of values ​​based on individualism, and with increasingly fierce competition, a scenario arises where its dominant content points out to a growing division of the categories of representation and collective organization of workers, as well as to the dissolution of social ties and the fragmentation of work collectives. Moreover, the intensification of such practices, which are far from a management perspective that contemplates the collective management of activities, can have dreadful consequences for work, since they tend to compromise the crucial (or differential) elements cooperation and work collectives bring to the the efficiency of the productive processes.

How has cooperation been taking place in formal and informal work activities? How have the current modes of management and their evaluation and training systems contributed to the construction or weakening of cooperative acts at work? What are the requirements to build cooperation? These and other questions point out to a very timely and urgent debate. In an attempt to stimulate it, this dossier seeks to gather contributions based on research supported by data from real situations, that address various topics related to cooperation in work, such as:

  • Cooperation and its contribution to the effectiveness and reliability of complex systems.
  • Strengthening of cooperation and solidarity in work collectives.
  • The relationship between cooperation, the contents of work, and the health and safety of worker (s).
  • The implications for cooperation of managerial practices based on competition and driven primarily by results and goals.
  • Cooperation and individualized systems of work evaluation.
  • Cooperation in informal work settings.
  • Coordination of work and vertical cooperation.
  • Service outsourcing and cooperation.
  • The digital world and the construction of new channels of cooperation.

Editors responsible

  • Jussara Brito  Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ) - Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca
  • Letícia Pessoa Masson Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ) - Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca   
  • Cirlene Christo Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) - Instituto de Psicologia
  • Marcelo Figueiredo Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) - Escola de Engenharia
  • Paulo César Zambroni-de-Souza Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) - Departamento de Psicologia e Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Social da UFPB

Articles will be published in one of the languages ​​of the journal (Portuguese and Spanish). However, abstracts of proposals, as well as the texts submitted for evaluation, may be written in French or in English. The authors will be responsible for the translation into Portuguese or Spanish, according to the results of the evaluation and the suggestions proposed by Laboreal’s Board.


September 28, 2018: deadline for the submission of proposals

including title, abstract (maximum 500 words) and five bibliographical references (via e-mail: laboreal@fpce.up.pt).

  • October 22, 2018: deadline for informing the authors of the results of the evaluation of their abstracts.
  • December 10, 2018: deadline for the submission of full articles.
  • February 28, 2019: deadline for informing the authors of the results of the evaluation of their articles.
  • April 15, 2019: deadline for submission of the final version of the article, in Spanish or Portuguese.


  • Laboreal_FPCEUP - Rua Alfredo Allen
    Porto, Portugal (4200-135)


  • Friday, September 28, 2018


  • trabalho, cooperação


  • Lacomblez Marianne
    courriel : lacomb [at] fpce [dot] up [dot] pt
  • Brito Jussara
    courriel : jussaradebrito [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Lacomblez Marianne
    courriel : lacomb [at] fpce [dot] up [dot] pt


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To cite this announcement

« Work and cooperation », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, September 24, 2018, https://doi.org/10.58079/10xf

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