Published on Wednesday, October 24, 2018
The "Sangalli Institute Award for the Religious History" (Florence, Italy), in collaboration with the Department of University and Research of the Municipality of Florence offers no. 2 awards for the publication of unpublished and peer-reviewed monographs, in Italian, Enghish and the other principal European languages, presented by young researchers and concerning the religious history from Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era. The essays will appear in a dedicated book series of the Firenze University Press. Are welcomed the applications by all Ph.D. scholars who have obtained their doctorate no later than five years at the date of the publication of this call for publications.
The purpose of the award
The Sangalli Institute for the religious history and cultures, within the ‘Premio Ricerca Città di Firenze’, in collaboration with the Department of University and Research of the Municipality of Florence and with the Firenze University Press, supports no. 2 awards for the publication of unpublished and peer-reviewed monographs, in Italian, Enghish and the other principal European languages, presented by young researchers and concerning the religious history from Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era. This initiative is intended to reach one of the goals of the Sangalli Institute, in order to support the scientific research, especially that of young researchers, fostering a wider circulation of their works by the open access publication.
The awards
The awards consist of the publication of two monographs, chosen by a specific committee working through a peer-review process. The essays, without any geographical, cultural and thematic boundaries, must concern
The Religious History from Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era, also intended in an inter- disciplinary and inter-religious way.
The two monographs will appear into the dedicated book series of the Institute and will be published and distributed both in paper and digital edition through the on line catalogue of the Firenze University Press and any other operators related to the editor, in order to spread at most their circulation. The books must have a maximum of about 300 pages (black and white photographs) and they will be provided with an ISBN number, both for the paper and the digital edition. The digital edition will be published open access and fully downloading. The awards will be delivered by the President of the Institute and by the University and Research Councillor of the Municipality of Florence. The authors will receive no. 50 copies free of their book by the Sangalli Institute.
The awarded publications will be ruled by an editorial agreement, in compliance with this call for publications. The agreement will be signed between the Firenze University Press and the author in conformance with the ‘Creative Commons Public Licenses’.
The making of the book
The Firenze University Press will specify to the winners every editorial instruction in order to deliver the essay in a camera ready format. The authors will have the task of proof-reading.
Scientific Committee
The standards and the procedure of the selection
The selection will be made by a judging Committee, composed of the following professors:
- Roberto Di Stefano (Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina)
- Massimo Carlo Giannini (Università degli studi di Teramo, Direttore Istituto Sangalli)
- Ferial Mouhanna (Damascus University, Syria)
- Myriam Silvera (Università degli studi di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’)
- Lorenzo Tanzini (Università degli studi di Cagliari)
During its first meeting, the Committee will appoint a President, a Secretary and will establish the standards of the selection which will evaluate the manuscripts.
The Committee will have the possibility to take advantage of some external referees, if suitable. The Committee will operate in conformity with the standards established into the ‘Linee Guida Anvur’ for the Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca (VQR), evaluating the contribution to the progress of the specific branch of knowledge as far as the significance and the originality, offered by the presented manuscripts.
The decision of the Committee is final and their members can ask to the winners to review their essays in view of the publication. If the candidate refuses to do it, or if he/she does not achieve the approval by the Committee regarding the changes he/she have made, he/she will be deprived of the award by a simple communication of the Committee and a scroll in the merit ranking will immediately take place.
Submission Guidelines
The Sangalli Institute will make available its headquarters for the selection. The proclamation of the winners will be known no later than 31st December 2018.
The required conditions for the admission and the application rules
Ph.D. scholars who have obtained their doctorate no later than five years at the date of the publication of this call for publications can apply.
Applications must be sent by 1 pm of 1st November 2018, esclusively by e-mail, at the following address:
In his/her applications, the candidate must include, under his/her responsibility, in accordance with the DPR 445/200:
- personal details, the date and the place of birth, the fiscal code, the residence and the domicile, the e-mail address and the telephone number
- the date of the achievement of the Ph.D., the attended School of the Doctorate and the title of the thesis, together with, if possible, the judgement of the Committee of the Doctorate
Applications must include, esclusively in digital format:
- an abstract of the presented manuscript (4.000 characters at most);
- the text of the manuscript esclusively in digital format;
- a CV, together with the necessary information to outline his/her scientific and professional profile;
- a fotocopy of a valid ID card esclusively in digital
Any request of more information can be addressed to
The text of this call for publications will be available on the websites of the Sangalli Institute, the Municipality of Florence, the University of Florence and of the Firenze University Press and it will be publicized through the most suitable media.
Treatment of the personal data.
The personal data of the candidates will be treated according to the D.Lgs. 196/03.
- Thursday, November 01, 2018
Attached files
- Sangalli Institute, Religious History, Prize
- Giannini Massimo Carlo
courriel : massgiannini [at] unite [dot] it
Reference Urls
Information source
- Giannini Massimo Carlo
courriel : massgiannini [at] unite [dot] it
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Sangalli Institute Award for the Religious History 2018 », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, October 24, 2018,