HomeThe effects of World War I on the Christian Churches in Europe, 1918-1925
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The effects of World War I on the Christian Churches in Europe, 1918-1925
Les effets de la première guerre mondiale sur les églises chrétiennes en Europe, 1918-1925
Published on Tuesday, November 06, 2018
Des experts et des chercheurs prometteurs présenteront leurs résultats des recherches nouvelles et innovatrices concernant des aspects différents du sujet central : les églises confrontées avec des états moribonds ou nouveaux et des nations différentes et avec les opportunités et les défis d’après-guerre ; les relations supranationales ; l’œcuménisme et les mouvements missionnaires ; l’humanitarisme et la charité chrétienne ; le personnel et les communautés religieuses et le monde d’après-guerre ; les relations entre Rome et les communautés catholiques locales.
Du 12 au 14 novembre 2018 KADOC-KU Leuven, l’Academia Belgica, le Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom, le Österreichisches Historisches Institut in Rom, l’École française de Rome et le Comité Pontifical des Sciences Historiques organisent un workshop international à Rome sur ‘Les effets de la Première Guerre Mondiale sur les églises en Europe, 1918-1925’. Des experts et des chercheurs prometteurs présenteront leurs résultats des recherches nouvelles et innovatrices concernant des aspects différents du sujet central: les églises confrontées avec des états moribonds ou nouveaux et des nations différentes et avec les opportunités et les défis d’après-guerre; les relations supranationales; l’œcuménisme et les mouvements missionnaires; l’humanitarisme et la charité chrétienne; le personnel et les communautés religieuses et le monde d’après-guerre; les relations entre Rome et les communautés catholiques locales.
Une session nocturne est programmée à l’Ambassade Belge près du Saint Siège lundi soir le 12 Novembre avec une présentation du prof. Jan De Volder sur sa nouvelle publication ‘Cardinal Mercier in the First World War. Belgium, Germany and the Catholic Church’ et une conférence du père Bernard Ardura o. praem, président du Comité Pontifical des Sciences Historiques.
Day 1
Academia Belgica (Via Omero 8 – Rome)
- 9h: Registration
- 9h30: Welcome by Paul Fontaine (Interim Director AB) and Workshop introduction
- 10h: Keynote Jan Bank - Refusal or reconciliation? Renewal or revolution? European churches and the heritage of the First World War
(Chair: Jan De Maeyer)
Discussion and short break
11h10-13h: Session 1: The old and the new world (I): post-war opportunities and challenges
(Chair: Emília Hrabovec)
- 11h10: Olivier Rota (University of Artois) – In the wake of WWI: new social situation and new missionary opportunities for the Catholic Church in England 1918-1925
- 11h30: George Harinck (University of Amsterdam/Theologische Universiteit Kampen) – Dutch Churches and WWI
- 11h50: Coffee break
- 12h10: Adriaan Overbeeke (University of Amsterdam/University of Antwerp) – Post-WW I border changes in Western Europe – Challenges for state(s) and church(es)
- 12h30: Olga Kazakova (Orel State University) – The influence of the First World War on provincial religious discourse in post-revolutionary Russia
13h30: Walking Lunch
14h30-17h: Session 2: Supranational relationships, ecumenism and mission movements
(Chair: Fabrice Jesné)
- 14h30: Christian Chanel – The European Lutheran churches confronted to the ecumenical project of the Swedish Archbishop Söderblom
- 14h50: Jayabalan Murthy (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) – The First World War and its impact on the Church of Sweden Mission and the Swedish Mission Society in India
- 15h10: Jonathan Voges (Leibniz Universität Hannover) – Catholicism and the League of Nations. Catholic academics in the International Commission of Intellectual Cooperation in the 1920s
- 15h30: Coffee break
- 15h50: Nina Valbousquet (Center for Jewish History New York) – Nationalism, internationalism, and transnationalism in the Catholic Church: The impact of World War I on conservative and ultra-conservative Catholics in France and Italy (1918-1925)
Evening program – Embassy of Belgium to the Holy See (Via G. De Notaris 6a - Rome)
- 18h00: Start
- 18h30:Welcome by H.E. Ambassador John Cornet d'Elzius
- 18h40: Introduction of the evening program and of Father Bernard Ardura by Jan De Maeyer
- 18h50: Lecture of Father Bernard Ardura o. praem (President Pontifical Committee of Historical Sciences)
- 19h20: Introduction of Jan De Volder by Jan De Maeyer
- 19h30: Book Presentation by Jan De Volder (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) – Cardinal Mercier in the First World War. Belgium, Germany and the Catholic Church – Introduction by Jan De Maeyer
Day 2
École Française de Rome (Piazza Navona 62 – Rome)
- 9h30: Start
- 9h50: Welcome by Catherine Virlouvet (Director EFR)
- 10h: Keynote Michael Snape – Reconsidering the Impact of the First World War on the Churches of Great Britain
(Chair: Martin Baumeister)
Discussion and coffee break
11h10-12h20: Session 3: Humanitarism and Christian charity
(Chair: Martin Baumeister)
- 11h10: Daniel Maul (University of Oslo) – Feeding the enemy – American Quakers, the churches and the humanitarian aid to Germany 1919-1922
- 11h30: Bethany Rowley (University of Leeds) – The role Of the church in the rehabilitative process of wounded First World War veterans
- Discussion
12h20: Walking Lunch
13h20-15h30: Session 4: Religious personnel and communities facing the post-war world
(Chair: Wilhelm Damberg)
- 13h20: Xavier Boniface (Université de Picardie)– Les effets de la Grande Guerre sur l’exercice du ministère sacerdotal dans le clergé catholique/The effects of the Great War on the exercise of the priestly ministry in the catholic clergy
- 13h40: Jan-Martin Zollitsch (Humboldt University of Berlin) – The young religious of Herrnhut and Schoenstatt: (Trans-)national reorientation in the 'Long Aftermath' of the First World War
- 14h: Kristien Suenens (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) – Between the Great War and the 'Great Repression'. Female religious, agency and containment in post-war Belgium
- 14h20: Patrick Houlihan (University of Oxford) – Force for Change? The First World War and the Liturgical Movement in the modern history of Christianity
14h40: Coffee break
15h30-16h30: Session 5: Rome and local Catholic churches
(Chair: Peter Heyrman)
- 15h30: Thies Schulze (University of Bonn) – Pilgrimages in the ‘Holy Year’ 1925: German-speaking Catholic minorities and their quest for papal support
- 15h50: Daiana Menti (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) – The Holy See and the nationalization of the new Italian provinces (1918-1923)
Referee Report and Discussion
20h. Conference Dinner (for chairs, keynote and conference speakers only)
Offered by the École Française de Rome at the Palazzo Farnese (Piazza Farnese 67 – Rome)
Day 3
Österreichisches Historisches Institut in Rom (Viale Bruno Buozzi 111-113 – Rome)
- 9h15: Start
- 9h30: Welcome by Andreas Gottsmann (Director OHIR) and introduction
- 9h40: Keynote Gerhard Besier – Religion and Resilience. Christians and the Challenges of WWI (Chair: Kim Christiaens)
- Discussion and short break
11h-13h15: Session 6: The old and the new world (II): fading empires and new nation states
(Chair: Andreas Gottsmann)
- 11h: Ionut Biliuta (Gheorghe Sincai Institute - Romanian Academy) – From “Just War” to Fascist militarization: the Transylvanian Orthodox and Greek-Catholic clergymen during and after the end of World War I (1916-1924)
- 11h:20: Tomáš Pavlíček (Masaryk Institute/Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences) – Between secularisation and revitalisation: waves of religiosity in the Czech Lands (1918–1925)
- 11h40: Coffee break
- 12h: Gergely Bödők (Eszterházy Károly University) – Peaceless peace – Hungarian phenomena of post-World War I political violence and their ecclesiastic reaction
- Discussion Conclusions and closing (Chair: Kim Christiaens)
13h15: Walking Lunch
- Religion (Main category)
- Mind and language > Religion > History of religions
- Periods > Modern > Twentieth century > 1918-1939
- Zones and regions > Europe
- Academia Belgica | École Française de Rome | Österreichisches Historisches Institut in Rom - Via Omero 8 | Piazza Navona 62 | Viale Bruno Buozzi 111-113
Rome, Italian Republic
- Monday, November 12, 2018
- Tuesday, November 13, 2018
- Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Attached files
- première guerre mondiale, église
- Kristien Suenens
courriel : kristien [dot] suenens [at] kuleuven [dot] be
Reference Urls
Information source
- Kristien Suenens
courriel : kristien [dot] suenens [at] kuleuven [dot] be
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« The effects of World War I on the Christian Churches in Europe, 1918-1925 », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, November 06, 2018, https://doi.org/10.58079/118g