Spiritual tourism
Le tourisme spirituel
ISSR 2019 conference
Conférence Société internationale de sociologie des religions (SISR) 2019
Published on Thursday, December 13, 2018
Si le tourisme est un phénomène moderne, le tourisme spirituel se pose comme une mutation post-moderne et plurielle de la pratique du pèlerinage vers les lieux sacrés. Pèlerins et touristes partagent les mêmes exigences concernant la disponibilité de structures, infrastructures et services. Toutefois, les motivations qui les poussent à entamer le voyage dont la connotation est spirituelle peuvent être profondément différentes, comme sont différents les moyens de transport utilisés pour atteindre la destination. Une mobilité spirituelle non seulement amplifie le registre du sacré, mais ouvre aussi à l’immanence au point de pouvoir analyser cette pratique dans le domaine des loisirs spirituels.
Tourism is a modern phenomenon, and spiritual tourism is a change brought about — in the pluralistic, post-modern age — in the practice of pilgrimages to sacred places. Pilgrims and tourists share the need for accommodation and services. What can be profoundly different are the reasons for travelling and the means of transport used (Coleman, Eade, 2004). Spiritual tourism not only broadens the meaning of what is sacred also opens up to immanence to the extent that we can include this practice in the realm of “spiritual leisure”. Where are the boundaries between traditional (Cohen, 1979), religious (Timothy, Olsen, 2006; Costa, 1995, Cohen, 1992; Collins-Kreiner 2010; Reader, 2015; Albera, Eade 2015) and spiritual tourism (Norman, 2011; Smith et al. 2010)? Do they overlap in any way? This panel aims to gather scholars who have empirically reflected on spiritual “mobility” through the study of the role of spiritual tourists interested in their own spiritual development and in the ritual and ceremonial aspects of different faiths. We hope to receive contributions about:
- Paths, itineraries and pilgrimages with a religious and/or spiritual connotation;
- Trips and voyages to places belonging to the religious and cultural heritage;
- Spiritual retreats
- Spiritual practices related with modern mobility and migration paths.
- Giovanna Rech University of Trento - Italy giovanna.rech@unitn.it
- Stefania PalmisanoUniversity of Torino - Italy stefania.palmisano@unito.it
- Monica Gilli University of Torino - Italymonica.gilli@unito.it
- Religion (Main category)
- Society > Sociology
- Mind and language > Religion > Sociology of religion
- Society > Sociology > Sociology of culture
- Barcelona, Kingdom of Spain
- Sunday, December 16, 2018
- religion, tourisme
Information source
- Giovanna Rech
courriel : giovanna [dot] rech [at] unitn [dot] it
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Spiritual tourism », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, December 13, 2018, https://doi.org/10.58079/11ms