HomeLanguage and Society. Research Advances in Social Sciences

Language and Society. Research Advances in Social Sciences

International Conference of RC25 ISA

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Published on Tuesday, January 22, 2019


The conference aims to foster discussion among sociologists, sociolinguists, and other social scientists about the relations between language and society. This edition of the Language and Society. Research Advances in Social Sciences international conference covers two main scopes. The first scope is related to gender and children equality in liberal and conservative discourses. The second scope is based on RC25 core approach: looking at language rather than solely through language. To enhance knowledge dissemination beyond linguistic borders, scholars are welcome to present the literature they are using and which is not available in English.


2019, september 26-27


The conference aims to foster discussion among sociologists, sociolinguists, and other social scientists about the relations between language and society. This edition of the Language and Society. Research Advances in Social Sciences international conference covers two main scopes.

The first scope is related to gender and children equality in liberal and conservative discourses. The purpose is to shed light on how these discourses inform about the preferences, the behaviors, and the representations toward: gender positions and what is expected or not of these positions; chiladren/parental positions; gendered children. This scope includes both the support and the resistance towards children's expected positions interlinked to their gender.

The second scope is based on RC25 core approach: looking at language rather than solely through language. All communications which look at language in this sense are welcome, as all theoretical and methodological frameworks that can be used to create sociological analyses of language. For instance, a non-exhaustive list of potential topics for this second scope is:

  • Language and power
  • Language in public and private spheres
  • Multilingualism and plurilingualism
  • Language and transnationalism
  • Language and migration
  • Language and global network
  • Language and identity
  • Language and intersectional positioning in public and private sphere
  • Language policies

To enhance knowledge dissemination beyond linguistic borders, scholars are welcome to present the literature they are using and which is not available in English.

English is the official communication language for the conference. However, scholars are welcome to show their visual presentation in another language (French or Spanish are the official languages of ISA).

RC 25 Language & Society is a research committee of the International Sociological Association. The objective of the Research Committee on Language and Society is to advance sociological knowledge concerning language in interaction and in systems of representation. Members are united by the desire to look at rather than through systems of communication.

Submission process

Scholars are requested to submit paper proposals including, the title of presentation and a short 250-300 words abstract, accompanied by 3-5 keywords.

Submission should be made online.

  • Deadline for abstracts submission: 1st March 2019

  • Results of the abstracts selection: 1-30 April 2019
  • The full program will be online by the: end of May 2019

Scientific Committee will select papers for presentation and will notify participants of acceptance.

Scientific Committee

  • Prof. Amado Alarcón (RC25 and Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain)
  • Dr. Stéphanie Cassilde (RC25 and Centre d’Etudes en Habitat Durable, Belgium)
  • Prof. Keiji Fujiyoshi (RC25 and Otemon Gakuin University, Japan)
  • Prof. Melanie Heath (RC32 and McMaster University, Canada)
  • Prof. Urszula Markowska-Manista (Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
  • Maud Mazaniello-Chezol (RC25 and McGill University, Canada)
  • Prof. Anna Odrowaz-Coates (RC25 and Maria Grzegorzewska University, Poland)
  • Prof. Barbara Pasamonik (Polish Sociological Association)
  • Prof. Celine-Marie Pascal (RC25 and American University, USA)
  • Prof. Slawomir Ratajski (Polish Committee of UNESCO)
  • Prof. Viviane Melo Resende (RC25 and Universidade de Brasília, Brazil)
  • Prof. Jaroslaw Rola (Vice-Rector at Maria Grzegorzewska University)
  • Dr. Tinka Schubert (RC25 and Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain)

Organizing Committee

  • Stéphanie Cassilde (Centre d’Etudes en Habitat Durable, Belgium)
  • Anna Odrowaz-Coates (UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair, Poland)
  • Mariusz Baranowski (Adam Mickwiewicz University, Poland)
  • Anna Perkowska-Klejman (Maria Grzegorzewska University, Poland)
  • Marta Kulesza (Maria Grzegorzewska University, Poland)
  • Marta Kotarba (Maria Grzegorzewska University, Poland)
  • Krystyna Heland-Kurzak (Maria Grzegorzewska University, Poland)

Practical information

There will also be a possibility to give distributed papers.

There is no registration fee; however, registration is mandatory.

RC25 warmly thanks Maria Grzegorzewska University for providing the conference venue and its facilities free of charge, which enables no registration fee for participants.

Transport, accommodation, health insurance or personal expenses are not covered and should be organized by participants themselves.

The UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair and the Maria Grzegorzewska University invites the RC25 ISA Conference 2019 to The Maria Grzegorzewska University, located in Warsaw, Poland.

Please view this very short video that we prepared especially for you to give you some background about our university

More practical information on the conference website: http://www.language-andsociety.org/conferences/language-and-society-research-advances-in-social-sciences-internationalconference/


RC32 ISA Women, Gender and Society



  • Maria Grzegorzewska University
    Warsaw, Poland


  • Friday, March 01, 2019


  • language, society, gender, children, power, migration, identity, intersectionality


  • Stéphanie Cassilde
    courriel : stephanie [dot] cassilde [at] ronininstitute [dot] org

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Stéphanie Cassilde
    courriel : stephanie [dot] cassilde [at] ronininstitute [dot] org


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Language and Society. Research Advances in Social Sciences », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, https://doi.org/10.58079/11sy

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