ERC MAP Seminar « Noms de dieux ! »
Séminaire ERC MAP « Noms de dieux ! »
3: Texts, images and contexts of use (January-June 2019)
3 : Textes, images et contextes d'usages (janvier-juin 2019)
Published on Tuesday, January 29, 2019
The ERC MAP Seminar « Noms de dieux ! » 3: “Texts, images and contexts of use” pursues the investigation on the systems of naming of the divine by privileging two main issues: the contexts of enunciation and the imaging of "divine onomastic attributes". While the session program focuses on the Greek and Western Semitic worlds (in the broad sense), it aims to propose case studies as well as theoretical proposals. Dossiers will be presented dealing in particular with questions related to translation strategies, proper names, the plurality of the divine, interactions between names and images, in various contexts of use: dedications, curses, oaths, hymns and other forms of address.
The ERC Advanced Grant MAP project (Mapping Ancient Polytheisms. Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and Human Agency; 741182) works on the systems of naming of the divine in the Greek and Western Semitic worlds (ca. 1000 BCE – ca. 400 CE). Those systems of denomination are considered as testimonies to the way in which divine powers are constructed, arranged and mobilized, especially in ritual contexts. The analysis covers both the structural aspects of religious systems and their contextual appropriation by social agents. As elements of a complex language, onomastic sequences relating to the gods thus give access to a mapping of the divine, to its modes of representation and to the strategies of communication between men and gods.
Following sessions 1 and 2 (January-June and October-December 2018), Seminar 3 extends the investigation on the systems of naming of the divine by privileging two main issues: the contexts of enunciation and the imaging of "divine onomastic attributes". While the session program refocuses on the Greek and Western Semitic worlds (in the broad sense), it aims to maintain a balance between case studies and theoretical proposals. Dossiers will be presented dealing in particular with questions related to translation strategies, proper names, the plurality of the divine, interactions between names and images, in various contexts of use: dedications, curses, oaths, hymns and other forms of address.
21 January
- Marie-Jeanne ROCHE (EPHE-CNRS), Noms, épithètes, attributs, images du grand dieu nabatéen, Dûsharâ.
4 February
- Thomas GALOPPIN (UT2J, MAP), La terre, la pierre et les morts. Noms de dieux en contexte imprécatoire.
18 February
- James AITKEN (Unversity of Cambridge), Translating Divine Titles from Hebrew to Greek in the Psalms.
25 February
- Saskia PEELS (Université de Groningen), Polytheism from a cognitive linguistic perspective.
11 March
- Ida OGGIANO (CNR, ISMA), Tell me the name, show me the image. Searching for the relations between names and images of gods in the Southern Levant during the Iron Age and Hellenistic Period.
18 March
- Claude CALAME (EHESS), Nommer, qualifier et invoquer les divinités : quelles procédures énonciatives, quelle pragmatique poétique ? Des prières iliadiques aux hymnes de culte.
15 April
- Rebecca VAN HOVE (King’s College London), Oath-Swearing in classical Athens: the function and meaning of naming deities.
6 May
- Michel TARDIEU (Collège de France), Les filles d’Allāh et l’Attis de Phrygie, ou comment nommer des divinités collectives.
20 May
- Christopher A. FARAONE (University of Chicago), Hekate-Ereshkigal on the Amulets, Magical Papyri and Curse Tablets of Late-Antique Egypt.
3 June
- Anne Katrine de HEMMER GUDME (Université de Copenhague), Permanent and Passing Words: Addressing the Divine in the Sanctuary on Mount Gerizim.
17 June
- Carlo SEVERI (EHESS), Anthropologie du nom propre : définition, étude de cas, comparaisons.
- History (Main category)
- Mind and language > Religion > History of religions
- Periods > Prehistory and Antiquity > Greek history
- Periods > Prehistory and Antiquity > Roman history
- Society > Ethnology, anthropology > Religious anthropology
- Periods > Prehistory and Antiquity > Eastern world
- Periods > Prehistory and Antiquity > Ancient Egypt
- Maison de la Recherche - Salle E412 - Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès 5, allées Antonio Machado
Toulouse, France (31000)
- Monday, January 21, 2019
- Monday, February 04, 2019
- Monday, February 18, 2019
- Monday, February 25, 2019
- Monday, March 11, 2019
- Monday, March 18, 2019
- Monday, April 15, 2019
- Monday, May 06, 2019
- Monday, May 20, 2019
- Monday, June 03, 2019
- Monday, June 17, 2019
Attached files
- ERC MAP, ancient religions, Greek and Western Semitic worlds, Gods, Names
- Corinne Bonnet
courriel : cbonnet [at] univ-tlse2 [dot] fr - Thomas Galoppin
courriel : thomas [dot] galoppin [at] univ-tlse2 [dot] fr - Maria Bianco
courriel : maria [dot] bianco [at] univ-tlse2 [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Sylvain Lebreton
courriel : sylvain [dot] lebreton [at] univ-tlse2 [dot] fr
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To cite this announcement
« ERC MAP Seminar « Noms de dieux ! » », Seminar, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, January 29, 2019,