HomeThe Founding and Refounding of the Nation
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Published on Thursday, March 28, 2019


How do we think about the idea of the nation in today’s art? Is the idea of the nation still valid and relevant within art history? What definitions of national art do art historiography and art theory call into question? These ideas are the starting points for the next issue of BOA. Boletín de arte, which will be looking at how the nation has been conceived of in the modern world and how these understandings are being revised today.



How do we think about the idea of the nation in today’s art? Is the idea of the nation still valid and relevant within art history? What definitions of national art do art historiography and art theory call into question?These ideas are the starting points for the next issue of BOA. Boletín de arte, which will be looking at how the nation has been conceived of in the modern world and how these understandings are being revised today.

Core themes for the call for submissions:

  • Nationalism and connected geographical/spatial relationships: provincialism, regionalism, localism, universalism, cosmopolitanism.
  • National art and transnational relations: diasporas, migrations, trips, cultural visits, exchanges, artistic residencies, alliances, collaborations.
  • Discourse around the nation in the world of art: canons, genealogies, national styles.
  • National art and sites of memory: museums, memorials, and monuments.
  • Representations of nationhood in visual culture.
  • National identity crises in contemporary art: communities, representations, and practices that are at odds with the idea of the nation. Plurinationalism and separatism.
  • Uses of the idea of the nation in contemporary art: counternarratives, returns, appropriations.

We welcome submissions on the topics listed above for the Articles section. Submissions that discuss related epistemological and methodological challenges will be considered for the Approaches section. We accept submissions on any topic for the State of the Art and Reviews sections.

Submission Guidelines

It is a free topic call for the sections STATUS OF THE ISSUE and REVIEWS.

Deadline: April 5th 

Submission: boa.unlp@gmail.com

Boletín de Arte [Journal of Art] (BOA) is an annual and mediated digital magazine, with national and international scope, edited by the Institute of History of Art of Argentina and the Americas (IHAAA) of the Faculty of Fine Arts (FBA) of the National University of La Plata (UNLP).

Its objective is the publication of original and unpublished articles which present advances and results of research on history of art, visual studies and comparative art. The magazine is addressed to professionals, researchers, professors, fellows and postgraduate students and it is published in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese, as long as this is the author’s mother language.

Scientific Committee


  • Friday, April 05, 2019


  • nation, art history, visual culture ctudies


  • Boletín de Arte
    courriel : boa [dot] unlp [at] gmail [dot] com

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Instituto de Historia del Arte Argentino y Americano Boletín de Arte
    courriel : boa [dot] unlp [at] gmail [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« The Founding and Refounding of the Nation », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, March 28, 2019, https://doi.org/10.58079/12gd

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