HomeAFIELD mentorship program (2019)

AFIELD mentorship program (2019)

Programme de « mentorship » AFIELD (2019)

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Published on Friday, April 19, 2019


For the first time AFIELD launches an open call to support 3 individuals engaged in social and artistic experimentation. They will be granted seed funding to develop their initiatives and advice from a mentor chosen with them within the AFIELD network, for a period of 18 months. Initiated in 2014 by Council and supported by Tsadik Foundation, AFIELD is a network, a fellowship and an advocacy program for social initiatives from arts and culture. Each year the program supports artists, researchers or activists committed to a long-term social initiative by identifying 2 fellows and 3 mentees.



For the first time AFIELD launches an open call to support 3 individuals engaged in social and artistic experimentation. They will be granted seed funding to develop their initiatives and advice from a mentor chosen with them within the AFIELD network, for a period of 18 months. Initiated in 2014 by Council and supported by Tsadik Foundation, AFIELD is a network, a fellowship and an advocacy program for social initiatives from arts and culture. Each year the program supports artists, researchers or activists committed to a long-term social initiative by identifying 2 fellows and 3 mentees.

AFIELD is now composed of more than 20 inspiring and renown individuals including (among others) the choreographer Lia Rodrigues, who founded a dance school in the favela of Maré, Rio, the photographer Zanele Muholi, who empowers the LGBTQ communities in South Africa through visual activism workshops or the Syrian writer, Yassin Al-Haj Saleh, who founded Hamisch, a space for cultural collaboration and integration of Syrians in Turkey.

Every year, three of them are now involved in mentoring younger like-minded initiatives.


AFIELD wishes to support 3 individuals engaged in social and artistic experimentation. They will be granted $1500 of seed funding and advice from a mentor chosen within the AFIELD network, for a period of 18 months.


  1. Candidates are required to write a letter that includes a short bio, a presentation of the project and answers to the following questions (200 words each).
  2. How does your engagement to social change have an artistic and creative approach ? 
  3. Who will benefit from your social initiative?
  4. Is your project confronting prejudices and promoting critical thinking ?
  5. How do you operate in terms of structure and methodology?
  6. How do you envision the scope and impact of your work in three years ? 
  7. How would your project benefit from the guidance of a mentor? 
  8. Who would you like to be mentored by?

See list of fellows here.

The deadline for the open call is 12 May 2019,

and applications will be evaluated by the jury on a rolling basis.Please write to Olivia Alvarez Libano, olivia [​at​] council.art , with ‘open call mentorship’ as object.

About the jury

The Jury is composed of all AFIELD fellows and the following advisors :

  • Binna Choi, director of the Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons (Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • Moukhtar Kocache, expert in philanthropy and cultural development and curating (New York, USA)
  • Farid Rakun, artist, writer, teacher and coordinator of collective ruangrupa (Jakarta, Indonesia)
  • Chantal Wong, director of Culture and Image, Eaton HK and Co-Founder of Learning Together (Hong-Kong, China)

To learn more about the 2018 mentees

– About A Worker, mentored by Alejandra Ballon Gutierrez– Giuseppe Micciarelli, mentored by Massimiliano Mollona– Thembela Dick & Lerato Dumse, mentored by Zanele Muholi.


  • Sunday, May 12, 2019


  • mentorship


  • Alvarez Olivia
    courriel : olivia [at] council [dot] art

Information source

  • Olivia Alvarez
    courriel : olivia [at] council [dot] art


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« AFIELD mentorship program (2019) », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Friday, April 19, 2019, https://doi.org/10.58079/12hr

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